My sense of humour is probably slightly more perverse but I seem to always offend so gave up on the funnies quite a while back.
You use NPI ratings for grease viscosity over there and my recommendation is going one grade lower than the recommended.
Most greases do not melt at elevated temperatures and then the solvent evaporates and they form what I usually call tur?s in the bottom of the box.
Low melt greases are suspended in a wax which melts but the problem with that is when you have finished all the grease runs to the bottom of the box and forms a solid mass that takes a suprising amount of force to break free.
I tried it on an old Peerless 700 box that was clapped out,
new cases were $ 350 down here and then add another $ 50 for bushes & seals so we filled it with chain grease.
This is graphite in a modified bees wax.
Worked a teat till he tried to use it on a cold day and it broke the drive chain.
Mind you it was on its 3rd life, but the owner was a pensioner who had bought the mower new in 1962 and was happily retired till the GFC wiped him out.
So we were trying to do things on the real cheap.
He still has he box full of chain grease but leaves the mower outside if he needs to use it in winter & i found an old length of chain to replace the broken one.
Now getting back to your box , I would replace the grease with a slightly lower viscosity one.
The worst thing that can happen is it will leak a bit past the seals but in reality it is only a lawnmower not a space shuttle.
I think I need a translator to fully understand all that you've told me, but I got the gist of it.. I wasn't sure if "worked a teat" contained a misspelling, or is an interesting colloquialism among sheep milkers.
Living in the N.E. corner of the US, I was trying to envision, first - why anyone would be operating a lawn mower in winter (cold weather - it snows here in cold weather, normally - lots! Lawn mowers aren't of much use to us then, we break out the plows and snow blowers.) and second - how friggin' cold was it to solidify the grease enough to break a chain drive? (Please convert degrees C to F, I'm not much good at that.)
Just as a point of interest, I don't think a "clapped out box" means the same thing 'Down Under' as it might 'Up Over'.. but then again, maybe it does! It formulates a truly horrible visual impression.
I am sorry to hear you too have been ostracized for a bent sense of humor.. I was once banned from facebook and was asked to leave a cast iron cookware forum (don't ask!) for puns I thought were funny as h#ll... I have been trying very hard to maintain the correct decorum here amongst fellow lawn tractor enthusiasts. I've already learned a great deal and would hate to lose contact with such a knowledgeable and agreeable group.
I almost made it to Australia back in 1970, but the submarine I was serving on blew an engine (one of four, a 1,600 HP, 12 cylinder, 24 piston, Fairbanks Morse) in Kobe, Japan and that pretty much put the kibosh on any side trips. I've always regretted missing out on seeing your part of the world.
Bert man,
I can relate with parsimony, folks from Maine have a reputation for being frugal and I do my best to maintain that image.
You must use the Vaseline for more than slicking up your Speedo and waterproofing your oars.. I didn't think it even qualified as a grease.. I can imagine that half-a-drum of the stuff would raise the eyebrows of a few ladies, but a fellow has to be ready, like a boy scout... Right? (I checked and found 'Scouts Australia", just to be sure they use the same motto.)
I'm going to be away for a week (hunting) so I won't be posting anything after tomorrow morning.
I will do my do-diligence and insure whatever grease I end up with will not attack brass and related metals..
So, until I return, mind the wombats and water the wallabies..
Thank you for your service.
I mix it with graphite powder to make low melt graphite grease which I use a lot on plastic bushes.
motorman & BlazNT,
I lay in bed this morning rethinking my idea of using 3m 5200 and had already decided that it wouldn't be an adequate repair. Now I see you guys agree.
motorman is correct in that the welder I chose was not up to filling in the worn away portion of the upper case, because I asked him to fill in the outer 'lip', saying that I would work it down myself, using a series of small grinding burrs. He was concerned that he might blow the edge completely off. Also if it had been completely filled-in, machining the re-welded case would undoubtedly cost more than it would be worth as a new upper housing is only around $90.
