Today's younger generation


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
First off, I'm sorry, but respect to me is earned, not just given because someone happened to be born before I was. I respect some 'younger' people more than 'older' ones. Depends on how they treat me, versus respect by default.

Next, the elephant in the room in this debate is how these 'kids' were brought up (as far as the society). 25 Years ago was 1986. When these kids graduated, it was 2004. During this time, they were fed a steady diet of computers and video games. Their parents were probably online as far back as they can remember. Impersonal, cold electronics were seen as 'interaction'. Although we as adults understand there's a person on the other end of the computer terminal, it may not be the same understading for a kid. An email, text, tweet, or a FB status may have a lot more meaning to them than to someone older.

Who even USES the mail these days? Anymore, many of us use it only to send/recieve stuff from ebay. I can't remember the last time I sent a card in the mail to anyone! If you think I'm wrong here, just look at the financial state of the USPS...........


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
Of course, at 40 years old you would send thank-you cards out. That's to be expected.

There may be some differences in this thread about what is meant by "kids". I generally think of someone in their 20's as a kid. Certainly there are exceptionally mature and thoughtful 20-somethings, but for the most part they're self-absorbed and clueless about their connection to - or impact on - the world around them.

I was just starting to take my head out of my arse at 30, and I don't think I was alone there. (I mean that in a general sense - I don't mean there were a bunch of people with their heads up my arse) Well maybe there were - who knows, I wouldn't have noticed since I was completely clueless.

My older kids are very mature and respectful. But there is even a difference between the 29 and 27 year old in terms of their awareness of others. Mostly my 27-year old is very appreciative, and he doesn't ever intentionally act unappreciative, but I think sometimes he's just so self-absorbed in whatever he's doing that he doesn't have a clue what's going on around him. From my perspective that's not unusual, and it's not unique to this generation.

Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that!

EXCELLENT POST...loved the part about "taking your head out of my arse at age 30" :laughing::laughing::laughing::thumbsup:


Lawn Addict
May 5, 2010
The real reason I helped (pulled her out) was because she was stuck in her father's driveway and blocking him from getting in and out (at the time he was in a wheel chair from surgery on legs) I felt he needed to be able to get in and out as well as his nurse and therapist. I did not expect thanks from anyone or gift cards or gas. It was her attitude of a snub (not even hello) and no attempt at a thanks that bothered me. Robbie (her dad) thanked me many times over and offered pay which I refused. I understand her Mom was that way and why Robbie is no longer married to her. :eek:

I got the feeling early on here at LMF you were the type of guy who helps his neighbors, great for you to do that...but believe me, if I clear one driveway without a thanks from someone new around here I will not return to help. And if the girl you spoke of didn't thank me for getting her unstuck the first time I wouldn't help a second...maybe throw her change for a pay phone...:laughing:

My neighbors that I help tell me thanks in person or send me a text letting me know my help was appreciated...I don't expect anything more than that but to IGNORE someone's good deeds, like those my wife and MIL performed, are a real insult.


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
First off, I'm sorry, but respect to me is earned, not just given because someone happened to be born before I was. I respect some 'younger' people more than 'older' ones. Depends on how they treat me, versus respect by default.

Next, the elephant in the room in this debate is how these 'kids' were brought up (as far as the society). 25 Years ago was 1986. When these kids graduated, it was 2004. During this time, they were fed a steady diet of computers and video games. Their parents were probably online as far back as they can remember. Impersonal, cold electronics were seen as 'interaction'. Although we as adults understand there's a person on the other end of the computer terminal, it may not be the same understading for a kid. An email, text, tweet, or a FB status may have a lot more meaning to them than to someone older.

Who even USES the mail these days? Anymore, many of us use it only to send/recieve stuff from ebay. I can't remember the last time I sent a card in the mail to anyone! If you think I'm wrong here, just look at the financial state of the USPS...........

I am not talking about RESPECT, just appreciation that is well deserved for doing something for someone. The young lady who was given the bridal shower came to us and ASKED my wife if she would host her the bridal shower. My wife happens to be her closest living female relative, outside of her mother, who will have nothing to do with her daughter, and her older sister, who could have given the shower but begged off as she was "too busy" although being currently jobless which is her own fault. It's a pretty sad state of affairs if people think texting or tweeting or FB posts are an excuse for common sense and old fashioned courtesy. You wanna spar...fine with me. :laughing:


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
I am not talking about RESPECT, just appreciation that is well deserved for doing something for someone. The young lady who was given the bridal shower came to us and ASKED my wife if she would host her the bridal shower. My wife happens to be her closest living female relative, outside of her mother, who will have nothing to do with her daughter, and her older sister, who could have given the shower but begged off as she was "too busy" although being currently jobless which is her own fault. It's a pretty sad state of affairs if people think texting or tweeting or FB posts are an excuse for common sense and old fashioned courtesy. You wanna spar...fine with me. :laughing:

Although YOU didn't talk about respect, there are several other posts here recently that DID.

The fact that this girl's mother won't have anything to do with her would've been a tip-off for me.

And, lastly, as I have said over and over.......we are on the other end of this society - we know about when it wasn't like this. But, these kids don't - and that's not an excuse, it's simply the truth. Do you expect them to really know better? Or simply know better vicariously through you?


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2010
Next, the elephant in the room in this debate is how these 'kids' were brought up (as far as the society). 25 Years ago was 1986. When these kids graduated, it was 2004. During this time, they were fed a steady diet of computers and video games. Their parents were probably online as far back as they can remember. Impersonal, cold electronics were seen as 'interaction'. Although we as adults understand there's a person on the other end of the computer terminal, it may not be the same understading for a kid. An email, text, tweet, or a FB status may have a lot more meaning to them than to someone older.

