Don't worry, PM me your mailing address and i'll make sure your lump of coal gets delivered!Just got an email from the north pole telling me Santa has covid-19 and will be in quarantine till after Christmas so i won't be getting anything for christmas this year. Bummer.
What? Coal? I was hoping for a new CNC for wood carving. Of course, in my other business i screwed up and ordered some equipment that was wrong and i can't return as it was considered special order so i get to eat $2600 so going to lose some on that job so no new toys for now.Don't worry, PM me your mailing address and i'll make sure your lump of coal gets delivered!
He's been watching youWhat? Coal? I was hoping for a new CNC for wood carving. Of course, in my other business i screwed up and ordered some equipment that was wrong and i can't return as it was considered special order so i get to eat $2600 so going to lose some on that job so no new toys for now.
Well I haven't spent that much yet. I did get my new Oregon 410 Saturday and got to go and get set of tires for my truck. But everything else I had plan to get is off the table for now here too since the government haven't even bother to send me that $1200 stimilus check they promised to send. I should have known the government lies. Oh well at least I didn't borrow the funds.
This has been one heck of a year.
I would like to wish everyone on here a very Merry Christmas and a Very Happy ,Prosperous and healthy New Year!
? ? ?
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I upgraded to the 620-120 with the hydraulic chain clamp. Really like it. Speeds up sharpening time. Got tired of changing wheels to do rakers so i got a second one. The CBN wheels from Diamond Wheel are the way to go.
My shop is a 24x24 building. I could use double the space. I don't have much room to stock parts. I want a sand blast cabinet but no room for it. Every inch of wall space is used. Told the wife i need to build an "annex". That got a pretty emphatic No.I see you are just as cramp for space as I am. But go that route I would three units. But the few chains I do each year changing discs should be to much problem for a couple years. When I brought my place back in 2014 I thought I was going to have a storage room but some idiot had put the tin roof on backwards there was unseen water damage. Now I am storing some my parts in the home instead. Glad I don't have a wife or I wouldn't hear the end of it.
build a larger shop, say, twice the size of what you have now, and divide it with a wall, one side can be your extra space, the other side, your wife's She Shed.My shop is a 24x24 building. I could use double the space. I don't have much room to stock parts. I want a sand blast cabinet but no room for it. Every inch of wall space is used. Told the wife i need to build an "annex". That got a pretty emphatic No.
Funny are you using my shop? Same size. Or in my case the great outdoors for repairs and building for tools and parts storage. Boy it makes it hard on cold or rainy days and in the asphalt hot to fry eggs. I checked a few time and it hit 145f; no wonder I got blisters those days. Plenty of area to expand but the funds are non-existent.My shop is a 24x24 building. I could use double the space. I don't have much room to stock parts. I want a sand blast cabinet but no room for it. Every inch of wall space is used. Told the wife i need to build an "annex". That got a pretty emphatic No.
I have a 60x72 barn LOL and my wife has decided she needs to keep everything. Every time i clean out a spot she finds stuff to save. Of course i suffer from a slight case of packratitis too. When i built it i put a 20x60 upper level in part of it. 1800 sq ft that is FULL of crap. Then 4200 sq ft of floor space and you can't see the floor. Trying to clear out enough space to get the wood shop back in action. Maybe this spring. I need a 20 yard a larger shop, say, twice the size of what you have now, and divide it with a wall, one side can be your extra space, the other side, your wife's She Shed.
My shop is a 24x24 building. I could use double the space. I don't have much room to stock parts. I want a sand blast cabinet but no room for it. Every inch of wall space is used. Told the wife i need to build an "annex". That got a pretty emphatic No.
Ain't no room there either.
You and every one elseAin't no room there either.
Wishing 2021 is a better year for all.
I don't know about getting stuck yet either. We'll see how the first shots work on those. I'm reading many are having some side effects..
My Cousin & his wife up in PA both have the Covid & are in the hospital. Learned that the wife just passed away..
One time I really do not want to be .Thanks Guys.
Bert, you are correct sir.
I don't know what to believe anymore. I just decided screw it, if I get it, i get it. Take as much of my plasma for other patients to get Well. . I'm in excellent health and no conditions that affect my lungs. And I've been taking extra Vitamins that are beneficial to my immune system.
I keep hearing masks work, masks work. Yet i know at least 15 people who've gotten the virus, wore the mask, washed their hands and all that, like their life depended on it. I haven't done any of that and im fine 10 months later.
Im just taking my chance with 98.2% survival rate.
Our wacko governor shut us down hard for as long and as much as possible to be sure "we" got funding. He still has 3.5 billion left to spend by January 1. He ought to distribute it to small businesses he hurt or put out of business shutting down the state.PTmowerMech- Sorry to hear. But agree no matter what, it gets tagged as covid.. But that is how states try & get more funding.. Rotten crooks.
