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  • D
    Hello Muhammad. Would you please delete my account? Thank you.
    Sorry to see you go.
    This forum is being overrun with spammers. Is there any measures that can be taken to prevent it? Email confirmation of prospective new members? Installing a reCaptcha system for verification? Reject IP addresses from China, Ukraine, Russia, and Pakistan?
    I’m willing to become a moderator in order to start blocking and banning the spam bots.
    The spammers are back
    Geofencing all the way.
    Hello! I keep getting a php error on trying to goto certain sections of the site. Error says "PHP 7.0.0 or newer is required. 5.6.40-0+deb8u4 does not meet this requirement. Please ask your host to upgrade PHP."
    I am a newbie. I'm trying to find information and possibly a manual/parts for my Craftsman 123.8151 Yard-man Power Reel Mower with Large Wheels.
    I have pictures of the mower and the "Product plate". The handle and arm are the original wood. Where should I post this on the site to get more info.
    I think it was manufactured in early 50's.
    logert gogert
    logert gogert
    did anyone ever send you a reply, or a link to a manual???
    if not i will try my best to find you one
    Please delete my post in john deere forum. the post says delete post. i could not find where to delete it. thanks.
    I have a Poulan 960120028 riding mower that I have been chasing an electrical problem on for several days now. I have replaced all safety switches and the wiring harness. When you release the brake it kills the engine. I'm grounding back to the solenoid and can't figure out how or where. Do you have any suggestions? I also tried a new ignition switch.
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