As I never intend to use this machine for mowing, or other 'hard-work', and the project itself is on a strict budget, I want to be as cost effective as I can. However, this morning I had already had a change of mind and decided to try a repair using epoxy paste to fill in the worn area above the bushing. The bushing is actually supported better than it looks in the pictures, but I can appreciate the need for some durable filler to make up for the metal that was worn away. I use JB Weld for many jobs, but I have always used the two-part liquid type, this repair will require a paste that won't flow freely. I think if I wrap the bushing and seal in plastic wrap (keeping it very smooth) maybe spraying the wrap with a little silicone and then pressing it into a glob of paste in the worn out void, I can create a filler that will provide better support for the bushing. Should be interesting!
Oh bugger, it's $50/lb....
Nice work on the repair. I didn't know you all had palm trees in Maine, things you learn everyday. ;-)
Trailer looking good. For the hitch assembly you might try just a piece of flat stock you can weld to the top of the tongue with hole for the hitch pin of bolt. Don't think you plan on hauling really heavy stuff with your mower so no real need for a heavy duty hitch.
Ladies we love you all.
Obviously you've never been divorced!
Obviously you've never been divorced!
What type of welder do you have? I bought an 'El Cheapo', flux core, wire welder from Northern Tool, (last time I checked, it looked like they don't sell their own brand anymore!) it came as a complete welding kit, with helmet, leather apron and gloves and some simple tools. I built a welding cart for it (out of some of the perforated right-angle steel) and wheels off a baby carriage that I snatched when I was at the dump... Oh, sorry the "transfer Station". The guys at our 'transfer station' are great and will even get into one of the huge concrete bins and get something out for you if you ask! Anyway, I've had the thing for a couple of years and although I don't weld a lot, I have gotten better and better at it. My last discovery was finding the wire drive mechanism wasn't tight enough. Tightening that improved the wire feed to the 'puddle' and improved my welds by about 50%. I haven't done any stick welding since I was in diving school back in 1963 and as that was done underwater, I never really learned much, except never to get between the 'stinger' and the ground clamp! I kept diving but quit welding!!
Fairly heavy items can be welded with one of those little wire welders.. I needed a longer tool rest for my wood lathe, so I made one out of two pieces of 5/8" rod that I salvaged from the H/D rear shocks of a 3/4-ton truck. Grinding the top of the short, upright support rod so the 11" long 'arm-rod' lay in a perfectly fitted groove and then beveling the edge of that groove, I was able to (as you said - "tack it") and then I made pass after pass until I had built up a good strong bead all the way around. I have had a lathe tool catch while supporting it at the outer ends of the rest and the weld has held, so I'm very happy with it. Being able to weld, even poorly, is a great ability to have, especially if you like to 'make' things! You can always get better at it.. As they say, "Practice makes perfect."
IF you are not a welder try gas welding.
I wandered around Kent's website and you were correct, there are endless things there a neophyte can learn! My problem is . . . well, . . to put it in a nutshell - age... I'm too damn old to invest in welding lessons in Nevada for the simple reason that I wouldn't be able to work long enough to get the value out of it. Plus being on a "fixed income" (the mantra of the retired) limits what I can conscientiously spend on anything that isn't related to eating and keeping in - out of the rain/snow/etc...
During my working (earning) lifetime, as an electrician I never really got into mechanics and machinery as deeply as I would have liked to, I guess I'm trying to make up for that, but on a shoe-string budget. I also dabble in forging and built a home made forge out of the rear brake drum from a large truck. My air source is a hair dryer, but it has to sit several feet away from the air-inlet piping or else it will blow the fire into the sky! I've made several large chisels out of lawn-mower blades in the forge. Started out using real charcoal - - BIG mistake! Especially when you turn on that hair-dryer! Sparks clear to the moon!
I'm just trying to learn how to do the things I've admired, that other men (and women) - I don't want to be a sexist pig - do on a daily basis.
Again, I appreciate your input.
I've already forgotten what question I asked in the email.. (Or else I don't understand what you meant) - Either case is possible.