Considering the technological advances over just the last decade things are a lot easier to gene sequence which was one of the hardest parts developing vaccines. Just think they just discovered that the flu virus can be attack at the stalk of the virus instead of the head. The stalk rarely changes year to year so they may be able to develop an one time flu shot vaccine in the near future.I may be a little more conspiratorial about this, but according to the CDC, COVID-19 (COrona VIrus Disease 2019), is a new disease. How could this thing just pop up one year, and about 1 year later, there's a vaccine for it? The conspiracy part of it was the governments need to squelch the rioting & protesting going on. Including China and the US.
Things that make you go hmmmm
Technology gets faster all the time
When Mr Briggs &Mr Stratton started to make engines the only way to test a new engine design was to make a set of drawings , send then down to the foundry & machine shop hen 10 days latter you had a test machine.
Now days I can sit at my computer , design an engine, build it virtually and run it on the desktop .
I can change the bore, stroke, piston ring width, ring placement , gudgeon pin placement even the size & position of the cooling fins, all on the computer without touching a single piece of metal .
The same technology exists for medacines.
W can thank Thalidomide and in particularly AIDS for that where they made softwear to check what almost every combination of currently available drugs in every doseage levels before they gave it to a single patient .
Microscopy has gone leaps & bounds so researchers can see what they are looking at and watch what happens to virus packets when expose to various drugs in real time .
So before they even think of doing trials the pharmacology companies have a list of rugs that will work.
Some will kill the virus packets, some will envelope the packet and render it useless, some will stop it reproducing some will stop your immune system attacking it ( which is why you actually die ) and some will stop you spreading it .
Then the hard slog starts because if a drug has no side effects then it is not working and there are a lot of things you can not model for so that is where the clinical trials come in.
Ideally you would do this for several years to cover all of the variables ( remember those known unknowns ) and that is the bit they have short cuted .
Remember every year the flu virus changes so last years vaccine will not be as effective or might not work at all.
So in the space of a few weeks the vaccine companies come up with a new vaccine for the current flue and that vaccine some times will change several times in a single season.
The vaccine that the north should have finished taking will be different to the one we will get in the south in a few months time .
Considering the technological advances over just the last decade things are a lot easier to gene sequence which was one of the hardest parts developing vaccines. Just think they just discovered that the flu virus can be attack at the stalk of the virus instead of the head. The stalk rarely changes year to year so they may be able to develop an one time flu shot vaccine in the near future.
Plus they are using a completely new way of developing the vaccines now which also speeds development. Sometime all it take is the tweaking of an already develop vaccine.
Plus if the governments would actual resolve some the problems rioting wouldn't happen. Or in recent history having someone to egg it on just to get his way.
Look at the latest reports where the president is thinking about just declaring martial law so he can stay in office. If that happens boy my customers are going to be pissed as I will double my rates just I can put with the hassles of getting anything done.
I'm ready for Texas to start over and be it's own Republic again..
Crazyfornia.And close the borders to those coming in from California. I don't mind those from Mexico and South America. But those from California are...........
Well, let's just say they are. lol
Huh?I have a friend who got paid to be a test subject for a possible vaccine. I'm not sure if it was the same vaccine that's coming available.
It was just the timing of this exact sort of epidemic, that forced people to use social distancing and masks.
On a side note My hearing being what it is, at least when everyone finally gets to take their masks off, I'll be able to hear them. Simply because when wearing a mask, you have to talk louder. And everyone will be use to it.
This why they now think they can attack the stalk of the virus instead the head. The stalk don't change much but the head is constantly changing. Or that is the latest theory. If works then we can have a more universal flu vaccine plus it will be much more effective than the current average 50%.Remember every year the flu virus changes so last years vaccine will not be as effective or might not work at all.
So in the space of a few weeks the vaccine companies come up with a new vaccine for the current flue and that vaccine some times will change several times in a single season.
The vaccine that the north should have finished taking will be different to the one we will get in the south in a few months time .
Back when I was trucking, I delivered a partial load of flu shots to a Rx CVS warehouse, the guy on the dock was upset about getting the wrong vaccine. And even more upset that what they got, was what CVS ordered. He said it was not for the kind of flu that was going around their area. Apparently they already knew this and didn't care. They were going to give people a flu shot, regardless.
People would think they were getting the right one. But all they were doing was wasting their money.
I doubt Trump will call marshal law. Since Barr's resignation, and the supreme court knocking his feet out from under him, he doesn't have a leg to stand on now. If he even tries it, the GOP will kick him to the curb.
I don't think the president has near as much power as people make out. Luckily for us.
