Am I selfish, self-centered, and unappreciative? :frown:
I do agree, have some younger relatives of my own that I dont have the time of day for. I also know some young people that are very polite and appreciative of this old phart.....I guess it goes both ways.
do you think there has ever been a time or place when the older people in a society didn't disparage the younger ones in a similar fashion?
All valid points -- I don't doubt any of it. However, do you think there has ever been a time or place when the older people in a society didn't disparage the younger ones in a similar fashion?
No...... but I think that your assertion may be correct.But THANKS for your comments.....:laughing: You know what I am referring to here, don't you?
You have captured it perfectly... +++Well, lemme tell ya, this is why old people and young people don't hang out.
If you indeed were doing what you did selflessly, then it wouldn't make a rat's a-- worth of difference whether you even got noticed. Yes, it'd be nice, but why did you do it? Recognition? How much thanks would be enough? Kneeling and worshipping at your feet? Now, I know that's a real stretch, but I hope you see the point.
If you want something out of giving, is it really giving? If you yourself are so selfless and noble, why does it really matter? Or are you yourself wanting something?
I get so sick of this inter-generational BS. We're all frickin' human. We all have done / will do the same things, in the confines of a different society. Gimme a break.
I am going to say that younger folks TODAY are more rude, ungrateful, and self-centered than ANY generation have EVER been before.
But THANKS for your comments.....:laughing: You know what I am referring to here, don't you?
Likely not, or I would thump you...:laughing: Notice I said "many" I wasn't saying ALL of the younger folks are the way I portrayed them as being...I do forgive you for hijacking my thread, stealing my LMF MOTM chances, and making fun of my appearing 90 years old, so I guess you are not as bad as the ones I posted about....:biggrin:
.....and I could care a less if anyone ever responds to me again. Start a BS thread......I will give you BS back. Only fair.
I think the "entitlement" attitude (you know, "you owe me this") is much more prevalent in the current youth than in any previous generation. I also think that our current government is pushing this attitude and fostering it.
Kids are a reflection of their parents.
Don't blame the kids,blame the parents!.
Kinda like "monkey see monkey do" or "one reaps what one sows" :wink:
My 2 c
Well stated but the weird thing is, the kids on my side of the family and the majority of the ones on my wifes side of the family are well mannered and appreciative, BUT the pair in one family are simply spoiled brats who think the world owes them everything...what baffles me is that their parents tried so hard to raise them properly and set a great example for their kids to follow....:confused2:
My wife and I are the "Younger Generation" (23) and I would have to say we aren't too proud of it. Not saying we are saints, but it seems like we have this weekly conversation with ourselves. Not just about our generation, but even seeing the kids 5 years younger than us.
We live in a small community that I believe has pretty good values and relationships, but it makes my blood boiltoo when I see what some of the people my age do. I think it is the culture we live in. We worry about having our own kids and if we will raise them properly, because we see some of the best parents have the 'worst' kids. So it seems that setting the best example never guarantees a good turnout. We have come to the conclusion that we just have to give our best effort and whatever happens, happens. You can't make anybody be a good person, it is ultimately their decision, you can just try to point them in the right direction!
I am nearing 60 and you sound remarkably mature for someone your age...excellent post...:thumbsup:
Well, lemme tell ya, this is why old people and young people don't hang out.
Young people see old people as trying to impose their 'wisdom' on them, asked for or not. Old people, see the young ones as unappreciative of all that's done for them. Whether like JD, much has been given, or if simply allowing them the priviledge of hearing said wisdom.
We are a selfish society. We get told day in, day out, that it's all about us, and if we can get something for nothing, so be it - we deserve it - just because we exist. But, wait........are just the young doing this?
If you indeed were doing what you did selflessly, then it wouldn't make a rat's a-- worth of difference whether you even got noticed. Yes, it'd be nice, but why did you do it? Recognition? How much thanks would be enough? Kneeling and worshipping at your feet? Now, I know that's a real stretch, but I hope you see the point.