Yep! You got it correct, it IS the conning tower (sail) of a diesel submarine, showing from left to right: Number one Periscope, Number two (attack) Periscope, the "Football" - (I could tell you what it is, but then I'd have to kill ya), Radio antenna, Snorkel intake mast and head valve, and then the snorkel exhaust mast and diffuser - with two guys riding on it!
Normally, as you might imagine, all that would be showing above the waterline would be maybe Number one Periscope, the snorkel intake and the diffuser just at the waterline to help hide the exhaust. None of us old bubbleheads have decided whether or not the photo is real.. No one today could believe that anyone would do that, and I must admit, even in the "old days", with the Captain's strong dislike for having to write somebodies mother a letter telling her how her son was lost at sea (while 'joy-riding' on the snorkel diffuser) the chances that it actually happened are pretty slim. Although we were known for doing some fairly crazy things back then. I recall talking the Officer of the deck into allowing me to go out on the forward deck while we were underway in the Caribbean to pick up the first flying fish either of us had ever seen, that had landed out there. That doesn't sound like much unless you have ridden an old diesel sub, and realize that the bow is underwater most of the time, even in calm seas.
We were both very interested in examining the fish up close.. One time I had to crawl under the walking deck, between that and the pressure hull while at sea in order to stop a leak around a water-proof cable fitting... THAT was exciting!
Interesting picture, photo-shopped or not.
Finally my parts from eReplacementParts got here...
I ordered them on 11/16 @ 0630 and according to them they were ready for shipping later that same morning. But then, out of the desert comes Juan Valdez and his limping donkey to pick up the order and he starts plodding East...
(Admittedly, I signed up for the cheap $5 shipping option, but geez...)
So, yesterday afternoon, twelve days later, my mailman (mail person) shows up on my door step with one of those foam protected envelops and my parts have arrived! Today the transaxle goes back together.!!!View attachment 30554
Just want everybody to notice his NEW avatar , I thank you Mr. "Spam-Can" (submariner) man ... for your service to our country !!
Boo-Baby... I want to thank you for finding me all those nifty submarine designs... As you can see I picked out one that was far more appropriate to replace the 'most likely phony-photo' of the two guys riding the snorkel diffuser.
However, I would like to point out that submarine sailors are usually (and proudly too!) referred to as "Sewer Pipe Sailors", not "Spam Can Sailors"... Spam cans can't take the pressure... but sewer pipes can!
Thanks again for all the help, it's been a fun project.
Gotta go finish the trailer I made now. I discovered that I have to raise the hitch for it by 4" to reach the mounting plate on the rear of the tractor.
...BUT just remember,, AW - S**t !! ...wipes out ALL Atta-boys ..
......:thumbsup: ..:laughing: ...:laughing:
Way to go on getting the mower back together. Thank you for your service as a Submariner, when I lived on GUAM (Military dependent at the time) our next door neighbor at the time was one of the few Naval Officers to wear both Submariner and Flight Officer wings. When asked he said "what ever goes up, always comes down but not everything that goes down comes up. I have taken tours on both the older diesel electric boats and a nuke boat. Also took my SCUBA certification at New London and we did a dive in the escape tower. From the top down then back up, not a lock out.
Have a few friends that were Navy tin can operators (ASSW, I think those are the correct letters) so I bet you all could have good chats. ;-)
OK, yesterday I hauled the hood off the Yardman and separated the grill portion. As you can see in the picture, it had a few small dents in it and the paint was damaged.
First you have to understand that my idea of "body work", consists of supporting the dented area over something immovable, (in this case a short section of RR track) then grabbing a ball pein hammer and beating the crap out of the dent until it's as close to the shape I want as possible. Once I got the dents fairly straight, I taped out the damaged area in a sort of "grill" shape and dusted some primer on the effected area so I could se any remaining bad spots. It wasn't bad, so I sanded the primer out where needed and applied a little Bondo to smooth any little ripples.
Today I'll sand down the Bondo and spray the new "grill" with flat black.. Maybe someday I'll do something fancier to the 'grill', but flat black will do for now. Why the rush you may well ask . . .????
