The Daily Yardman Thread


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Well, Boo since you asked. I have quite a few things I have planned for this weekend. Starting off with a birthday party for my now 3-year-old son with 20 other kids. Then off on a 20-mile round trip to buy a used garage door for my son. The door that was installed before he purchased the house was a real CHINA made door. I came apart at the spot welds on the top panel. That caused the springs to break and now the door is held open by a pair of vice grips clamped to rail under the last wheel. After that, I am either going to install it or wait until tomorrow. What a wonderful day it is going to be.

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

OK, OK, I'm late..... FINALLY got more than my usual 4 hours of sleep, anyway........

Good Morning "Bean-Counter" ........... View attachment 35535

AND .... GOOD Mornin Gang !!

Goomba, Enjoy those delicacies at the "Freezer" sorry can't do anything bout the weather, and got most of the wifeys tests pre-surgery out of the way, which is scheduled for Feb 1st , found out she has a "kidney" issue, they are going to run some more tests after her surgery, ?? we still have plans to terrorize the flea-markets, SOOoooo .... NO MORE donating money to the state's coffers for your " puttin the pedal to the metal " routines, keep the " tiger in the tank " ....:laughing:..:laughing:

Thought 4 2day ...View attachment 35536

Copy all that Boo,

Here it is nearly Zero-Seven-Hundred and you still ain't around this morning! I do hope all is well. Tell 'L', that we will be thinking of her.. Keep in touch.


Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

That medicine is the best stuff in the world. It has kept me "more better". To quote an old Air Force friend of mine.


Was that AF guy ever stationed in Hawaii? Those guys were always saying: "That be 'more better' brudder" - to each other.

Roger B

Lawn Addict
Oct 19, 2016
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Well, Boo since you asked. I have quite a few things I have planned for this weekend. Starting off with a birthday party for my now 3-year-old son with 20 other kids. Then off on a 20-mile round trip to buy a used garage door for my son. The door that was installed before he purchased the house was a real CHINA made door. I came apart at the spot welds on the top panel. That caused the springs to break and now the door is held open by a pair of vice grips clamped to rail under the last wheel. After that, I am either going to install it or wait until tomorrow. What a wonderful day it is going to be.


Hmmmm, three year old sons, and sons with their own house that need new garage doors... A puzzling situation that undoubtedly has an interesting answer.. Guessing is always fun, but rarely ever accurate.



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Well, Boo since you asked. I have quite a few things I have planned for this weekend. Starting off with a birthday party for my now 3-year-old son with 20 other kids. Then off on a 20-mile round trip to buy a used garage door for my son. The door that was installed before he purchased the house was a real CHINA made door. I came apart at the spot welds on the top panel. That caused the springs to break and now the door is held open by a pair of vice grips clamped to rail under the last wheel. After that, I am either going to install it or wait until tomorrow. What a wonderful day it is going to be.

When's the last time you ran away from "home", sounds like you're overdue !! .... 59d42de4fbcb460daaef00d3c51963bb--smiley-faces-emojis.jpg

IF start packin RIGHT NOW ... you just might have a Good Morning !!



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

Sorry about being tardy, I WAS ... on my way here, but, well never mind, you guy's wouldn't believe it anyway ! Think I'll just say GOOD Mornin, N be done with it !

AND ..... the thought for today .........



Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Was that AF guy ever stationed in Hawaii? Those guys were always saying: "That be 'more better' brudder" - to each other.

The closest THAT AF guy ever got to a beach was in Florida, .... specially Ft. Lauderdale Beach THEEE beach of the 60s & 70s

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Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Was that AF guy ever stationed in Hawaii? Those guys were always saying: "That be 'more better' brudder" - to each other.

I am not really sure except he was a Jet mechanic on an aircraft carrier and was released from duty because of a plane crash when he was topside and got hurt real bad.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild

I am not really sure except he was a Jet mechanic on an aircraft carrier and was released from duty because of a plane crash when he was topside and got hurt real bad.

OOooooops ! I was thinkin bout a DIFFERENT AF guy ! What was an AF guy doin on a NAVY Carrier ..???


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
Re: MTD Yardman Transaxle Rebuild


Hmmmm, three year old sons, and sons with their own house that need new garage doors... A puzzling situation that undoubtedly has an interesting answer.. Guessing is always fun, but rarely ever accurate.


I live this so it seems somewhat natural to me. I forget that it sounds like I am a dirty old man with a very young new wife to others. Here is the scoop. Started family at 21 years old and had 2 kids 2.5 years apart. Raised them and 16 yrs after that I adopted a son the same age as my oldest. His Uncle was stealing all his money left to him after both his parents died. He needed help and I gave it to him.
Now fast forward to 3 years and 9 months ago. My piece of schitt brother in law got his piece of schitt girlfriend pregnant. (both drug addicts) The government had already taken one kid from him and 12 from her. They were not going to be able to keep this one either. We were foster parents for years and knew the social worker. She let us know they were not going to be able to keep the kid. My mother in law wanted to keep him and raise him but her being too old and not the paternal grandmother that was not in the cards either. So my wife decided without me involved in the decision to get Shawn. It took almost 2 years to get him adopted but it finally happened. So now I am a new father. 2 kids at 32 years old one at 28 years old and one at 3 years old.
Now for the best part. I never wanted a new child and told her I would not be a part of it. She begged and pleaded and after Shawn showed up I melted and said I would help her get Shawn for her to take care of. I let her know I would be ending our marriage as soon as Shawn was adopted. Yes, this is how much I was against this. She wanted him so bad that she was willing to lose our long-time marriage to have him. Then the big problem happened. I became his dad and could not see my self without him. So I stayed to take care of my favorite little boy. My wife has Loupis and can barely take care of herself let alone him so I do most of it. She is in pain 24 hours a day and has a real problem with taking care of a child. This is one of the main reasons I did not ever want to take him on in the first place. She knew she could not take care of him but had to have him. I will NEVER understand women.