If you want something out of giving, is it really giving? If you yourself are so selfless and noble, why does it really matter? Or are you yourself wanting something?
I get so sick of this inter-generational BS. We're all frickin' human. We all have done / will do the same things, in the confines of a different society. Gimme a break.
Slater....CLAP, CLAP, CLAP....well expressed. :thumbsup:
JDgreen said:So, you end up getting to work late, cold, wet, exhausted, dirty, your back aching, etc, just because you tried to help someone? How would you feel about the other driver who couldn't even bother to take a few seconds to appreciate your help? BETTER YET, HOW WOULD YOU FEEL IF IT WAS A FAMILY MEMBER THAT TREATED YOU THAT WAY??
But of course, this is only a BS thread I started..... You don't need to reply.
To tell you the truth, I wouldn't help, if I was expecting a 'thanks'. That's my point. If you are going to be the good samritan, then be it, and expect nothing. If you are expecting a thanks - well, you've said you're pushing 60 - haven't you noticed all humanity seems to be ungrateful yet? Why just pick on the younger ones? Because you felt hurt? I understand that....but that doesn't mean most, or even many of just the youth are like that. I won't explain my point again. I guess you can be bitter about it......and I'll come right back at you when you post BS about only one group, as if the others are innocent.:wink:
I'll keep replying, too......I'm not like other members who've left when ticked off.......I won't just go away. :biggrin:
Well the vast majority of holier than thou, ungrateful, disrespectful ingrates I'VE met are nearing retirement. :biggrin:
...and they seem to all be on WELFARE, if that tells you how deep the entitlement mentality goes back. But, you're right, just the young kids. Yup. I guess i was wrong.
Welfare, huh? Funny, I worked for the state Dept of Human Services (welfare dept) here for 32 years. I can tell you folks a lot of things about welfare that ain't so pretty, but despite the abuses there are a lot of people who deservingly collect their benefits. Glad I ain't one of them. :biggrin:
...and they seem to all be on WELFARE, if that tells you how deep the entitlement mentality goes back. But, you're right, just the young kids. Yup. I guess i was wrong.
.....AND drive truck? AND 'work with your hands' as you said once to me? Full life indeed! :biggrin:Okay, I give you that - some people are in need of assistance. I was on Food Stamps once.....and I never felt like I deserved a red cent of it! There is a difference, unless you're retired, then I guess your point of view is the only valid one.....:smile:
Well stated but the weird thing is, the kids on my side of the family and the majority of the ones on my wifes side of the family are well mannered and appreciative, BUT the pair in one family are simply spoiled brats who think the world owes them everything...what baffles me is that their parents tried so hard to raise them properly and set a great example for their kids to follow....:confused2:
Well, lemme tell ya, this is why old people and young people don't hang out.
Young people see old people as trying to impose their 'wisdom' on them, asked for or not. Old people, see the young ones as unappreciative of all that's done for them. Whether like JD, much has been given, or if simply allowing them the priviledge of hearing said wisdom.
We are a selfish society. We get told day in, day out, that it's all about us, and if we can get something for nothing, so be it - we deserve it - just because we exist. But, wait........are just the young doing this?
If you indeed were doing what you did selflessly, then it wouldn't make a rat's a-- worth of difference whether you even got noticed. Yes, it'd be nice, but why did you do it? Recognition? How much thanks would be enough? Kneeling and worshipping at your feet? Now, I know that's a real stretch, but I hope you see the point.
If you want something out of giving, is it really giving? If you yourself are so selfless and noble, why does it really matter? Or are you yourself wanting something?
I get so sick of this inter-generational BS. We're all frickin' human. We all have done / will do the same things, in the confines of a different society. Gimme a break. bring up some deep theological questions
It's all about respect.
Respect for your elders.
Respect for some ones sacrefices so you can live the way you do.
