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What makes a lawn "perfect" in your eyes?




Many people spend a lot of time taking care of their lawns and striving to maintain the "perfect" lawn. But what defines "perfect" in your eyes? Is it the perfect color? Freshly cut and groomed? Free of weeds? No brown or dirt patches? Or how about a lawn that has some pretty landscape designs and features?

To settle the score, I've created a poll, but of course, you're welcome to discuss it as well. :laughing:




My lawn has never and will never reach perfection...
But I just have to go with... Freshly cut and groomed, as that is when it looks, smells and feels the BEST.... :smile:KennyV




I suppose the word perfect is intentionally in quotes...lol. I believe a well trimmed and/or groomed lawn is perfect because then one can be able to overlook any brown patches that may appear.




My choice wasn't a poll option:
Ease of care.

If it doesn't need to be mowed, irrigated, sprayed, fertilized, etc then it's perfect as long as it stays green.




I'd go for freshly cut, free of weeds and free of dirt patches.

But I understand the diversity of answers on this pool. To me the more fundamental question is, what do we use the lawn for? In my case I use it to gather my family to gaze at the clouds or enjoy the moonlight. My kids play there too.




Great idea to have a poll but it is hard to cover every option people may want to see there. I chose 'no brown patches' but overall I really just want my garden to be functional and look nice. If the lawn is healthy I'm happy.




A perfect lawn is a lawn that is green and mowed short.........should be able to lay or sleep on with out being itchy.
Must be able to play on as well ...kids need nice lawns too.:smile:




The poll question is a tricky one because I fancy a really green lawn while at the same time would not want to see any brown patches..

Nonetheless, what strikes the eye the most is a well-trimmed one.




This thread has been moved to the new Polls Forum. :biggrin:

And I voted - green color! I prefer nicely trimmed, but overall color makes or breaks a "perfect" lawn, I would say.




To me, a perfect lawn is one that is always kept perfectly trimmed regularly, like mine :smile:

Of course, the health of the lawn is important too, but to me the "neatness" is more important.

And to be honest, if you keep it regularly trimmed, it will be healthier, as it will be more hydrated.




The perfect lawn --- the part I fenced off and put the cows in so they could mow it for me :biggrin:




The real "perfect" lawn for me is my neighbor's. He has a lawn service and gardeners that come in weekly.:biggrin: No bills, and I get to look at it. In all seriousness, I think all the components listed as options weigh equally for me. I really do think a nicely mowed lawn looks great, and all the other stuff counts too.:cool:




The real "perfect" lawn for me is my neighbor's. He has a lawn service and gardeners that come in weekly.:biggrin: No bills, and I get to look at it. In all seriousness, I think all the components listed as options weigh equally for me. I really do think a nicely mowed lawn looks great, and all the other stuff counts too.:cool:
I agree! :smile:




"All of the above" needs to be an option in the poll. That would be my answer. They're all equally important and all neccessary for the "perfect" lawn, IMHO.




Thick yards with perfect cut height and edging is my perfect yard.




I am still on my quest to find the perfect lawn or yard


midnite rider

midnite rider

Many people spend a lot of time taking care of their lawns and striving to maintain the "perfect" lawn. But what defines "perfect" in your eyes? Is it the perfect color? Freshly cut and groomed? Free of weeds? No brown or dirt patches? Or how about a lawn that has some pretty landscape designs and features?

To settle the score, I've created a poll, but of course, you're welcome to discuss it as well. :laughing:

Definitely in my opinion it is no dirt patches. If you have dirt patches you have no lawn, all the other choices you still have a lawn even if it is a weedy lawn. Just my 2 :2cents: :biggrin:


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

I would say green, nicely edged, and nice stripes from mowing.




Detail work makes the perfect lawn. Without detail work you only have a patch of green grass.


lawn mower fanatic

lawn mower fanatic

Detail work makes the perfect lawn. Without detail work you only have a patch of green grass.

Or just grass....sometimes it isn't even green! And sometimes it's not even grass....just weeds! (like our lawn!):laughing::laughing:




Green, weed and crabgrass free would make a perfect lawn.....oh and a mower that puts down nice stripes doesn’t hurt either




the perfect lawn has nice stripes and trimmed
