Sad day

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Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
As such they do have a place in prevention
And I find them a PIA to wear .
Not the be all and end all.
They also have a secondary benefit, to remind people of the need for proper hygine.

Stops droplets? Who knew???? I didn't know we had an epidemic of random people sneezing directly onto others. Too bad the virus is airborne.

So you admit, it's a "virtue signal." Thanks.

But that's what virtue signals do, they signal.

As I told the masker yesterday, "masks are the new crucifix. It's the symbol of the new religion and like a cross, it doesn't indicate devotion or merit, it's just a symbol."

"I'm good......I believe......I follow the tenants of my religion. I will be rewarded by my god."


Lawn Addict
Sep 5, 2014
My mower sure ran great today, hate to mow on Sunday, but rains are expected from the Tropical Storm Ida in the Gulf & coming up.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Stops droplets? Who knew???? I didn't know we had an epidemic of random people sneezing directly onto others. Too bad the virus is airborne.

If you got your news from a reliable source like "Scientific America" for one , and not the mass media who intentionally sesationalise everything and deliberately try to make their consumers anxious or depressed then you would know the initial ( and for Mk I ) primary method of transfer was by what is medically called droplets and they can be so small that you can not see them by eye but can see them with a low power microscope and collect them as they only travel a few yards before they hit the ground and can contain a massive number of viral packets .
Usually they are referred to as "Gram + " by the medical profession and the lighter vapour is called " gram - "
This is why when you present to a doctor with an unknown infection you get prescribed 2 different anti-biotics .
Exhaled vapour is a different matter each water molecule can only hold 1 viral packet before it becomes too heavy and goes from being gram + to gram - .
This was the basis of the exposure time spread theory because they did not know and still don't know how many viral packets a person needs to be expose to before they become infected but they knew it had to be a large number for a vapour spread infection from contact tracing .
In reality it will be different for every person but an average can be found .
Thus if you were in an enclosed space for more than "X" minutes you got considered a casual contact and were advised simply to isolate & monitor your health for 14 days , although it looks like 21 would have been better as for some it takes longer for the packets to establish an infection.
Like a lot of respiratory viruses , Covid 19 is killed by the UV content in sunlight so it was assumed that a single packet in exhaled vapour would be killed in a few minutes thus not travel very far . This by the way is a big reason why colds & flus are worse in winter when the UV index drops significantly.

So you admit, it's a "virtue signal." Thanks.
Once again YOUR SPIN on what was said and not what was said and of course uses loaded language , another cheap argueing trick
I said it was a constant reminder to practice proper hygine , it could be an elastic band on your wrist if it works for you.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Before we go any further, I'd like to ask some questions.

1). What country do you live in? I suspect it's Australia but I don't like to make assumptions.

2). What do you do for a living?

3). Has you income been harmed by the lockdowns? Are you at risk of losing your means of sustaining yourself?

4). What is your age, fitness level, and general health state?

Once those questions are answered, I'll be better able to continue our debate.

Because I asked.

1). I live in USA, fairly rural area, not a large city.

2). I own rental property and I am expanding into landscaping. Mowing, home repairs, painting, brush removal, etc. Basically renting out the skills I learned and tools I acquired fixing up the rental properties I bought.

3). My income has been harmed by the lockdowns. Not to a great level, but the potential for losing a few hundred grand is certainly there. That would bankrupt me. I don't know anyone that has died of the virus but I do know business owners that have lost everything due to the lockdown.

4). I am in my 40's, generally fit.

The answer to every question you asked is in previous posts which again shows you are argueing against an idea you have in your head and not against what was actually posted.
But to make it easy for you
1) Oz
2) Berts Mobile Mower Repairs
3) Down over 80% on the turn over that was already down 40% due to the 2017-2019 drought then down again due to the 2019 bush fires & RA But not elligable for any government assistance ( it was carefully targeted to those who would vote for the current government and those who could be encouraged to change their vote ) . Much like Star I can get by on a very small income , grow ( or swap ) about 90 % of the fruit & veggies I eat get free eggs in season and eat mostly poultry ( some raised ) & fish ( mostly caught in the river near by ) .Although I did need to sell one of the rollers ( ex- hire car ) that I was going to be driving in 2019 .
4) 69 , strong & healthy apart from the RA which had me crippled for a lot of 2019 but is now stable .
5) although not asked, rural fringe of the largest city ( Sydney ) which is quickly being built out .
Not a single reported case within 10 miles of the workshop & 20 miles from the house ( lower Blue Mountains ) .

