Sad day

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Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
When I started this thread I had no idea it would go this long. A
Thanks. My brother lived life the way he saw fit.....something vastly lacking these days.

Your customer is a nutcase......Cult of Covid.

Sunlight breaks the virus down in 1 minute 40 seconds due to the UV component. That was the last useful bit of information I heard from official sources and that was summer of 2020. I forget when I heard (from CDC) that "3 feet is sufficient distance" and "it's hard to catch from a surface" (also CDC) but like the benefits of sunlight, no one wants to talk about it.

Niece is a nurse and reported to me today "lots of 1-month old babies in the hospital with Covid." I asked her, "since they are all 1-month old, how many of their mothers got vaxxed while they were in the womb?" She doesn't believe the hospital will ever share that tid bit.

And the CDC told us to stay inside and keep 6 feet apart wear a mask even in your own home around your own family. Shees what a bunch of idiots. The person responsible for all this is running the show and we are paying him over $400,000.00 a year Anthony Fauci. He started this gain of function research here under Obama. Obama realized it was too dangerous and shut him down immediately. Fauci took it to Wuhan and had it financed by us through some other research group. We have the fox guarding the hen house. He needs to be fired and tried for crimes against humanity.
All these difference variants are not mutating normally through nature they are mutating in the Wuhan lab and being turned loose on the world by China. JMHO Be Safe and God Bless


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Phil Valentine died of covid he was in good health had good vitamin D levels like he always said was essential to fight off covid. He was my ride home for many years it saddens me greatly that he is gone. There is no way he can be replaced just someone to fill his spot.
Sorry for your loss, you obviously were close & miss his company.
Peoples ability to fight off covid, or any other virus for that matter is all about the strength of their immune system which is initally down to genes.
After that all we can do is tinker around the edges.
There is just about nothing one can do to prevent catching it apart from isolation, filtering the air you breathe etc .
What makes Covid particularly difficullt is it can also be contact transferred


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
When I started this thread I had no idea it would go this long. A

And the CDC told us to stay inside and keep 6 feet apart wear a mask even in your own home around your own family. Shees what a bunch of idiots. The person responsible for all this is running the show and we are paying him over $400,000.00 a year Anthony Fauci. He started this gain of function research here under Obama. Obama realized it was too dangerous and shut him down immediately. Fauci took it to Wuhan and had it financed by us through some other research group. We have the fox guarding the hen house. He needs to be fired and tried for crimes against humanity.
All these difference variants are not mutating normally through nature they are mutating in the Wuhan lab and being turned loose on the world by China. JMHO Be Safe and God Bless
If you really believe this then it shows you have little to no understanding of virology and virology research
You also have no understanding of evolution & how evolution works.
And no understanding of how selective breeding , which humans have used for thousands of year in agriculture & husbandry, actually works .
Viruses mutate naturally , it is almost identical to you getting older and your body cells changing.
Now most of the mutations die out because they are weaker than the original virus, this is the basis of evolution of everything .
The odd one however will be better , stronger, able to reproduce more or earlier so this one will take over, Delta is doing exactly this.
The flu virus mutates all the time which is why the flu vaccine has to change every year .

After that is is just a matter of numbers
The more people who have covid, the more mutations that will naturally occur which is why the more virulent forms are coming out of third world countries where medical care is not as good as it is in first world countries and infection rates are substantially higher.


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
If you really believe this then it shows you have little to no understanding of virology and virology research
You also have no understanding of evolution & how evolution works.
And no understanding of how selective breeding , which humans have used for thousands of year in agriculture & husbandry, actually works .
Viruses mutate naturally , it is almost identical to you getting older and your body cells changing.
Now most of the mutations die out because they are weaker than the original virus, this is the basis of evolution of everything .
The odd one however will be better , stronger, able to reproduce more or earlier so this one will take over, Delta is doing exactly this.
The flu virus mutates all the time which is why the flu vaccine has to change every year .

After that is is just a matter of numbers
The more people who have covid, the more mutations that will naturally occur which is why the more virulent forms are coming out of third world countries where medical care is not as good as it is in first world countries and infection rates are substantially higher.

