It seems like the top and the vertical sides for the high temperature red gasket sealant should be okay but either later today or tomorrow morning. I'm thinking of removing all the the red gasket material from the bottom horizontal edge and using a paper towel dry up as much oil in that area and then put some inside the cylinder head and then finally new gasket material and press the thing into the cylinder head and let that cure and then of course remove the paper towels and then seal it up the final time. It seems like with this engine the only way to properly seal it is to point the lawn tractor straight up or I believe in the past I had a different kind of valve cover gasket where it was not a piece of paper where it has some thickness to it. Maybe something like that would work? The other thing is it seem like it was possibly rubbery where it could accept some differences in two flat pieces of metal coming together. I have four of these paper. Gaskets and I think unless everything is perfect, these will not work.