Well!! Last night I got a call from Ichi Bon, Boy San (Number One Step-Son) who has a landscaping business and one of his customers has a lawn tractor with all sorts of attachments, and he can't keep the engine running, so he was going to junk the whole works! We'll be going to pick it all up on Saturday morning. That works out great as we were scheduled to cut down a large old apple tree and I was going to bring my trailer as I can have as much of the wood as is usable for lumber. Apple has a beautiful deep red colored center, with only a thin, lighter sap-wood area. If I get any decent logs I will take them to a mill and have rough planking sawn out. Then the boards will be 'stickered' to dry in my shop.
How about some pointers from somebody with experience at editing posts on this forum... OK, so I submit a post and even though I have reviewed it twice, after submitting it I discover a mistake, so I click on "Edit Post".. I have discovered that if I write too much, the entire post will not be displayed, only the top section... How do I edit portions that I can't see??? But lets say that my mistake was in the first sentence, so I go to it and make the necessary changes, then what do you do? There is no "Save" button, no "Submit" button, nothing! How in h#ll do you verify the correction???
When ya gonna finish that ?? ...when ya gonna finish this ?? She just does'nt understand ....these things take time ..... sometimes months, sometimes years !! ... ( LOL ) ..:laughing:
I've had same problem... :smiley_aafz::smiley_aafz:..:mur::mur: ...Boobala
How about some pointers from somebody with experience at editing posts on this forum... OK, so I submit a post and even though I have reviewed it twice, after submitting it I discover a mistake, so I click on "Edit Post".. I have discovered that if I write too much, the entire post will not be displayed, only the top section... How do I edit portions that I can't see??? But lets say that my mistake was in the first sentence, so I go to it and make the necessary changes, then what do you do? There is no "Save" button, no "Submit" button, nothing! How in h#ll do you verify the correction???
That is a quirk with your browser. I have to close my browser and reopen it and sometimes even reboot to get everything working as it should.
I tried closing out of the forum and then going back in, but that didn't seem to help.. Is that what you meant? I have to admit to being "computer challenged"! So if you send me a whole list of technical things to do, I'll just end up staring at it like the dummy I am... Sorry..
I don't understand why my 'browser' should effect what the forum can or cannot do, but as far as what 'I don't understand' is concerned, that's only the tip of the iceberg!!
Ok lets see if I can explain it better. Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome and others are browsers. It is what you use to connect to the internet to view web pages/forums. As long ad any tab of the browser is open you will continue to have this problem. So close all of them and then you can reopen and go to this forum.
When you open the shortcut it opens your browser.
.... Now ya need a Before & After photo Album . .....Boobala ...:thumbsup:
Roger, don't miss a photo op of you in a Santa suit looking out of the Bolens!! Merry Xmas to all.
Hellloo Moto... (Sounds like the phone ad on TV) only my Asian accent sucks...
No more Bolens postings I'm afraid.. Me and Boobala got banned.. Gotta hide out here on the endless MTD thread to nowhere..
This lawn tractor forum has got me going.. I find myself spending hours on and I gotta get a REAL tractor. It's got to be small and light enough for me to lug around on my utility trailer. I'd say nothing much over a ton total weight with what ever attachment I might have on it. After some research that pretty much limits you to offerings by Kubota, which isn't a bad thing.. At first I was thinking of International Cubs, until I learned that their PTO's turn CCW and at full engine speed! That pretty much leaves out using an attachment made by any other manufacturer.. Bummer.. .. .. Anyway, I'm researching B-series (not BX) Kubotas. Anybody got any input for that endeavor?
Just remember: "Not all who wander, are lost!"
I am honestly beginning to think that you are at least as crazy, if not CRAZIER than most of the boat sailors I served with! (Whether or not you realize it, that IS a compliment!)
I can't wait to meet you! Can't wait to get out of Dodge for that matter! Three days ago it was Four Below Zero here, then day before yesterday it snowed all day. Yesterday the temperature soared (made it to 45 by the end of the day!!) and it rained all day!! This morning it was 14 degrees and our driveway was a solid mess of ice and frozen snow, Thank heavens for four-wheel-drive or we'd be stuck here until Spring!
