Sad day

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Jan 9, 2018
Was the radio guy vaccinated?

Or was he one of those Democrats that think covid is a political joke slash scam?
I find it curious that you assign Democrats to that thought line. Here in Texas - its the Republicans that are screaming about it all being a scam and are staunchly anti-vaxx - and espouse the conspiracy theories. I wonder where the regional parts of the US switch and flop on who is anti-vaxx and covid conspiracy theories.... ?‍♂️


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
I find it curious that you assign Democrats to that thought line. Here in Texas - its the Republicans that are screaming about it all being a scam and are staunchly anti-vaxx - and espouse the conspiracy theories. I wonder where the regional parts of the US switch and flop on who is anti-vaxx and covid conspiracy theories.... ?‍♂️
Anti vax is silly. The thing is free to everyone. Guess if you want to become bankrupt with hospital bills and possibly die then don't get the vax. Amazing people think covid is a hoax. People die from that junk.


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
Does everyone know who owns the lab in China where covid leaked from? And who would stand the chance to make millions if not billions from selling covid supplies like alcohol, masks and ventilators? Who owns huge portions of every vaccine known to man? Even the ones that were removed for testing? And who got/gets money for testing of these vaccines? The man's name is Bill Gates of Microsoft.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Anti vax is silly. The thing is free to everyone. Guess if you want to become bankrupt with hospital bills and possibly die then don't get the vax. Amazing people think covid is a hoax. People die from that junk.

I wouldn't say it's silly. None of us know what's really in it. There's so much conflicting information about it. Obviously, there's a lot of BS info.
With so many people who get Covid and don't even know they got it. My brother had covid, but didn't know until he was tested. Someone at his job got it, so everyone was tested. He stayed away from folks for 10 days and never had a fever. Never had any breathing problems. And he's still not vaccinated.
We were all told that if you get it and survive, then your body has the antibodies to fight it even better then next time you get it. Which is EXACTLY what the vaccines are supposed to do.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
Anti vax is silly. The thing is free to everyone. Guess if you want to become bankrupt with hospital bills and possibly die then don't get the vax. Amazing people think covid is a hoax. People die from that junk.
"Two things can be true at once" (quoting Ben Shapiro). The virus can be real and it can be used for all manner of power grab, elimination of rivals, and economic gain. I read where New Zealand is locking down again for all of one new case. I seem to recall the lockdowns not about "preventing new cases" but "preventing hospitals from being over run." No one talks about deaths's now just "too many new cases." Surely those in power wouldn't modify the terms of the agreement........

For a virus with a death rate of literally 0.1 percent..........ya.......definitely need to destroy people's economic lives over that one!

My brother died this week. I got an offer of some $9,000 dollars from the funeral director if my sister-in-law will sign a document stating "he died of Covid." I doubt she will as they are not hurting for money and my brother was staunch in his integrity. Question: do you really believe there have been 600K deaths from Covid?

Yes people die from Covid but not that much worse than the flu. Some 250,000 Americans die every year from heart disease. When is the "mandate" coming to lockdown high fructose corn syrup and cigarettes? When the mandate to exercise daily and stop eating junkfood? Don't you care about people?


Lawn Addict
Jul 14, 2019
"Two things can be true at once" (quoting Ben Shapiro). The virus can be real and it can be used for all manner of power grab, elimination of rivals, and economic gain. I read where New Zealand is locking down again for all of one new case. I seem to recall the lockdowns not about "preventing new cases" but "preventing hospitals from being over run." No one talks about deaths's now just "too many new cases." Surely those in power wouldn't modify the terms of the agreement........

For a virus with a death rate of literally 0.1 percent..........ya.......definitely need to destroy people's economic lives over that one!

My brother died this week. I got an offer of some $9,000 dollars from the funeral director if my sister-in-law will sign a document stating "he died of Covid." I doubt she will as they are not hurting for money and my brother was staunch in his integrity. Question: do you really believe there have been 600K deaths from Covid?

Yes people die from Covid but not that much worse than the flu. Some 250,000 Americans die every year from heart disease. When is the "mandate" coming to lockdown high fructose corn syrup and cigarettes? When the mandate to exercise daily and stop eating junkfood? Don't you care about people?
You are all wrong. Covid is a world wide pandemic. It's killing us all off one by one. Don't you watch CNN?

Funny how the media doesn't report with the covid deaths, the people, with other conditions like diabetes and heart problems getting covid and THAT killing them. Or are all of these deaths, healthy people that run marathons getting covid only and die?

Most of America is fat and obese. Lots of diabetes and many other illnesses out there.


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
I wouldn't say it's silly. None of us know what's really in it. There's so much conflicting information about it. Obviously, there's a lot of BS info.
With so many people who get Covid and don't even know they got it. My brother had covid, but didn't know until he was tested. Someone at his job got it, so everyone was tested. He stayed away from folks for 10 days and never had a fever. Never had any breathing problems. And he's still not vaccinated.
We were all told that if you get it and survive, then your body has the antibodies to fight it even better then next time you get it. Which is EXACTLY what the vaccines are supposed to do.

It is simply asinine to take an experimental drug for a virus one has already recovered from and by default, has immunity to.

