Today's younger generation


Lawn Addict
Apr 9, 2018
If I ever get married again I'll probably wear a pair of green pants and yellow shirt to match the paint on my John Deere mower that we'll take on our honeymoon.


Staff member
Sep 24, 2017
If I ever get married again I'll probably wear a pair of green pants and yellow shirt to match the paint on my John Deere mower that we'll take on our honeymoon.
can I be invited?
to the wedding that is... I have a nice Cub Cadet Yellow and Blue 3 piece suit ;)


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Is it just me, or are many of todays young adults selfish, self-centered, and unappreciative? My wife is over at my mom-in-laws house today, thery have been planning, preparing for, and paying for a baby shower for my wife's youngest niece for the last two weeks. Three years ago, my wife and MIL paid for and prepared for a bridal shower for the same person, and two years ago many of the family members paid their own expenses to fly to Cancun and stay there because the young couple wanted to be married in this so-called romantic location. Here they are so broke they are living with the guys father, yet they could ask others to fly to Cancun so they could have a wedding there.

My wife told me this morning that neither she, nor my mother in law, nor any other family member involved got a written thank you note for either the bridal shower, or the wedding, and none of the people that gave the couple a gift got a note of appreciation for their thoughtfulness. That was news to me. Well, not really SURPRISING news.

Four years ago, I helped the second youngest niece move about 100 miles to another apartment complex for her job change, in the middle of the winter. Probably worked 20 hours in the bitter weather, provided boxes, moving pads, carts, dollies, put 200 miles on my truck and enclosed utility trailer, guess what? Never even got a word of thanks personally, via email, or a note.

Went to two graduation parties a year and a half ago, distant cousins kids were graduating from high school, drove an hour one way each time, gave each graduate a $100 bill and a very nice personal letter I spend a lot of time composing. Guess what? Never got a word of thanks from either of them.

I used to do semi-pro photography as a sideline, took pics for the wedding I mentioned earlier, put them in an album as a gift to the couple. Never heard a word of thanks. My wife asked me to attend the shower tomorrow to take you think I even want to attend?

Selfish, ingrate kids really tick me off. Thanks for listening.

Dude..... Many moons ago, my ex's middle kid got caught steeling, went to jail and finally got out after about 6 months. Since then, he's been on probation. I let him move in, since I was married to his mom and he didn't have any place else to go. Even though I DESPISE liars and thieves. And druggies.
Well it didn't take too long for me to kick him out for disrespecting me and his mom.
Fast forward a few years. Me and his mom are divorced, but still sociable. When I found this shop, there was no place for me to live so she let me shack up with her.
And in return, I gave the boy (32yr old) a job with me. about 3 weeks go by and a catch him out in the garage, stoned out of his skull, with a bag of meth lying in front of him. So I fired him. The thought of him wrecking my truck, with a customers mower on the back, while he had that crap in his system, was too much.
So after 3 weeks, and the boy still wasn't working, was still not cleaning his room or picking up his mess in the restroom, I tell his mom, "You're either going to force him to get help, force him to move out, or I'm leaving. Period. End of story."
I ended up leaving.
A month later, she's telling me that she's fed up with the son and that she's laid down the law to him, (after like the 10th time since I've known them) and wants me to move back in. Well, considering the motel bill is about $1000 a month, I thought I could move back in, save enough to get me a travel trailer soon enough.
Well the kid did finally have a job and was helping out around the house more. But I was working from about 7am til like 9pm. By the time I got home, I wasn't to do chores. Especially when those same chores was on his list to do. You know, like feed, water and walk the dogs, mow the yard, etc etc etc.
Well after about a month of that routine, the mom starts harping on me for not doing enough. Come to find out, the boy was trying to get back into his old lazy ways, and was complaining to his mom about me not helping him. So, one night I get home, about 9pm, to find my stuff sitting out on the front porch.

Moral of the story, some parents suck at raising kids. He'll talk down to her. Cuss her. and pretty much break every rule she comes up with, until she's about to blow her top. But then he'll do a little something around the house, and it's like she forgets all about the crap he did before. And there's a TON of grown kids (from their mid 20's to their 40's) that act like this. And their moms (and some dads) just let'm get away with it.