They have those tractor auctions down in FL, I think we ought to go!
Boobala;251831 I'll call around May or June let ya's know its gonna warm-up soon ... :laughing:..:laughing:..:laughing:..:banana:[/QUOTE said:You just keep your eyes open for the aforementioned '54 Chevy! . . . . I'll be pullin' donuts in your front lawn before you know it! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
When you go to build your "boat" think foam insulation for your building material. Also a great sources of building foam is companies that sell small trailers as they use big blocks of foam to pad the trailers when they stack em up. You can use canned spray foam to glue the blocks together and then cut it with an electric craving knife, hot wire, hand saw or what ever floats your boat so to speak. Then use rasps,files, sand paper and or cheese graters to smooth it out. You can use "poor man's fiberglass" over it. That is old bed sheets glued on with Glidden paint's Gripper latex primer. Then you HAVE to paint it YELLOW. The parents will get it but I bet most of the under 30 crowd will not.
Good luck and post pictures.
You can also use sheets of foam to build your frame or cover the "hull" with strips of foam then finish shape it.
This is one of those "common language separations "
We have a Liberal party in Aust who are conservative, not Liberal.
Bert! Please send liberal party instructors to the States A.S.A.P.!! Our libs evidently have gotten it all wrong!!
The greenies are generally found in what one might call slightly "left" or Chardonay Socialists ( Rolls Royces for all )
"Aust" politics are very interesting! "Greens" here are so far 'left' that many simply carry their right arm in a sling and often can be seen with their right eyes closed! They would certainly never call for a great lumbering, petrol burning Rolls in every garage, it would most likely be a Prius 'C'.
Emotionally driven people whose strong emotional beliefs fill their brains effectively stopping any logical thought.
Check this out!
I found it out by the maintenance shed. I don't yet know if it works or not, but I'll find out...
Thanks for lettin me know you had a B-day coming ... ( I'm stating that VERY sarcastically ) .. (LOL) .. and you are 73 ...BLAZE-Man or BERT-Man,
You two guys have been posting on here like, forever, right? Probably since before powered lawn mowers anyway.. (I'm talking old push - reel mowers!)
Anyway, here is my question: Some postings have five gold stars that show on the thread heading when you view all the forum topics.. Now as a lad I must admit that I never, ever earned any gold stars in school. I was one of those youngsters who according to the teachers, "did not live up to my potential". So! Having been deprived of gold stars all my young life, and considering that I just celebrated my 73rd B-Day on Sunday, I was wondering how this thread could qualify for five gold stars?? I mean, whatcha gotta do? Go out and kiss babies, or start a petition, or what????
Roger (no star) B.
The stars under your name have to do with how many postings
Good or bad.
Blaze-Man - - Yeah, but those are just 'Green' Stars . . . but wait a minute . . . .
OH!! Whoopie!! I just saw 'em!!!! . . . . You got me *Gold* stars - - You are my Hero!!!
You ever want to come to Maine for a lobster dinner, you just let me know!!! I am at your service.. (And I have the reputation of being a damn good lobster cook!)
I also lobster all summer as sternman with one of my neighbors, so there is no shortage of 'em.
Maine dictionary: To "lobster" means to go out in a boat and haul traps that were previously set with bait in them to catch "Homarus Americanus" a.k.a. "Lobsters".
The "Sternman" is responsible for hauling traps, baiting traps, measuring lobsters, putting elastics on the lobster's claws, cleaning the boat, keeping the Captain from running aground and every other nasty job the Captain can think of!
Boo-Boo, You got it all wrong, stars don't come from the number of posts.. somebodies gotta luv ya!!!
GOLD STARS!!! ************************ Whoopie!!!!
Blaze-Man - - Yeah, but those are just 'Green' Stars . . . but wait a minute . . . .
OH!! Whoopie!! I just saw 'em!!!! . . . . You got me *Gold* stars - - You are my Hero!!!
You ever want to come to Maine for a lobster dinner, you just let me know!!! I am at your service.. (And I have the reputation of being a damn good lobster cook!)
