

Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I'm ready for Texas to start over and be it's own Republic again..

And close the borders to those coming in from California. I don't mind those from Mexico and South America. But those from California are...........

Well, let's just say they are. lol


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Well most of it is common sense
Apparently the number of cases of normal flu this season are down by near 80%
The boffins attribute this to Covid -19 making people more careful with their personal hygine and it becoming socially unacceptable to turn up to work with cold or flu symptoms so the flu virus dies out rather than being spread to another 1/2 dozen people..


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
Don't believe anything you hear or read on the internet. Especially from someone with Hammer in his name
I have a friend who got paid to be a test subject for a possible vaccine. I'm not sure if it was the same vaccine that's coming available.

It was just the timing of this exact sort of epidemic, that forced people to use social distancing and masks.

On a side note My hearing being what it is, at least when everyone finally gets to take their masks off, I'll be able to hear them. Simply because when wearing a mask, you have to talk louder. And everyone will be use to it.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Remember every year the flu virus changes so last years vaccine will not be as effective or might not work at all.
So in the space of a few weeks the vaccine companies come up with a new vaccine for the current flue and that vaccine some times will change several times in a single season.
The vaccine that the north should have finished taking will be different to the one we will get in the south in a few months time .
This why they now think they can attack the stalk of the virus instead the head. The stalk don't change much but the head is constantly changing. Or that is the latest theory. If works then we can have a more universal flu vaccine plus it will be much more effective than the current average 50%.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Back when I was trucking, I delivered a partial load of flu shots to a Rx CVS warehouse, the guy on the dock was upset about getting the wrong vaccine. And even more upset that what they got, was what CVS ordered. He said it was not for the kind of flu that was going around their area. Apparently they already knew this and didn't care. They were going to give people a flu shot, regardless.
People would think they were getting the right one. But all they were doing was wasting their money.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Back when I was trucking, I delivered a partial load of flu shots to a Rx CVS warehouse, the guy on the dock was upset about getting the wrong vaccine. And even more upset that what they got, was what CVS ordered. He said it was not for the kind of flu that was going around their area. Apparently they already knew this and didn't care. They were going to give people a flu shot, regardless.
People would think they were getting the right one. But all they were doing was wasting their money.

I can see you have never raised livestock in a paddock.
The reason why the locals were coming down with a different flu was because they were not coming down with variants that the vaccine was effective against.
There is never only a single flu virus circulation it is always a cluster of them so the one that the shot was not effective for .
That is exactly how they work out that a new mutation is spreading .
Which is the same as the cattle in a paddock, they eat what they like and leave behind the weeds.
If you don't attack those weeds they take over the paddock.

Now I understand that warehouse was annoyed that they got the wrong vaccine but it was not a waste of time & money, it was just not as good as it could have been.
Having immunity to 4 out of 5flue viriii is better than none at all


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
I doubt Trump will call marshal law. Since Barr's resignation, and the supreme court knocking his feet out from under him, he doesn't have a leg to stand on now. If he even tries it, the GOP will kick him to the curb.
I don't think the president has near as much power as people make out. Luckily for us.

But like I was saying, the riots, protests and what looked like a civil war coming, is all gone now. Nothing like a good ole fashion epidemic to shut people up. In fact, it almost seemed like marshal law, when you think about it. Orders to do just about everything a certain way. With the exception of being force to do it, just because the government said so. In this case, if you didn't, you got covid.

PT- Keep your eyes open on Jan 6th, You might see something surprising. Are you familiar wit the Constitution ?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
From what has been reported down here President Trump has a pile of outstanding warrants that apparently can not be issued on a sitting president.
Thus the reason for not wanting to go.
Also the reason for palling up to Russia & China just in case he has to bail out to avoid prosecution.
Apparently there are a few big big loans that also fall due very shortly that his companies do not have the funds to meet.