Respect for nature and what it provides
I'll try to make this short. :smile:
The winter a year ago, we had 2 snowfalls of 20" & 24" (we are talking about an area where people panic at 1/2"). We are on a "last serviced" State Road. I did 9 LONG driveways and 1/2 mile to the main road with my Ventrac snowblower.
Thank You, Gift Cards, Gas for Tractor, etc. from ALL -
EXCEPTone neighbor girl
(in her 20s with 2 kids by different fathers and not married - living in Daddy's house) I had pulled her car out of ditches 2 times and her "boy friend" 2 times (he said thanks). Not one word of thanks or even a hello when I saw her. :thumbdown:
Daddy has moved out and is letting her and the 2 kids stay in his house. Guess who isn't going to make the effort for her next time ? I might make one path so she could walk out, but not wide enough for the car with bald tires.
OK - Rant over -- Dad to this girl is a great guy & Vietnam Vet - If I know he is coming home I'll do it for him. :biggrin: :thumbsup:
Yes - very true. I would add:
- Respect for people's opinions, even when you don't agree with them.
- Ability to respectfully offer a counter-opinion.
ok, my $.02 (plus tax). Smartaleck nailed it. Kids (from EVERY generation) are self-absorbed and caught up in their own little world. They are SELFISH. It's just part of nature and has been since the dawn of time. You'll occasionally find some who are not. They are freaks of nature :wink:
I shudder to think how selfish I was when I was younger. I wish I could find every person I knew prior to my 30's and offer a blanket apology for my thoughtlessness. I consider myself very appreciative now - I'll go out of my way to help others and to let them know I appreciate it when they do the same. It all comes with age. And I've got age coming out of my butt. (seriously - it's tough to hold back at this point)
So JD was right. Today's generation is a bunch of unappreciative little brats. And so was yesterday's, and the one before that....
You say "kids"...maybe so they are, but the young adults in their middle 20's to early 30's are old enough to know a LOT BETTER than to take things for granted. My wife and I were in our early 40's when we married back in 1990. Every single person who attended the bridal showers and our wedding got a personal, hand written thank you note from us within one week of either event, whether they gave us a gift or not. It's just the way we were raised. NO EXCUSE for anyone over 20 years of age not to be as appreciative. NONE.
Of course, at 40 years old you would send thank-you cards out. That's to be expected.
There may be some differences in this thread about what is meant by "kids". I generally think of someone in their 20's as a kid. Certainly there are exceptionally mature and thoughtful 20-somethings, but for the most part they're self-absorbed and clueless about their connection to - or impact on - the world around them.
I was just starting to take my head out of my arse at 30, and I don't think I was alone there. (I mean that in a general sense - I don't mean there were a bunch of people with their heads up my arse) Well maybe there were - who knows, I wouldn't have noticed since I was completely clueless.
My older kids are very mature and respectful. But there is even a difference between the 29 and 27 year old in terms of their awareness of others. Mostly my 27-year old is very appreciative, and he doesn't ever intentionally act unappreciative, but I think sometimes he's just so self-absorbed in whatever he's doing that he doesn't have a clue what's going on around him. From my perspective that's not unusual, and it's not unique to this generation.
Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that!
I got the feeling early on here at LMF you were the type of guy who helps his neighbors, great for you to do that...but believe me, if I clear one driveway without a thanks from someone new around here I will not return to help. And if the girl you spoke of didn't thank me for getting her unstuck the first time I wouldn't help a second...maybe throw her change for a pay phone...:laughing:
My neighbors that I help tell me thanks in person or send me a text letting me know my help was appreciated...I don't expect anything more than that but to IGNORE someone's good deeds, like those my wife and MIL performed, are a real insult.
First off, I'm sorry, but respect to me is earned, not just given because someone happened to be born before I was. I respect some 'younger' people more than 'older' ones. Depends on how they treat me, versus respect by default.