I also lobster all summer as sternman with one of my neighbors, so there is no shortage of 'em.
Maine dictionary: To "lobster" means to go out in a boat and haul traps that were previously set with bait in them to catch "Homarus Americanus" a.k.a. "Lobsters".
The "Sternman" is responsible for hauling traps, baiting traps, measuring lobsters, putting elastics on the lobster's claws, cleaning the boat, keeping the Captain from running aground and every other nasty job the Captain can think of!
Boo-Boo, You got it all wrong, stars don't come from the number of posts.. somebodies gotta luv ya!!!
GOLD STARS!!! ************************ Whoopie!!!!
............................View attachment 30809
This is located on the site ...located under Site Discussions @ the front pages of the forum ..
Boobala theses are the stars he was talking about.
View attachment 30810
If you were my Pappy you have been 13 when you had my Mom. LOL I'm not that far behind you. I was raised in the South where we learned that a Gentleman calls ALL men Sir and ALL Ladies are Ma'am or Miss. I still hold doors for any body approaching, man or woman.
Roger B you are at 122 post and counting. You will get that star before long.
I have just been re-reading some of the posts on this thread and I came to the realization that I have not given you the credit that you are due.
First of all I realized that your posts are very humorous and have added a good deal of "readability" and enjoyment to the thread. That is not to take away from anyone else who has posted here, all have their value, but you are one funny dude!
Secondly, you are also an intelligent guy, with a gift for turning a phrase and spinning a tale..
Thirdly (?) - You are also a gifted mechanic and very knowledgeable about tricky little things that often confound those of us who find ourselves struggling to get an engine running - like carburetors...
Fourthly (??) - You are a veritable wealth of information when it comes to finding websites, pdf's, manuals, spec sheets, and damn near anything else related to the repair and restoration of mechanical devices...
I just wanted you to know, you are appreciated!! (Maybe BLAZ-Man will award you with Gold Stars!)
(Now send me the $20 you promised me if I said all this crap and we're even...) :laughing::laughing::laughing:
HEY there sewer-pipe rider
I already sent you a CZECH .... if she was'nt to your liking I'm sorry ... best I could do in a pinch !! ( LOL )
P.S. you forgot the part where I part the Fields of Grass a bring forth pastures of golf-course greenery !!
WHAT HAPPENED ??? did ya lose the script ....AGAIN ...?????
If you're gonna be dumb ...ya better be tough !!
There ain't no fixin' stupid!!
Well, although I was raised a damn Yankee, I too still hold or open doors for all, man or woman, but I tend to withhold the honorific "Sir" until the gentleman has proven he deserves my respect.. When I was younger, I will admit that age was often the only proof I required.
With that said, I have lived among Southerners enough to appreciate their teaching their children to respect their elders and to honor them with 'Sir' or 'Ma'am'. I was just pulling your chain when I got after you for calling me 'Sir'.. But with that said, I'd just as soon be your friend, . . . . . 'Roger'...
Nice work there. I was thinking you might be suffering from cabin fever then I remembered that you are in Sunny Florida so maybe sun stroke?
BELIEVE me !!!
THIS is a Genuine MTD Submarine Parade Float , Last Minute Idea the best I could come up with at the very last moment
View attachment 30820
Thought since we're off subject ( as usual ) I'd throw this in to remind you of your obligations ...
No slackin on my watch ...buddy !!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:
Although that is indeed a splendid effort, I do hope to come up with a shape that is more inline with today's submarines... I know it's odd, but for some reason (physics, mostly) 'flat' hull sections tend to have less resistance to collapsing under pressure than curved and circular sections...
But you keep working on it, you're doin' a fine job...
View attachment 30826
Best I could do.
You are the BEST!!! If you'd have been one of my teachers back when I was a kid and had given me Gold Stars, I probably would have lived up to the potential that my teachers at the time were concerned I wasn't reaching.... Just think what a difference that could have made to my life! I might have even joined the Air Force like Boo-Boo and learned that everybody ought to have a nice cushy 9-5 job, even in the military... Then I wouldn't have beaten my poor old body so bad all these years and today I would still have a spring in my step instead of limping along like a broken old man.... Ohhh, the lost possibilities - it brings a tear to my eye..