Who even USES the mail these days? Anymore, many of us use it only to send/recieve stuff from ebay. I can't remember the last time I sent a card in the mail to anyone! If you think I'm wrong here, just look at the financial state of the USPS...........

There's truth to this. I homeschool my kids and find that kids in the homeschool community do in fact still send cards and thank-you notes, but they're the exception. They do it because one of their parents is always there to show them when and how. But in this technological age we shouldn't expect hand-written thank-you notes for everything. But we can and should still expect some expression of appreciation. Most kids have access to a phone - heck my youngest have nicer cell phones than I do. There is no excuse for not expressing some form of appreciation when someone does something for you. On that point I agree with JD. I also agree that when someone withholds appreciation, an appropriate reaction is to then withhold generosity in the future. That's one of the ways kids learn over time.

Well, I hate to leave you all sittin' here on the Front Porch, but my wife just told me she'd APPRECIATE it if I would get up off my lazy butt and install wider doors on my shed so I can get my tractor in there and she can reclaim the garage. (never mind hand-written notes - I just received that little bit of "appreciation" on the business end of a snarl and a clenched fist!)


Lawn Addict
May 14, 2010
Although YOU didn't talk about respect, there are several other posts here recently that DID.

The fact that this girl's mother won't have anything to do with her would've been a tip-off for me.

And, lastly, as I have said over and over.......we are on the other end of this society - we know about when it wasn't like this. But, these kids don't - and that's not an excuse, it's simply the truth. Do you expect them to really know better? Or simply know better vicariously through you?

Actually the girl's MOTHER was whoring around big time when still married to the father...but that is another wife is a very giving, and generous person, I had a feeling the girl was just going to be a real ingrateful bitch but I didn't say that at the time.


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
JDgreen said:
...I had a feeling the girl was just going to be a real ingrateful bitch but I didn't say that at the time.

Maybe you should have! :smile:


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
Alright, said you wanna spar, right? :biggrin:

I have something I'd like to get off my chest. It's bugged me for 15 years or so. This is the place to do it. Since half the forum hates my guts anyhow because of this thread, I might as well stop holding back.

I am so sick to death of the Baby Boomers. All my frickin life all I've ever heard is "WE did this and WE did that, and all the good things on this Earth are thanks to us, and all the bad things are someone else's fault". You can deny it, but I'VE seen it and noticed it, and remember it all my whole stinkin existence. Whether my teachers, coworkers, TV, Radio, etc., etc., etc., It's all about the Boomers. Except when there is a problem. Then, it's our fault, or the WWII gen's fault. ENOUGH ALREADY.

Each and every generation has its good and bad contributions to society. To take all the credit, and dodge any blame is simply irresponsible and tacky as hell IMHO. I am sick to death of it. It was the BOOMERS that introduced drugs, sexuality, open lust for money, and a host of other things into the light of everyday life. "We didn't start the fire" is sure right.....but you made sure everybody knew every rotten thing that has been going on since time immorium. Instead of taking care of the newly-opened up can of worms, society viewed them as norms all of a sudden. They weren't things to be kept quiet, and be ashamed of, they were in the full light of day, and they haven't gotten any better at all. instead, they just get more press.

As far as the kids, the Boomers gave birth to the Gen X'ers. (probably in reference to 'brand x' - never the equal to the ever-famous Baby Boomers.....just a cheap knock off) We Struggled for decades under the weight of your expectations. We really tried to be what you wanted. But, since we failed before we even began (NOBODY could do as much as the BOOMERS, right?), your tossing aside of my entire age group is sickening. WE ARE NOT YOU - GET OVER IT! You expected us to carry the torch, and when we tried, and didn't hold it right - you just threw up your hands in disgust and wondered why we just didn't care. The Apathetic Ones.......yes, we are. We can never do anything right - so why stress about it another minute?

So, we had children. They grew up (those of us that tried too early the sexuality that was so blazenly shoved in front of our faces) in homes without fathers. In homes where mothers hated men because they were not there. It's all okay, right? We can talk about it now, because it's in the open. How's that working out? We have a bunch of 20-somethings that don't know what a family is. Blame them, fine. Blame us, fine again. But, I blame YOU, boomers. Just as your generation blamed your fathers.....and they blamed theirs......on and on to Adam and Eve. Each society makes the rules for the next. On and on......

So, there it is my complaint with old people. You can be staunch about how it's all our fault, and I will say look in the frickin mirror every g-----ed time. The boomers are innocent - B frickin S! I know this p---es off half (or many more) the forum. I don't care! (I am from the Apathy Generation - remember? one of the plethora of names you've labeled us with) I already stated that at the beginning. Why now? Because this thread just won't die. I also, won't just let it be.

What we have today is just as much the Boomers fault as anyones. They didn't start the fire, but they added plenty of gas to it..........


Lawn Addict
Feb 27, 2011
AWWWW, come on.....doesn't that broad brush paint as well the other way (now I've freshly loaded it)? Y'all were chomping at the bit to run down young people for acting young.........

I don't see anyone YET to defend my "right to vent"............oh, but that's because I am NOT SUPPOSED TO, right? I hope in your Baby Boomer hypocrisy, this thread dies because of my rant. Otherwise, I have 15 years of this stuff bottled up....and it's fermented well.........:biggrin: