Today's younger generation

Mower King

Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2018
This could help the situation if implemented here I suspect:

"According to the 1949 Israeli Security Service Law, conscription to military service is compulsory for all Israelis who turn 18"
Kids now days won't even be able to read this, much less, understand it!


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
We had this discussion back in the days of the draft. What is the military's primary purpose? Defend the country or be a social training system? There is a valid argument that everyone should contribute to the common good by serving and that the structured military life could benefit elements of society, but the consensus at the time was that a smaller, professional force that wanted to be in the military was better.

The problem with the US military, is the leadership. It's been using our military to defend corporations and other countries freedoms for so long, most Americans don't have a clue as to what real freedom looks like. Not to mention, they have their hand in everything that protects corporate America. Don't get me wrong, I'm not against corporations. They are extremely important. But I'm against fascism, corporate bailouts their lobbyist getting away with murder.
For example, the bailouts under W Bush. They could've spent all that money on catching people up with their mortgage payments, and adding 3 months to it. And would have spent 1/2 of that money. Instead, they gave it to the banks. When it was all said and done, the people still lost their homes. But the banks didn't lose a dime.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
We had this discussion back in the days of the draft. What is the military's primary purpose? Defend the country or be a social training system? There is a valid argument that everyone should contribute to the common good by serving and that the structured military life could benefit elements of society, but the consensus at the time was that a smaller, professional force that wanted to be in the military was better.

I am yet to find a Sergent let alone a General who would prefer to have 1,000,000 draftees over 100 volunteers.
Too may people have watched too may silly army movies depiction the wayward child becoming a model citizen.
It does not happen that way
They spend most of their time in detention and the rest consuming way too much time & effort from the training staff.
If they get battle they can not be relied upon and become a danger to themselves and a liability to the rest of the troops.
However most end up becoming neurotic failures and a great many end up self harming.
And FWIW 2 of my tutors and one professor were all Isralei disserters or draft dogers


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
And before this becomes a general generational bitch session a few self reflections
How many of you charged your kids board & lodgings when they were a home & working ?
Ours had to cough up 1/3 of their take home.
Daughter used this as an excuse to move in with boyfriend who lived in a share house
Within a year she had dumped him and come back home.
Bonking every night was fun for a while but it was the cleaning & cooking for all of them that became the romance ender.

How many of you required your children to do chores and made them responsible for doing them ?
Forgot the garbage so mum forgot their dinner or to wash their going out cloths etc.
They learn pretty quick .

Remember the younger generations are WHAT WE MADE THEM


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
I volunteered for the military in 1975. In my basic training company at Ft. Dix New Jersey we had many enlistees from New York where the judge said military or jail. Well a scumbag is a scumbag with or without a uniform and scumbags don't change.
Didn't charge my boys rent but they turned out OK.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
If a kid goes into the military as a decent kid, and comes out a decent man, chances are, he would've been a decent man without military.

We're all different in thousands of ways.
For example: One boy might be meek as a lamb. One girl might be sadistic. One boy might wanna be a girl. While is twin brother might be an honest alpha male.
I don't think kids can learn "right from wrong." I think those things are already in his mindset, same as his skin color. They can learn what's acceptable to society. But that doesn't mean he agree's with society.

I disagree with a lot of what society thinks is right or wrong. Luckily i'm 50 now and knows what society agrees with. And have learned to conform, while in public.
Example: If society says that the color blue was the best, I'd disagree. Why? I have no idea, why? I just know there's another color (or two) that I like better than blue.

Listening to my mid twenties son, I mean really listening to him. I think this younger generation has listen to their parents bich and complain about the way things are and decided they're not going to "conform." Why would they? Us parents bich and complain about the government, taxes, politicians, and just about everything else. So many have decided to just follow along with what their parents said.
A good example of this is biching about working all the time and not getting any where very fast. A kid hears this and wonder why bother working so much, since you're not going to get anywhere with it.
If teaching our children right from wrong worked, then every kid you have would be exactly the same. My two sons are as different as night & day. The 25yr old is still living with his mom. He works, and has some college under his belt. But enjoys living outside of work. There's not a lot of advancement in his line of work. At least not without a degree. The youngest, loves working. And being a pipeliner, at 23 has a big ole nice 4X4 crew cab dually. Big RV (because he works out of town a lot).
Both raised by the same mom & dad. Ate the same food. Watched the same shows, played the same video games, etc etc etc.

Now, I've expressed my opinion online, that should clear everything up. :rolleyes:?
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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I volunteered for the military in 1975. In my basic training company at Ft. Dix New Jersey we had many enlistees from New York where the judge said military or jail. Well a scumbag is a scumbag with or without a uniform and scumbags don't change.
Didn't charge my boys rent but they turned out OK.

Except now the scumbag knows how to kill people easily by hand and how to use a fire arm accurately & efficiently.
Not exactly the best thought out rehabilitation plan.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
Back then New York was run by idiots. Oh wait. New York is still run by idiots they just hide the corruption better. Those idiots think NY is the center of the universe and they are the smartest people in the universe. Ass hats.