Absent an antibody test there is no way to be certain your brother had Covid.......and there is an admitted 33% false positive on the PCR test.

Since I was 18 I have had a rule: "no new drugs or vaccines until those have been in general use for at least a year." And that's with the normal 10 year+ clinical trials period which these drugs have not had. Especially not doing that for a disease with a 0.1 percent chance of killing me.

If it's as contagious as they swear it is, I've already had it and won't get it again or I've been exposed and simply didn't get it.

It's certainly not that deadly or my state, which leads the nation in obesity and cigarette smoking, would have a death toll much higher than the 3,000 the governor is claiming. As unhealthy as people are around here 3K is the best they can do?

I'll continue with my increased daily dose of Vit. C, D3, zinc, and continued daily exercise and healthy eating. The vaxxers are the "clinical trials" while I remain in "the control group." We'll see what's what in say, 5 years.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
It is simply asinine to take an experimental drug for a virus one has already recovered from and by default, has immunity to.

Absent an antibody test there is no way to be certain your brother had Covid.......and there is an admitted 33% false positive on the PCR test.

Since I was 18 I have had a rule: "no new drugs or vaccines until those have been in general use for at least a year." And that's with the normal 10 year+ clinical trials period which these drugs have not had. Especially not doing that for a disease with a 0.1 percent chance of killing me.

If it's as contagious as they swear it is, I've already had it and won't get it again or I've been exposed and simply didn't get it.

It's certainly not that deadly or my state, which leads the nation in obesity and cigarette smoking, would have a death toll much higher than the 3,000 the governor is claiming. As unhealthy as people are around here 3K is the best they can do?

I'll continue with my increased daily dose of Vit. C, D3, zinc, and continued daily exercise and healthy eating. The vaxxers are the "clinical trials" while I remain in "the control group." We'll see what's what in say, 5 years.

To each his own. What ever works for each individual, is THE best way to live. I don't knock people for getting it, or not. I got mine because I was planning on visiting MX. Now that I'm not going, I'm second guessing getting the 2nd shot.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
"Two things can be true at once" (quoting Ben Shapiro). The virus can be real and it can be used for all manner of power grab, elimination of rivals, and economic gain. I read where New Zealand is locking down again for all of one new case. I seem to recall the lockdowns not about "preventing new cases" but "preventing hospitals from being over run."

My brother died this week. I got an offer of some $9,000 dollars from the funeral director if my sister-in-law will sign a document stating "he died of Covid." I doubt she will as they are not hurting for money and my brother was staunch in his integrity. Question: do you really believe there have been 600K deaths from Covid?
Did you report this to the authorities ??
You stand to make a lot .more than 9k.
That funeral director should be arrested..


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
My brother died this week. I got an offer of some $9,000 dollars from the funeral director if my sister-in-law will sign a document stating "he died of Covid." I doubt she will as they are not hurting for money and my brother was staunch in his integrity. Question: do you really believe there have been 600K deaths from Covid?
The recorded cause of death comes off the death certificate after that has been signed then it does not matter what is said done or written , it won't change the statistics .
The funeral parlour is obviously gaming the system for some sort of government benefit and if you REALLY BELIEVE you are paying too much tax then report them for benefit fraud .

For a virus with a death rate of literally 0.1 percent..........ya.......definitely need to destroy people's economic lives over that one!
This shows you have been reading the wrong information and are not thinking just reacting hysterically
The death rate is not a problem apart from finding body space
It is the hospitalization rate that has governments in a panic because it can & has overwhelmed just about every medical system on the planet.
But sensationalist media just talk about DEATH because DEATH scares people , and in particular scares people with a lot to loose.

Absent an antibody test there is no way to be certain your brother had Covid.......and there is an admitted 33% false positive on the PCR test.
The PCR test is over 90% accurate
where the false positives come in is people who have been exposed to viral packets but not been infected.
We are all just that little bit different .
1 packet could have me in an ICU bed on a respirator and 1000 packets could pass strait through you, that is the way of viral infections .
Secondly with any type of quality control and virus testing is a type of quality control, you need to use the most sensitive test you can to make sure you are not approving defective.
SO better to have a few uninfected people isolating than a single sick person out there spreading the infection.
So not proof of a conspiracy, sound medical practice which you are either unaware of or incapable of objective thinking about .

If it's as contagious as they swear it is, I've already had it and won't get it again or I've been exposed and simply didn't get it.
Wrong again
If you get the alpha mutation and recover then you have a level of resisance to the ALPHA variant, you can still catch the Beta, Gmma, Kappa, Delta etc etc etc mutations.
Very early on the US navy had several cases of sailors getting a second infection, just the same as you can get the flu several times in a single season.

I wouldn't say it's silly. None of us know what's really in it. There's so much conflicting information about it. Obviously, there's a lot of BS info.
We know exactly what it is , and there is no conflicting INFORMATION , just INFORMATION that gets updated & expanded upon
What is CONFLICTING is the OPINIONS which get manipulated by the presenter for their own gain or according to their idology .
I subscribe to several scientific journals and that information has been rock solid.
Reporters who know everything about creating mass panic & anxiety pull selected bits out of the information and report just that .
Then POLITICAL advisers put spin on it so it suddenly becomes a case of left vs right rather than fact vs fiction.
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