Not that it makes a difference but I do not care how many people Covid kills in fact the more the better as there are way too many humans running around making a mess of the planet .
However do not want to be the one responsible for the death or dissability of others .
While Covid is around I am living in the workshop & my wife is living in the house, we have no seen or touched each other for better than 2 years but we phone daily & video call once or twice a week .

While I do not believe in Eugenics I do believe that evolution is real so if the unvaccinated want to run around unmasked and end up seriously ill or dead then that just goes to prove that Darwin was right all along although there is a strong belief in Eugenics in the USA so may there would believe all those who died were the substandard people who should not have been allowed to breed in the first place .
as an aside and not really related to the current discussion, Mr Hitler derived his "master race & final solution " plan from the theories he was introduced to at the Eugenics meetings that he attended while he was in the USA and he was particularly impressed by the mass steralization of defective stupid women ( naturally defects could not the the fault of the male ) and the incarceration of physically & mentally defective Americans . Apparently when he was there the US was steralizing over 200,000 women a year .


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
You might just be a bit of a loner-type. Lots of guys are just not very out-going. I'm so outgoing I actually feel bad if I don't talk to new people around me! Of course I make lots of new friends and that tends to benefit me although I don't do it for monetary gain, I just like being friendly.

Humans though are meant to touch each other.........hugs.......handshakes.......these have been proven to help with not only mental health but physical health. Leave a baby untouched and it will literally die or grow up unable to think or reason at a useful level. Handshakes developed from showing strangers that our hands were empty and thus, we were not a threat to each other. If I met you I'd put my hand out. I may not pick my nose afterwards but I'd shake your hand.

Just yesterday I ran into two people that I believe are mentally damaged from the scamdemic.

The first was, really, pathetic. Inside a hardware store, double vaxxed, wearing a cloth mask (useless for stopping virus particles) that clearly wasn't washed very often. During our long chat he reached inside it twice to scratch his face! When I pointed out the obvious contradiction he had a silly answer......something a child would say. He was clearly re-programmed. Simply, that. And scared.

He said "I'm not scared." Sure he is. I told him, "the mask is a security blanket, you admit you do not wash yours, you touch your face inside of it, you had both shots, yet here you are wearing it months later, when you know the weave is thousands of times bigger than the virus itself. You'll be wearing that mask until the day you die and you won't die of the virus."

I also told him this..........and I told him I am not sure if it was really a "study" and since it was apparently done in 1960's Soviet Union, good luck ever finding it! The communists tend to be secretive, especially when it comes to unethical treatment of people.

If I remember correctly "the Soviets did a test and found that if a population is kept in a state of fear for a few months and told something inaccurate and then released and shown evidence that disproves what they were taught, 75% or more will carry those lies to their grave, no matter what contradictory evidence and proof they are shown."

I think that's happened. I think a significant portion of world society has been terrified and they will believe what they were told no matter what.

The second was a lady, obese, wearing a cloth mask inside McDonald's. I asked her and to my surprise neither she nor her family were vaxxed. (Generally the only ones wearing masks now are the vaxxers......unless wearing it under duress by an employer).

She told me something shocking "I haven't hugged my mother since the whole thing started." Her mother (she told me in her 60's) has not been hugged by her family in over a year!

I told her how suicide and self mutilation ("cutting") in America is up 333 percent, a factoid I heard on the radio back in April. I told her "go home, hug your mother before it's too late. Humans were meant to touch each's essential for a healthy mind and soul."

Given that the largest group to die of the virus is the obese......anyone that is still obese is not afraid of the virus. Nobody. They've had over a year to lose the weight. She isn't scared of the virus.......her mind......her ability to think rationally.........has been damaged. And she won't hug her mother as a result.

IT'S DISGUSTING. It's a crime that has been thrust onto an ignorant and compliant world. SMH.