But like I was saying, the riots, protests and what looked like a civil war coming, is all gone now. Nothing like a good ole fashion epidemic to shut people up. In fact, it almost seemed like marshal law, when you think about it. Orders to do just about everything a certain way. With the exception of being force to do it, just because the government said so. In this case, if you didn't, you got covid.
Oh, come on buddy, doesn't no toilet paper sound enticing to you?Yea, becoming a Socialist country would be better, right ?
To quote Abraham Lincoln "Don't believe everything you read on the internet "
Capitalism ends up with an executive class that diverts the peoples money into their pockets .
And here I thought it was the Mob was in charge.
Crony capitalism, crony socialism, the results are he same
Then bulk of the population gets poorer and the top 10 % suck up all the money for themselves.
The USA led the world with your anti-trust laws which have been watered down to a point now days that they are a joke.
Microsoft is the perfect example of this.
A company that stole an idea from one compeditor ( apple ) then stole a product from another one ( IBM ) then was allowed to become a virtual monopoly which stiffelled all emerging softwear developeres .
The USA auto industry went from a healthy competition to a cosy duopoly to the detriment of all Americans .
All because the government would not enforce the rules that keeps the system honest.
The instant a new industry is established, all of the parties instantly form cartels to subvert the rules , we call them "chambers of commerse" or "industry associations" but in reality they are there to protect the position of the established players to the detriment of new entrants thus subverting true competition .
If the USA was a true capitalist system they would embrace unionism but instead the management did everything they could to destroy them, the opposite of what Germans did which is why Benz took over Chrysler & VW became the worlds biggest car maker .
A workforce that works with management is a very very powerful entity a management that is at war with it's workforce is on a path of self destruction.
Then we have the sick perversion of capitalism,,,, consolodated capitalism where a very small number of shareholders gain control of a company sucking it dry like a leach then going on to do the same to other businezsses. And we won't mention banks , millions of hard working people world wide sent into poverty by a greedy few that the government refused to reign in.
And on the same subject, what do you call a system where the government uses borrowed money to bail out the richest people on the planet because "the banks are too big to be allowed to fail"
In real capitalism, those who had invested in a badly run business lost their money when the business failed and hopefully a better team picks up the assets ( loans in the case of a bank ) at bargan basement prices and runs the business better .
What happened, the innocent ( loan holders ) got shafted & sent broke despite the fact they had not defaulted on their commitments and those who had broke the rules, committed crimes got bailed out .
Have a good loo at the board of Boeing & explain why the bunch of losers who sent McDonald Douglass broke ended up on the board & seniour managements positions of Boeing, replacing the board that had been running Boeing at a healthy profit and in the space of no time had Boeing on it's knees
Personally i think i fall in line more with the Libertarian politics. Republican/conservatives is the next best thing, i feel there isn't enough support nationally yet with the libertarian parties (as far as senate,house and the Presidency) so i support the republican ticket since i don't want what the left is offering. and telling me what i need.Crony capitalism reeks of government intervention. Plain ole capitalism doesn't want government interference, because it doesn't need it.
Personally i think i fall in line more with the Libertarian politics. Republican/conservatives is the next best thing, i feel there isn't enough support nationally yet with the libertarian parties (as far as senate,house and the Presidency) so i support the republican ticket since i don't want what the left is offering. and telling me what i need.
There's a HUGE difference between plain old fashion capitalism and crony capitalism. Most of us small business owners practice plain old fashion capitalism.
Crony capitalism reeks of government intervention. Plain ole capitalism doesn't want government interference, because it doesn't need it.
Doctors are only practicing medicine. They haven't gotten to professional level yet. Mine just changed my blood pressure meds the first of December and now my blood pressure even higher.than before with the other meds.
What it is easy to overlook is bodies are not lawnmowers.
The religious nutters maintain we are all made in the image of their particular diety so are there fore all the same & perfect .
However unlike mowers no 2 people are identical, no 2 have identical diets , do the same exercises or have the same geans .
So what works for one person might not work for the next person.
The past year I have gone through 3 cycles of RA . Now the steroids work perfectly for short term reversion when the long term plan fails, but we are now on the 3rd long term management plan.
I have customers who are on a single Metho a week and doing fine while others are on 6 + injections + up to 4 other medications to control the RA and then others to alleviate the side effects of the control meds.
The truth of it is we are just another animal and once we have lived past peak reproduction age we are supposed to die like every other animal on the planet living in it's natural environment.
Speaking of medical practices. I heard that alcohol kills the covid. I may have been exposed today and ingested some of the virus so to combat it i plan to ingest large quantifies of alcohol.
Why yes officer, as a matter a fact speeding to the liquor store is a medical emergency. I need a bottle of covid vaccine. Dr. Fouci said so.