Heads up fellows things are getting nasty.

KM Richards

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2020
When the future gets here... you'll see!



Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
Saw today that only 40% of US funds sent to Ukraine go to buying arms.

My gut tells me most of the funding for Ukraine goes into someone's pocket, likely the pockets of those whose idea it was to send the money!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
AFAIK the government to government aid is in hard goods
I know we have sent a lot of Bushmasters and several hundred thousand rounds of ammo.
I think what you are seeing is a breakdown of the cash sent to Ukranian relief funds purchases.
According to Al-Geezra news ( which seems to be the most accurate & least biased ) the bulk of the US aid is again in hard weapons & ammo
Now weather congress is authorising X billion $ in aid and that money goes to US weapons makers but the value of the weaponary sent is only 40% of X , that is a different matter

KM Richards

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2020
Yeah, something is hinky about spending all this money on Ukraine... they need to send me a few million.

They'll never miss it!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
It is a lot cheaper to sent people who want to fight weapons than sending in troops .
In the long run it will probably be futile because Putin is fighting a traditional Russian war
Just keep on sending in troops till the other side is all dead or runs out of ammo
And that is how Russia has fought every war from the time of Peter the Great.

KM Richards

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2020
Yeah, they keep talkin bout "we must protect democracy" as the reason for helping Ukraine.

But, they don't want to help Taiwan which is also a democracy

I( suppose that's a good thing cause China would destroy the US in an all out war. We would be toast with our woke military and no defense for their super sonic missle


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Yeah, they keep talkin bout "we must protect democracy" as the reason for helping Ukraine.

But, they don't want to help Taiwan which is also a democracy

I( suppose that's a good thing cause China would destroy the US in an all out war. We would be toast with our woke military and no defense for their super sonic missle
The Chinese government is far more clever than the rest of the governments of the world all added together.
They learned from history
The Chinese Communists had been fighting the Chinese Republicans for decades before Japan invaded China when they called a truce & fought the Japanese .
China lost more soldiers & people fighting the Japanese than any other country on the planet, It is just that because John Wayne was not in China so no movies got made about it .
The Chinese communist saw that fighting the Japanese with almost no help from any other country on the planet exhausted the Nationalists and bankrupted them
Thus when Japan surrendered the Nationalist & Communists went back to fighting each other but without significant help, the Nationalist collapsed and the Communist took over with significant support from the USSR.
Thus the Communist government realised that wars are not good for the country , the economy or the population.
Without any support apart from the USSR ( which itself was bankrupted by WWII ) China managed to do what no other country on the planet has done.
Modernise & industrialise without massive foreign investment and when they did open up to foreign investment they took a leaf out of the Arab governments book and only allowed a foreign government to have a 50% stake in any business they set up so unlike in countries like Australia the multinationals that set up in China paid proper taxes rather than just exploiting slave labour or mineral deposits .
China is very unlikely to declare war on any one, there is no need to
If they are in conflict with say the USA all they have to do is cut off the supply of manufactured goods to the USA and the USA would be on it's knees in a couple of months because the USA ( and Aust ) is totally dependent upon imports from China, so they have won any war, before it starts.

The only thing that the USA can make without Chinese imports is weapons and bullets do not make good eating .
Despite what the red & blues attribute the current state of the USS economy to, the reality of it is the partial slow down of imports from China due to covid -19 decimated the US economy , and that was just a partial slow down, cut it off altogether and there would be no medical operations & no manufacturing plus all of the processed foods would no longer be available .
Have a walk around the supermarket and check the labels of every thing .
Like OZ you will see that well over 50% are made in PRC or contain ingrediens from the PRC or the cans are made from Chinese Steel or the goods were canned in the PRC.
All of the canned goods that are processed in SE Asia go into cans made from Chinese steel.
So if today China simply stopped exporting to the USA millions of Americas would starve to death before the USA could rebuild it's food processing industry.
Just about every factory would close because they can not get parts needed so millions would be laid off .
With the current state of US politics I could see a second civil war happening between the reds & the blues because the past 5 presidents have all used the "Divide and conquer" method to get and maintain political power so there are 2 Americas now days and the current divisions around President Trump where people were willing to storm the parliament and kill shows just how divided the USA population is.

SO you have no job, no income , no government support to buy any food that is not there anyway because the USA is a net importer of food thus the only food available is fresh and that does not last long because all of the chilling plants need parts made in the PRC, what are you going to do when the only thing you have is the 3 rifles and 2000 rounds ?

KM Richards

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2020
Well, it's too bad the US didn't help China back then so they would not turn communist.

It's shame cause we had the equipment and manpower right there to jump in, just like we could have saved Europe from Russia.

We should have listened to General Patton!


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
Back in the 80's everyone here was worried about the Japanese taking over our country product wise but the stupid American public fell for the cheap Chinese prices and now we are paying the price as we can't get things like use to do. No wonder there is a few American manufacturing companies now.

What worst every Tom, Dick, and Harry just keeps buying the Chinese junk because it is cheap.

KM Richards

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2020
When all American companies are taking their manufacturing to china... one doesn't have much choice but to buy chinese made stuff.

The politicians on both sides failed us by forgetting what communism is.... now we have a pres that is owned by the chinese and continually makes decisions that end up benefiting china!

Oh, we... it's not like we can put the toothpaste back in the tube now.

china will eventually be the world's top super power and the US will be a has been.