Just seems funny to me that none of these new mutations are getting weaker. Just stronger. How many new ones do we have now? We will never get rid of this virus will just have to learn to live with it or die of it.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Just seems funny to me that none of these new mutations are getting weaker. Just stronger. How many new ones do we have now? We will never get rid of this virus will just have to learn to live with it or die of it.
The weaker ones die out so they do not make the news because they are weak and do not infect sufficient people.
A lot of the people who had no symptoms, or recover very quickly could have been infected with a weaker mutation that the body's own immune system killed off inside their bodies.
People forget you get fever , runny eyes & nose because your body is trying to kill the virus which eventually it does which is why the infection only lasts 2 to 3 weeks.
This accounts for the fact that some people can infect dozens of people while others infect no one else.
But unless you do a full DNA test on each & every case you can not say that Bill got covid from Tom who got it from Mary etc etc etc.
The authorities only do DNA tests when the infected person has no known infection source so it can be linked or traced .
Now because of this the published R number is actually wrong because it is averaged out between the "super spreaders" and the non spreaders.
A simple example is a single infected person went to a funeral in Wilcannia NSW, a remote outback town of mostly native people .
At that funeral he gave it 28 people and if each of those people gave it to the same number of people the numbers of infections would have been 784 after the first 2 days.
However it was only 36 and of those 36 a lot were 4 or 5 people from the same household so most of the 28 passed it on to only one or fewer people .
This could well have been because what they exhaled were weaker than that they originally breathed in, ie an inferior mutation .
But the health department is only worried about the actual mass number which after 8 days ( 4 to 5 infection cycles for Delta ) is only just over 200 which gives you an R number of 2.3 not the 28 of the source infection. From the health department's point of view, it makes no difference between lots of small spreaders or just a couple of big spreaders, the outbreak will not be overcome till the population R number becomes < 1
The usual population of Wilcannia is around 700 but 200 or so people came into town for traditional mourning ( called sorry business )

And according to this report they are up to 12,000 mutations and counting
And according to this report only 14 are a problem so roughly only 1 in 1000 are bigger, better, stronger than what they mutated from.
But saying that will not get click throughs or sell newspapers .
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Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
If anyone still believes this is "about your health" I have some beachfront property I'll let go for a fraction of market value.

However, the thing's a new religion. The believers can't see that of course. They see our dissent as threats to their belief system.

Excellent read on the subject. Three articles.

Cult of Covid Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
If anyone still believes this is "about your health" I have some beachfront property I'll let go for a fraction of market value.

However, the thing's a new religion. The believers can't see that of course. They see our dissent as threats to their belief system.

Excellent read on the subject. Three articles.

Cult of Covid Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Thanks for posting the link, it is an article that I would never have come across otherwise .
For starter I will repeat what I stated earlier
Any site with a subscribe or donate button is a money making business, not a free purveyour of the "truth" as this site presents itself .

Well I suffered through Mr Hopkings rambellings but it took a lot of effort and self control.
A beautiful piece of very well written material containing every con artists trick in the book in order to convince the apoplectic & easily led who never learned to question what they read & why it was written, right down the garden path.
Right off the start he calls up all of the undisputed nasties we all know about, Hitler , Stalin etc so your mind is preconditioned to think evil mean & nasty.
Then he sows the seed of distrust the the "fake photos" that were never published so from then all every covid related photo is considerd to be fake.
Selectively pull out what was published as an UPPER LIMIT of possible fatalities if the virus was not controlled and uses the failue to reach those levels as proof that all of the numbers are fantasy
And finally come in with th "I am your friend here to save you routine.
Thus from then on on the reader has been subconsiously told
1) Every one connected with Covid is evil
2) Every thing you get told or shown is fake
3) all of the numbers are false
4) By not complying you are some sort of hero fighting the cause of "Truth Justice & the American Way"
5) Mr Hopkins is the only person telling the truth and he is your boosom buddy .