No offense, but much of that sounds like it came from a psychology book. I'm not here to help improve others mental issues. Meet, greet and get down to business. If the business is friendship, then so be it. I'm down with making new friends.
You 100% on point, I am kind of a loner. A friendly one, though. I mind my business. But I'll also talk to strangers, if it's important or funny.

As far as vaccines and masks go. To each his own. I'm not going to bash either/or. It's silly to say that the virus can't get on someone's sleeve, brushed onto someone's hand. Then that person rubs his nose and bam he's got it. Or get through the mask into the persons nose or mouth.
There's no 100% on this issue, for either side. So why argue about it?


Jul 10, 2019
No untimely death is a good thing but one wonders just how many of his devoted listeners took his previous advice & did not get vaccinated then died before him because they looked up to him & trusted him .
IT is the one thing that really urks me about President Trump's continued anti-vaccine , anti- face mask & anti quarrentine stance.
He got fully vaccinated himself then had the best healthcare available to any person on the planet yet he wants others to take unnecessary risks with their life .

As for floods in TN & fires in Greece ( or OZ last season for that matter ) way back in the 70's when I was in college scientists were warning & predicting that global warming could drive substantially more sever weather extremes but they got ignored.
Then vested interests turned climate change into a left - right political idology debate .
Well now it is here and note every flood suddenly has become the biggest ever recorded in that particular region , every drought is the most sever ever recorded for that region.
Hotter hot days & colder cold days which whips up a lot stronger winds .
And the worst is yet to come
Let’s keep idiot WuFlu vaccinator comments off this forum. The mRNA vaccine is poison and as we have seen, numerous times, does nothing to keep one from catching it. It also doesn’t reduce hospitalizations per the CDC today.
What is the government response? Get another shot of DNA-altering poison.
If you’re unhealthy with HBP, diabetes you’re gonna have issues. If your a tobacco user, not so much.
The not-vaccine would have probably killed this man sooner… as it has over 100,000 times to date.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Let’s keep idiot WuFlu vaccinator comments off this forum. The mRNA vaccine is poison and as we have seen, numerous times, does nothing to keep one from catching it. It also doesn’t reduce hospitalizations per the CDC today.
What is the government response? Get another shot of DNA-altering poison.
If you’re unhealthy with HBP, diabetes you’re gonna have issues. If your a tobacco user, not so much.
The not-vaccine would have probably killed this man sooner… as it has over 100,000 times to date.
Well actually it is not a poison under any definition of the word poison you care to use .
Some people can have an adverse reaction to it . Some people have an adverse reaction to sunlight.
Then again some people have adverse reactions to water on their skin or even breathing air .
If you are going to throw around numbers then quote a source or they will be naturally considerd to be invented by you .
All of the vaccines do actually do some thing to prevent you from catching Covid and even more to prevent others giving it to you.
This has been tested scientifically ( able to be repeated & get the same results ) that vaccinated people get infected at a substantially lower rate than the unvaccinated.
And when vaccinated people do get infected them most do not suffer as much and produce substantially less covid packets as unvaccinated .
But it will not make you immune and I was not happy with all of the people incorrectly banding the term "heard Immunity" around all the time because it was a convienant word and sounded good .
I do not believe in God but have no problems with others who do until they start telling everyone that this or that is Gods Will and accuse all of the scientists who explain what is happening as spreading lies.
And despite what all the God botherers prostalize we are actually all different , not all identical in his image because of the random nature of gene transfer during conseception ( or original sin if you are a Pope botherer )
Now if you have hard proof from a verifiable source then please present it
As a person who was trained in the sciences I am always very happy when some one can prove that what I have understood to be correct is wrong .
However if all you have in your armory is inuendo, hear say nand conspiracy theories then you are wasting your time blathering to some one who is capable of relatively objective thinking .


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2010
No untimely death is a good thing but one wonders just how many of his devoted listeners took his previous advice & did not get vaccinated then died before him because they looked up to him & trusted him .
IT is the one thing that really urks me about President Trump's continued anti-vaccine , anti- face mask & anti quarrentine stance.
He got fully vaccinated himself then had the best healthcare available to any person on the planet yet he wants others to take unnecessary risks with their life .

