Hey Twall, I tried to post a message in the group as an answer to your opening post, but don't see how to do it. Not quite sure how the groups work. Anyway, I've amassed a small collection of mechanical clocks and watches, but decided a couple of years ago I was spending too much on them and was running out of room for clocks also. Well, my wife said I was running out of room for them, I thought I had room for a few more

. I've got several antique wrist and pocket watches that I inherited along with a couple of antique clocks. The rest I've purchased. My favorite clock is a Seth Thomas #3 from around 1907 that is currently adjusted to about a 30 seconds/month gain. I've gotten it adjusted to less than that before, but it requires a lot of tinkering to get it there and I figured 30sec/month was good enough.