Next, the elephant in the room in this debate is how these 'kids' were brought up (as far as the society). 25 Years ago was 1986. When these kids graduated, it was 2004. During this time, they were fed a steady diet of computers and video games. Their parents were probably online as far back as they can remember. Impersonal, cold electronics were seen as 'interaction'. Although we as adults understand there's a person on the other end of the computer terminal, it may not be the same understading for a kid. An email, text, tweet, or a FB status may have a lot more meaning to them than to someone older.
Who even USES the mail these days? Anymore, many of us use it only to send/recieve stuff from ebay. I can't remember the last time I sent a card in the mail to anyone! If you think I'm wrong here, just look at the financial state of the USPS...........
I am not talking about RESPECT, just appreciation that is well deserved for doing something for someone. The young lady who was given the bridal shower came to us and ASKED my wife if she would host her the bridal shower. My wife happens to be her closest living female relative, outside of her mother, who will have nothing to do with her daughter, and her older sister, who could have given the shower but begged off as she was "too busy" although being currently jobless which is her own fault. It's a pretty sad state of affairs if people think texting or tweeting or FB posts are an excuse for common sense and old fashioned courtesy. You wanna spar...fine with me. :laughing:
Next, the elephant in the room in this debate is how these 'kids' were brought up (as far as the society). 25 Years ago was 1986. When these kids graduated, it was 2004. During this time, they were fed a steady diet of computers and video games. Their parents were probably online as far back as they can remember. Impersonal, cold electronics were seen as 'interaction'. Although we as adults understand there's a person on the other end of the computer terminal, it may not be the same understading for a kid. An email, text, tweet, or a FB status may have a lot more meaning to them than to someone older.
Who even USES the mail these days? Anymore, many of us use it only to send/recieve stuff from ebay. I can't remember the last time I sent a card in the mail to anyone! If you think I'm wrong here, just look at the financial state of the USPS...........
Although YOU didn't talk about respect, there are several other posts here recently that DID.
The fact that this girl's mother won't have anything to do with her would've been a tip-off for me.
And, lastly, as I have said over and over.......we are on the other end of this society - we know about when it wasn't like this. But, these kids don't - and that's not an excuse, it's simply the truth. Do you expect them to really know better? Or simply know better vicariously through you?
JDgreen said:...I had a feeling the girl was just going to be a real ingrateful bitch but I didn't say that at the time.
Thanks to all for listening to my rant, and I appreciate the input from everyone here...I truthfully do not have many good friends in life, so I guess I was using this forum to vent my displeasure to those I felt a connection to. So I will let the issue drop...I PROMISE not to post here again about the subject at hand. Muhammed, will you please remove the thread?
And thanks again, you are collectively a wonderful (well, MOST of you :laughing::laughinggroup....:thumbsup:
.......twall, cut the "everybody hates me" crap. It's just a discussion based on one person's opinion.
Last post in this forum, just wanted to hit 1500 today. Sent from mobile.
Last post in this forum, just wanted to hit 1500 today. Sent from mobile.
"If JD holds to it" - he said.....
And I am the one worried about my postcount? :laughing: Hell of a place to put it, man.......:laughing:
Seems like just yesterday you started a thread about hitting wasn't yesterday, was it? :wink:
can I be invited?If I ever get married again I'll probably wear a pair of green pants and yellow shirt to match the paint on my John Deere mower that we'll take on our honeymoon.
Is it just me, or are many of todays young adults selfish, self-centered, and unappreciative? My wife is over at my mom-in-laws house today, thery have been planning, preparing for, and paying for a baby shower for my wife's youngest niece for the last two weeks. Three years ago, my wife and MIL paid for and prepared for a bridal shower for the same person, and two years ago many of the family members paid their own expenses to fly to Cancun and stay there because the young couple wanted to be married in this so-called romantic location. Here they are so broke they are living with the guys father, yet they could ask others to fly to Cancun so they could have a wedding there.