OH come on Roger...(do you believe the) stories of mermaids behind every rock on a faraway beach !!! Ha,Ha,Ha, ( LOL ) :laughing::laughing:
You guys are killing me here, get a room. LMAO
I would like to say Thank you to every one that served and to their families that put up with they long deployments.
Now back to our regularly scheduled programing.
USMC 1975-1979
OK ....... Tom N Chuck ...
Quiz -Time .......... which mower .. is the better and why ??
.......View attachment 30843 ....................... View attachment 30844
HEY Ro-Ro ...... ck it out ..... looks like we got us a "leather-neck" in the area .... yeah those are the guys that
use us guys for their transportation needs .. they use your boats and my airplanes ... WELL .. since they"re the first to fight .... n THEY do most of the ..... on the ground kickin butt ... we can cut him some slack ...Ha,Ha, ( LOL ) ..:laughing::laughing: AND ..... Thank You for your service too ..
OK ....... Tom N Chuck ...
Quiz -Time .......... which mower .. is the better and why ??
.......View attachment 30843 ....................... View attachment 30844
Ummmmm is this a trick question? LOL
Can we refer to you as a "Jar Head" or is that considered impolite? If so, please accept my sincerest apologies.. and then forget I ever mentioned it..
Now on to the pressing question that Boo-Boo has presented us with: I think it has to be the one with the pretty yellow wheels - don't you?? I mean presentation is worth at least 50% of the points awarded in any beauty contest...
Also known as "Bubble head" (and I have the tee shirt to prove it!) Or "Sewer Pipe Sailor"....
But I like: "Deep-Diving, Death-Defying, Steely-Eyed, Submariner Extrodinaire" . . best of all!!!
P.S. I made an eleven month cruise away from home port one year. Does that count as a "Long Deployment"?
If I remember right Murray ceased to exist in 2006. They are now MTD made.
Correction... Murray was taken over by Briggs & Stratton in 2005/2006 ... Boobala
Murray is now made in China.
Not sure if under license or if brand name has been sold .
The mowers are direct copies of the pre B & S Murray.
You can call me Jar Head, Leather Neck, Webfoot Warrior, Marine or just Tom. ;-)
Nothing satisfies your addiction to mower porn. It ruins families.:laughing:
Can't keep up with ownership /company /subdivisions / spinoffs / mergers / trades / brand-names etc. etc.
It seems every month theres a name change ...
Root141 - - Seriously??? You think you're gonna sell freakin' toys to this group of hardened wrench-twistin' knuckle busters? Get a life dude, but do it some where else!
This dickweed is somewhere in your State, can you hunt'em down?
Root141 - - Seriously??? You think you're gonna sell freakin' toys to this group of hardened wrench-twistin' knuckle busters? Get a life dude, but do it some where else!
This dickweed is somewhere in your State, can you hunt'em down?
I turned the post in as advertising. One of the big wigs deleted it.
(This post is mostly for Tom, cause he was my safety net in case Boobala tried to abduct me or something worse!!)
So, Tom.... Everything went great today! We met Boo-Boo and his beautiful wife over in their neck of the woods and Boo and I just chewed the fat for a couple hours while the girls went shopping in one of Florida's HUGE flea markets! We had a great time! Then they took us to their favorite restaurant that offered Southern Home Style Cookin' for lunch and the food was great! . . . . And there was tons of it! . . . . . We had to take a large-sized doggy box home with us, but luckily we don't have a dog! So we get to eat all the left-overs ourselves!
This forum has been great! Knowledgeable and helpful members, who turn out to be great friends! Who could ask for anything more? I think we should all get together and climb aboard some old tramp steamer and head down to Australia so we can go visit Bert, he seems be be a tickety-boo sort of guy... Probably he'd throw a extra kangaroo on the barbie and find a case of Fosters for all hands...