My shop is on the wrong side of the tracks, sort of speak. Lots of drugs and losers around here. And the sad part of it is, probably 40 to 50% of them are in their late teens to early 20's. They're homeless and on drugs because they can't "deal with their parents." And the whole time I'm wondering, how in the hell can you deal with going hungry, sleeping on the streets in the Texas heat and having to bum for everything you can get. The ex's son, he'd rather live on the streets that deal with having to abide by a few rules at home. His mom knows this. But she's afraid he'll end up in jail or dead if she kicks him out.

Mower King

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
And now they want parents to be the school teachers at home because of Covid-19.....In general, parents can't even raise there kids right, much less teach them things a school teacher does in school.....this is a sad, sad situation for the upcoming generations IMO


Lawn Addict
Apr 9, 2018
As I've said a hundred times " And the government just keeps paying unmarried, unemployed, uneducated, fourth generation welfare women to have children who just continue the cycle." May not apply in this situation, but most.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Mower King, are you saying something positive about teachers??? You know we only work 9 months a year with long Christmas and spring breaks,, 7 hours a day, are over paid and expect parents to help their children grow up.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Well it all comes back to the foundation of all evil, Consolodated Capital and greedy capitalist management.
Post WWII managment realized that they could exploit women to do menial factory work rather than modernise with high volume equipment.
Thus they could increase production for very little cost.
At the same time the US government invented the NUCLEAR FAMILY, single family houses with mum dad & 4 kids ( 6 if you were catholic ) .
No grandparents no grandkids.
This was done for two reasons
1) particularly in Europe to break down tribal prejudices and prevent historic hatreds being handed down from grandparents to grandchildren
2) To massively boost demand for consumer goods & housing to drag devistated economies into prosperity.

Originally it worked well then by the time the baby boomers hit production could not keep up so mothers were again drafted into the workforce to save business from spending lots of money on new tooling
Thus mothers were dragged away from the most important job on the planet, raising their children to be good citizens.
It also allowed management to stagnate wage growth where as in the 40's ( My 3 Sons - Leave it to Beaver families ) dad made enough money to buy a house, feed 6 people and educate 4 kids
Then in the 50's it was mum's partiotic duty to do shifts on the production line , leaving kids care very much to grandparents & neighbours and the false reward was paying off the house 10 years earlier and getting a second car/
By the 60's it was next to impossible to buy a house without 2 full time wages and mothers became so busy that 2 kids were all she could manage as the set roles for parents had not shifted since the pre WW I days when no mothers did paid work.
We then invented the "latch key" child educated at school by teachers and at home by Television because mothers were exhausted
By the 70's real wages had dropped so low that it was impossible to even feed & cloth a family of 3 unless both parents worked full time .
Neither parent had much in the way of free time so stuff like making & repairing cloths ended as did dad putting a new sole on your shoe or even repairing a broken chair.
We had invented the throw away society, even worse we had invented the greedy selfish society where ones "value" was the size of the house, the cost of the car & the cost of the expensive school we tossed the kids at .
In parallel with the new dog eat dog community we invented , governments became mean & nasty .
Down here all governments gave their employees a tiny wage rise in return for no longer allowing them access to public housing, so we created a Lord of the Flies situation where all public housing tenants had severe physical, mental , medical or social problems.
Thus their kids lived in a totally disfunctional community and strangely end up being disfunctional adults .
In the mean time advertising taped into parential guilt in order to get us to buy all sorts of stuff " for the protection of the kids "
The final nail in our coffin was cheap media who turned revolting role models into international celeberities for our children to emulate ( real or animated )

Mower King

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
Mower King, are you saying something positive about teachers??? You know we only work 9 months a year with long Christmas and spring breaks,, 7 hours a day, are over paid and expect parents to help their children grow up.
Knowledge and education are the basis for all things that can be accomplished in life. Teachers provide the power of education to today's youth, thereby giving them the possibility for a better future. Teachers simplify the complex.....not sure all parents can do this!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
But how do you tech a child who looks you in the face and says " EAT MY PANTS DUDE " and stomps off out the room ?
Or male children who refuse to accept any authority from women teachers ?
Basics such as language & respect for elders & those in authority have to come from the house, not the schoolroom .
When I wen to school, in the year that I turned 5 ( in December ) my parents had taught me my times tables 1 through 20, I woulf read the newspaper to them so I had good reading skills.
This was not out of the ordinary , most of the kids were on par with this.
Now days all they know is how to select a You tube video and dance ( wiggle & twitch ) to it.

Life skills are the job of parents not teachers but parents now days are too busy searching real estate catalogues for their 4th beach house to be bothered with their children.