My wife told me this morning that neither she, nor my mother in law, nor any other family member involved got a written thank you note for either the bridal shower, or the wedding, and none of the people that gave the couple a gift got a note of appreciation for their thoughtfulness. That was news to me. Well, not really SURPRISING news.
Four years ago, I helped the second youngest niece move about 100 miles to another apartment complex for her job change, in the middle of the winter. Probably worked 20 hours in the bitter weather, provided boxes, moving pads, carts, dollies, put 200 miles on my truck and enclosed utility trailer, guess what? Never even got a word of thanks personally, via email, or a note.
Went to two graduation parties a year and a half ago, distant cousins kids were graduating from high school, drove an hour one way each time, gave each graduate a $100 bill and a very nice personal letter I spend a lot of time composing. Guess what? Never got a word of thanks from either of them.
I used to do semi-pro photography as a sideline, took pics for the wedding I mentioned earlier, put them in an album as a gift to the couple. Never heard a word of thanks. My wife asked me to attend the shower tomorrow to take you think I even want to attend?
Selfish, ingrate kids really tick me off. Thanks for listening.
Knowledge and education are the basis for all things that can be accomplished in life. Teachers provide the power of education to today's youth, thereby giving them the possibility for a better future. Teachers simplify the complex.....not sure all parents can do this!Mower King, are you saying something positive about teachers??? You know we only work 9 months a year with long Christmas and spring breaks,, 7 hours a day, are over paid and expect parents to help their children grow up.
Daughter in law is a special education teacher for elementary kids. Between dip$h!t parents and doing IEPs and conferences she is about burned out. In my other business i do all the audio stuff for some schools so i am involved a lot in their activities when they need audio services which is just about everthing they do. Many teachers spend exorbitant amounts of their own time doing these activities.MowerKing, I hope you realize that I’m just busting your chops. I spent 34 years in the classroom and have heard everything possible about teachers from students, parents, administrators, and everyone else’s who is smarter than a teacher. Even here on this forum I’ve been told what my signature says. It just surprised me that someone had something good to say about teachers, which I appreciate.
Daughter in law is a special education teacher for elementary kids. Between dip$h!t parents and doing IEPs and conferences she is about burned out. In my other business i do all the audio stuff for some schools so i am involved a lot in their activities when they need audio services which is just about everthing they do. Many teachers spend exorbitant amounts of their own time doing these activities.
This could help the situation if implemented here I suspect:
"According to the 1949 Israeli Security Service Law, conscription to military service is compulsory for all Israelis who turn 18"
Kids now days won't even be able to read this, much less, understand it!This could help the situation if implemented here I suspect:
"According to the 1949 Israeli Security Service Law, conscription to military service is compulsory for all Israelis who turn 18"
I agree that would be a good thing for AmericaKids now days won't even be able to read this, much less, understand it!
We had this discussion back in the days of the draft. What is the military's primary purpose? Defend the country or be a social training system? There is a valid argument that everyone should contribute to the common good by serving and that the structured military life could benefit elements of society, but the consensus at the time was that a smaller, professional force that wanted to be in the military was better.
We had this discussion back in the days of the draft. What is the military's primary purpose? Defend the country or be a social training system? There is a valid argument that everyone should contribute to the common good by serving and that the structured military life could benefit elements of society, but the consensus at the time was that a smaller, professional force that wanted to be in the military was better.
I volunteered for the military in 1975. In my basic training company at Ft. Dix New Jersey we had many enlistees from New York where the judge said military or jail. Well a scumbag is a scumbag with or without a uniform and scumbags don't change.
Didn't charge my boys rent but they turned out OK.
More like plan old NIMBYismBack then New York was run by idiots. Oh wait. New York is still run by idiots they just hide the corruption better. Those idiots think NY is the center of the universe and they are the smartest people in the universe. Ass hats.