A brilliant piece of writing

He likes to supposedly quote figures from authorities as being true if they support his view then latter says they can not be trusted when they don't and nowhere is there any means of checking what he has written is an accurate extraction, which it is not or exactly where he got it from.

I have no intention of going through it line by line but it is basically all the tricks of logic used by snake oil salesmen .

To quote Einstein once again,
" The chances of a conspiracy being maintained is inversely proportional to the number of people involved in perpetrating it "
You might like to read This article so you can try to understand how he is manipulating you .
The question I always find hard to answer is why do they do it ? fame ? notariety ? usually it is financial gain but it take a bit of digging to find the money tail

the idea that every government on the planet is spending a fortune for no good reason and are all joined in some sort of conspiracy against their own just unbelievable .

And he even fluffs the R value
If R is < 1 then you can not get an increasing number of people getting infected because if on average every person lifects less than one person , the overall infection number is going to decrease on a daily basis .

If you want to believe that every hospital , nursing home , & government are faking the covid deaths then get the overall total deaths in any year, say 2019, a number that would be hard to fake, then get the 2018 total deaths, multiply it by 1,2 ( allows for population increase year to year ) the subtract it from the total deaths for 2019.
The remaining number are extra deaths for 2019 assuming the rate of deaths from all other causes was constant between 2018 & 2019 which they wern't because a lot of them dropped drastically like Legioneers , food poisoning & flu because we were finally practicing proper hygine.
Some , like domestic violence & suiside did increase so unless you want to believe than 500,000 extra people killed themselves last year, then the number speak for themselves.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
One of the massive problems with the web is the way it customizes your searches .
So if you spend a lot of time reading conspiracy theories then it will automatically send you to similar articles so it becomes a closed self feeding loop.
Just the same as because i visit a lot of mowing sits Google always sends to similar pages when I do a search ( which is why I try not to use Google .


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
79 are you liking that 5 km travel restriction?



Active Member
Aug 16, 2021

You'll call out the article's author but don't seem to notice the constant propaganda from govt. and media. I type this not with anger or hate but with sadness.......I think you chose the blue pill.

What will it take? A friend believes that it will have to be the massive die out coming this year or within 5. He believes (and I suspect) there will be a lot of deaths this coming flu season due to ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) where mRNA "vaccines" cause the body's immune system to shut down. The unvaxxed will be blamed. That's already the narrative "the vaccines are so effective the vaxxed remain at risk from the unvaxxed." R I G H T. What's being tried in Australia right now with the draconian state smashdown on personal liberty will be tried elsewhere.

However, since there is still a massive control group (the unvaxxed) it's going to be hard to keep the charade going. This explains why the cabal is getting more and more desperate to get those shots into arms.

And discussion forums are locking down the topic, just like locked down all political discussion last February when their internet host shut down recently locked down Covid discussion even though the discussions were always friendly and respectful. Were they scared of being deplatformed like was? Are the moderators worried they made the wrong decision regarding an experimental drug put into their bodies? Once in, it can never come out.

A friend's wife took the jabs, against his wishes. He tells me "she did it to be a 'good citizen' and 'so this will end.'" Now that it hasn't ended, she is still told to wear a compliance symbol, she is second guessing herself, but it's too late for her. As he put it "I can get into your boat any time but you can never get into mine."

Now I do not believe all the shots are "vaccine," I honestly believe about half are saline shots. You can't kill off 50% of the population at once, you've got to spread it out.

That might explain why the shots are so ineffective--------they were never injected in the first place. It might explain why some never notice anything, others get terribly ill, dormant shingles virus gets triggered, some develop terrible diseases, and a few tens of thousands have died.

My dad never noticed a change, nor did an aunt. Another aunt developed shingles the next day.

I can't know..........and once lied to I stop believing the liar. I will continue to pursue fitness, continue to take increased vitamins, continue to stock up on ivermectin. I will continue to speak out. I will not comply and I will not submit.

*Ivermectin isn't so much for me, I have plenty to overcome any China Virus's mainly for family and friends that didn't prepare.
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