

Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
What do you guys expect. Trump has been running for re-election on Day One of his presidency. He is only out for one person that is himself; screw the rest of us anytime we don't agree fully with him..

To honest here I haven't seen a functioning federal government since he became president. No one in Washington, DC can get anything done; unless, they kiss his backside. He is just acting like a dictator. We got to get back to at least a functioning Federal government.

If tries to leave the country to avoid prosecution he have to find a country without extradition agreement with the US. Most are Muslin countries that he has already pissed off.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Neither China nor Russia have treaties and he has been sucking up to both.
Could be he wants to build a lot of resorts in those countries and perhaps he wants to reside in one permanently .
As for ineffective government I had assumed that is why he got elected in the first place.
People down here are fed up with partisan politics paralysing the country and we appear to be a pale shadow of the ultra divisive partisan politics happening in the USA .
Good thing is we have some largish alternatives so it is never a 2 horse race but the major parties spent a fortune trying to destroy all of the minor parties .

managers tend to have a God complex.
I am the manager, I make the rules and everything I say will happen because I said it would .


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
Yea, becoming a Socialist country would be better, right ?


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
Yea, becoming a Socialist country would be better, right ?
Oh, come on buddy, doesn't no toilet paper sound enticing to you? ;)
any person who wants socialism, go live in Venezuela. they got it good down there, what's on the menu tonight? probably your pet cat.
You notice, alot of Cuban americans/central americans in Florida vote Republican. know why? They fled socialism. they know what it causes.
I'm telling you if thing don't work out in the next few weeks, the Republic of Texas is sounding good. I'd rather stay an American, but don't offer me socialist ideas from Karl. that have never worked.
so what if someone doesn't like the president "cause he said this" or that. One hand you got the death of a nation on the doorstep, the other hand, law, order, and a strong nation full of toilet paper and plenty of food to eat, and food for your pets.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Both systems have their good & bad points and neither is any better than the other when practiced properly .
Problem neither is.
Socialism ends up with a dictorial class of party officials diverting the countries wealth into their pockets.
Capitalism ends up with an executive class that diverts the peoples money into their pockets .

For either to succeed for the bottom of the wealth pyramid you need strong regulations impartially applied .
Neither does this.

The Scandanivan countries come as close to socialism as I would care to venture with free top class health care, free education that is worth having , and a government with a social conscious .
I really can not think of a capitalist country that has anything like good system that is fair , & rewards all levels of labour in a fair way so people doing low value jobs can live a dignified life and management gets pait what they are worth, not how much they can extort from shareholders .
Lack of legislation perverts the fundamentials that the system is dependent upon.
How can an average person make a decision as to which mower to buy if that mower is not clearly labeled with it's expected service life and typical running / maintenance costs over that period ?


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
All I can do now is hang of head in shame as what is going on in the USA. We have become the laughing stock of the world. Look just what happen overnight with the so called great law and order president just pardon a lot of his closest crooks and liars. All found guilty by juries, sentence by judges, and jailed. Then veto our military funding bill even he claims be for the military just he pissed off at Twitter and Facebook flagging his posts. On top that he ruins everyone hopes for after Christmas help during this pandemic by simply refusing to do anything until the last second. Hopefully Congress will have the guts to override his vetos but probably will just kiss his backside.

I go bad feeling with his comments lately he is planning a coup next month if he don't get his way. I pray it don't come to that.

Texas you are not alone in thinking about succeeding from the union. California has given it thought too. We here in the South tried but the starving and cold Northerners over ran us. AMny on both got killed over stupidity.

And we still get those snowbirds here every winter.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Capitalism ends up with an executive class that diverts the peoples money into their pockets .

What you're describing is "crony" capitalism. Which isn't capitalism at all. It just has the name. Sort of like todays republican calling themselves "conservatives." There's nothing conservative about them. That is not until there's a democrat in the White House. Then suddenly they start caring about the deficit and national debt again.