As for floods in TN & fires in Greece ( or OZ last season for that matter ) way back in the 70's when I was in college scientists were warning & predicting that global warming could drive substantially more sever weather extremes but they got ignored.
Then vested interests turned climate change into a left - right political idology debate .
Well now it is here and note every flood suddenly has become the biggest ever recorded in that particular region , every drought is the most sever ever recorded for that region.
Hotter hot days & colder cold days which whips up a lot stronger winds .
And the worst is yet to come


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2010
No he wasn't vaccinated. He once said he had less than a 1% of getting the virus.

And here in Tennessee like Alabama most of the population associate with the Republican party. Personally I am a true independent voter, I don't vote along party lines just because I don't associate with any particular party. I do my research and vote whomever I think can do the best job.

But I can honestly says that the Republicans have made it hard for me to vote for their candidates with all the lies being told. Its just like a bunch brats fighting over a cookie. Right now I would rather vote for a rattlesnake instead of any of political candidates. At least I know what it going to do.

As for the US civilians in Afghanistan they should of had their backsides out a long time ago. They knew we were pulling out a long time before it happen fully. There is nothing like being stupid by voluntarily living in a war zone. That was their choice and now they want us to save their backsides because their stupidity.

It just like someone that has a tornado, hurricane, fire, or flood barrelling down on them that waits to the very last second to try to get to safety. They know it coming but refuse to move until it is too late.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Once again avery well presented production full of things that are totally wrong & have been proven so repeatidly
Hydroxychloroquine is the perfect example, my wife takes it for her Lupis and it works well for her, I took it for my RA and it made me substantially ill however she also has to take other drugs & vitamins to counter act the side effects of it. If there are no side effects of any drug you are taking then the drug is not doing anything and this goes for everything from asprin & vitamin C to stuff like Methtrexate which is so toxic that the hospital staff need full PPE when treating a cancer patient with it .
Hydroxychloroquine was tested worldwide and used in Australia , Brazil , Argentina , India, the UK, Japan & Italy and each country used different doses .
The doseage level use in Brazil & India triggered so many fatal heart attacks the trials were abandoned , every other country that tried using it found it to be ineffective .
I quote from a report that aglomerated all of the available data as of May 2021
We found that treatment with hydroxychloroquine is associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 patients, and there is no benefit of chloroquine.
The video implied a conspiracy by not attributing co-morbidaties on Covid deaths but that is SOP .
If you had a heart attack while driving , crashed you car and crushed your skull into a lamp post, your cause of death is listed as a crushed skull, not a heart attack so no conspiracy there either .
From day 1 we were told the vaccine was not going to stop you getting covid-19 infections exactly the same way as a flu shot does not stop you from getting the flu .
However the numbers coming out of the UK show that the vaccine does substanially reduce the intensity of a covid infection, reduces the infection transfer rates reduce the hospitalization rate and reduces the death rate.
The numbers coming out of the USA show unvaccinated people are getting infected at a substantially higher rate and suffering more than those who have been vaccinated .
So again no deception .

Like all good conspiracy properganda there were some truths there but the lies & deceptions outweighed them massively.
The largest computer on the planet did modeling 24 hours a day for months running all potential vaccines against the known consequences and interactions with other commonly used drugs.
Most of the possible side effect of the injections are common to other vaccines including the Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) which they made a big thing about also is associated with the flu shots most older people get annually.
PCR is a process, not a test the actual test is done on what the PCR produces and in Aust at least that is DNA extraction & identification so no chance of fudging our figures .
And if you run percentages the Australian numbers are on par with the USA numbers UK numbers , French numbers , German numbers and in fact all of the numbers from countries with similar medical systems . and their percentage numbers were totally wrong . Note they used numbers with 4 decimal places which implies a great order of accuracy .
However the medical professions used deaths per hundred / per thousand / per million etc which is easier for most humans to understand.
They also totally ignored the people who get covid & never fully recover

Then there was the yuck factor
"all these are commonly found in fertilizer , well they are also found in icecream , corn chips, bacon , on your kitchen table etc etc etc .

Secret formulas = nasty things ? well then don't drink Coke a Cola or eat Kentucky Fried Chicken either ( probably not a bad idea actually )

And finally, if you go to their "information page" you will see a subscribe button and a donate button .
Any site that accepts money is a money making business there for the purpose of exploiting the public for the financial gain of the presenter & not a provider of credible public information
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