The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

OOooooops ! I was thinkin bout a DIFFERENT AF guy ! What was an AF guy doin on a NAVY Carrier ..???

Well, lets see. I was filling in for you and miss typed my self. AF is my 2 neighbors across the street and my Navy friend was on the carrier. It has been a long morning trying to fill your shoes Boo. How do you do it every day? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I live this so it seems somewhat natural to me. I forget that it sounds like I am a dirty old man with a very young new wife to others. Here is the scoop. Started family at 21 years old and had 2 kids 2.5 years apart. Raised them and 16 yrs after that I adopted a son the same age as my oldest. His Uncle was stealing all his money left to him after both his parents died. He needed help and I gave it to him.
Now fast forward to 3 years and 9 months ago. My piece of schitt brother in law got his piece of schitt girlfriend pregnant. (both drug addicts) The government had already taken one kid from him and 12 from her. They were not going to be able to keep this one either. We were foster parents for years and knew the social worker. She let us know they were not going to be able to keep the kid. My mother in law wanted to keep him and raise him but her being too old and not the paternal grandmother that was not in the cards either. So my wife decided without me involved in the decision to get Shawn. It took almost 2 years to get him adopted but it finally happened. So now I am a new father. 2 kids at 32 years old one at 28 years old and one at 3 years old.
Now for the best part. I never wanted a new child and told her I would not be a part of it. She begged and pleaded and after Shawn showed up I melted and said I would help her get Shawn for her to take care of. I let her know I would be ending our marriage as soon as Shawn was adopted. Yes, this is how much I was against this. She wanted him so bad that she was willing to lose our long-time marriage to have him. Then the big problem happened. I became his dad and could not see my self without him. So I stayed to take care of my favorite little boy. My wife has Loupis and can barely take care of herself let alone him so I do most of it. She is in pain 24 hours a day and has a real problem with taking care of a child. This is one of the main reasons I did not ever want to take him on in the first place. She knew she could not take care of him but had to have him. I will NEVER understand women.


Great of you to "step up to the plate" like that Chuck, It's an "eye-opener" when you "THINK" about YOUR problems, learn of another's that make's YOUR'S pale in comparison, my wife & I support her 45 year old daughter (just got Disability for complications of Diabetes) and her 2 kids, a 23 yr. old son ( working but just above Min. wage ) and a 16 yr. old daughter (still has 3 yrs. of school to finish, ..failed a few grades !! ) My wife pays a $600.00+ mortgage & an INS. on her place she lived in (with them) now they live there, until we got married and I bought our present home, wifes 2000 Ford Van died bout a month ago ( blown head gasket ) & it's really beyond economical repair, so we need another vehicle, etc. etc. etc. , but your situation, UHH-UHH, I don't think I have enough left in me to cope with YOUR situation,God Bless You AND them Chuck !!


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Great of you to "step up to the plate" like that Chuck, It's an "eye-opener" when you "THINK" about YOUR problems, learn of another's that make's YOUR'S pale in comparison, my wife & I support her 45-year-old daughter (just got Disability for complications of Diabetes) and her 2 kids, a 23 yr. old son ( working but just above Min. wage ) and a 16 yr. old daughter (still has 3 yrs. of school to finish, ..failed a few grades !! ) My wife pays a $600.00+ mortgage & an INS. on her place she lived in (with them) now they live there, until we got married and I bought our present home, wifes 2000 Ford Van died about a month ago ( blown head gasket ) & it's really beyond economical repair, so we need another vehicle, etc. etc. etc. , but your situation, UHH-UHH, I don't think I have enough left in me to cope with YOUR situation,God Bless You AND them Chuck !!

It is all about how you see it. I know people who have it worse than me. I count my blessings every day. If you need a real pick me up watch a week of Maury and Steve. That will really make you feel better.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Gees Chuck, this thread get spookier & spookier by the day.
My other half also suffers from Loupis and Rainers which apparently is common.
being a genetic disease she has suffered all her life with it but up untill she was 30 it was misdaignosed as arthritus the treatment for which made it worse.
At 52 she gave up motorcycles as she could no longer pull in the clutch & brake levers .
Ten years on and we are looking at modifing her car.


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Gees Chuck, this thread get spookier & spookier by the day.
My other half also suffers from Loupis and Rainers which apparently is common.
being a genetic disease she has suffered all her life with it but up untill she was 30 it was misdaignosed as arthritus the treatment for which made it worse.
At 52 she gave up motorcycles as she could no longer pull in the clutch & brake levers .
Ten years on and we are looking at modifing her car.

Yes, finding someone else with this nasty disease is spooky. My wife too was misdiagnosed till around 30 as well. They said it was all in her head. Hypochondriac is the word. Our insurance changed and so did her doctor. She went in and he looked over her full chart and said: "I think you have Loupis". That was the beginning of the travel down the road of trying every medicine on earth that might help. None did for very long. 6 months tops. Now things are so bad she is on 20 mg morphine every 12 hours. It sucks real bad when you are in that much pain. I digress. Our attitude is "It is what it is." It can not be cured so on we go living life the best we can.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Yes, finding someone else with this nasty disease is spooky. My wife too was misdiagnosed till around 30 as well. They said it was all in her head. Hypochondriac is the word. Our insurance changed and so did her doctor. She went in and he looked over her full chart and said: "I think you have Loupis". That was the beginning of the travel down the road of trying every medicine on earth that might help. None did for very long. 6 months tops. Now things are so bad she is on 20 mg morphine every 12 hours. It sucks real bad when you are in that much pain. I digress. Our attitude is "It is what it is." It can not be cured so on we go living life the best we can.

Surely there is a Loupis support group in the USA.
All of the hand , arm & foot braces she wears come from the USA.

If your wife has not had one, get a full hormone analysis done, and by full I mean full. Costed around $ 6,000 down here but I would happily pay that amount again & again for the benefits she derrived from the results.
SWMBO had one done when she was in hospital for extreme vertigo.
The principle problem ended up being the contraceptive she had been using for 20 years.
After treatment she got a lot better, put on some weight so a fart no longer blew her out of bed.

The Loupis society down here is fantastic because just like your other 1/2 when she bursts into tears from the pain in opening out her hand she got treated as a hypochondriac as well and to top it off got accused of being a drug addict trying to get perscription drugs for pleasure.
Every one seems to be different and yes some things work full time while others look like they will be great, then loose effect very quickly.
She bought a wax bath and that is the only thing that has always made things better but even now the relief from it is diminishing.

She found that constant movement which causes almost permanent pain worked a lot better than not moving then being in intense pain when she had to do things like grab a knife or wrap the fingers around a steering wheel.

Sorry to hear your wife has become bad enough to require morphine


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

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