All is right with the world on this end..
Roger B
To report a post just click the triangle in th lower left corner the tell them why you are reporting. I have only turned in for advertising. Good thing I don't have all the power right.:laughing::laughing:
Well ROGER ...
There ya go AGAIN !!
Only mention MTD (Made To Disintegrate) as THEE machines to be riding upon, did you intentionally leave out MY brand of Murray (?)
Geez Boo, you're a touchy old f@rt ain't-cha? As you are well aware MTD is a family name (progenitor) of various and sundry lawn tractors, almost too numerous to name! I thought that Murray was included in that family, am I incorrect? If so I apologize, but I did think I had included a whole squadron of lawn tractors all developed and built under the MTD umbrella... That was my intent, I certainly did not want to exclude you or your beloved Murray's from anything as important or World shaking as:
This event will be open to any and all riding lawnmowers capable of attending! Even my Yardman which doesn't even have a mower attached to it any longer will be welcomed! See how 'liberal' our requirements are? Certainly Murray's would not be excluded! They would be welcomed with open arms - (and as that old Rock & Roll song went - legs!)
Texas sounds great to me.. Maybe Tom can suggest just where in that great state we should congregate..
Well that sounds OK ..BUT I think you should change the word Liberal to TOLERANT .. just sayin .../QUOTE]
I agree and I apologize. I will strike the word that begins with "L" and ends with "L" from my vocabulary and replace it with "Tolerant"...
Trouble is, I ain't very - - tolerant, that is...
Remember the Murray tractor that I posted pictures of a few posts ago and was wondering if it still worked? (It got submerged out here in the parking lot during Hurricane Hermione back in September.
Well, as I told you via email this AM we had another serious storm here last night and the entire complex got flooded a couple feet deep, including the Murray, again! When the waters receded it left all sorts of debris all over the parking lot and the maintenance guy is out there right now using the mower as a 'leaf-blower' to blow the palm fronds and other detritus off the macadam. So, long story short - the Murray does run!!! (Although I doubt the blades are much good from the sound of things!)
Well kiss my go to HALL !! I ALMOST aint ready for that ...!!! GOOD ol Murrays.... BUT's a Briggs engine thats 1/2
the winning combo !! Tell that maint. guy to keep his eye on that machine... if I get over that way... it may follow me home !!!
Now that we've calmed Boo-Boo down and included his favorite Murray tractors, we can devote our time to selecting the proper location for this monumental event.
I have to admit that my exposure to Texas has been limited to passing from one side to the other via either I-40 or I-10. That doesn't really give you a good impression of what the State has to offer. Which is exactly why we have decided to choose the Gulf Coast of Texas as our winter hideout for 2018. We are going to be just North of Corpus Christi.
I have always heard good things about Bandera County, slightly North and West of San Antonio. What would you think of that area?
The Corpus Christi area is pretty and the beaches are nicer then the ones around Houston.
OK then, we will scrutinize the Corpus area when we get down there in 2018. That's a L-O-N-G ways from you though, right? We do plan to visit San Antonio at some point during those three months, that's closer to you if I remember correctly...
We are taking Boo-Boo and his lovely wife out for a boating adventure tomorrow. We'll be cruising a couple rivers, one that courses through untouched cypress swamps and real back country Florida. Ought to see some gators and plenty of turtles the size of hubcaps.. (Old-time full wheel sized hub caps!) The other river originates from a beautiful spring and the water is glass clear. Even where it is ten-feet deep it looks like the boat is floating in mid-air. So clear it seems weird to see fish floating by beneath you.
Then we'll hit one of two restaurants that have docking facilities available and grab a sumptuous lunch... Maybe shrimp etouffee or some other exotic Cajun dish with enough fire in it to light Boo-Boo up! Like the old Maine saying goes: "We'll have him goin' 'round, like a f@rt in a fryin' pan!"
Hey Tom, Chuck ...if ya's don't hear anything from me by Thursday afternoon...... ya know Ro-Ro devised a way to do me in, and take my 3 murrays ... I know he SAYS he's an MTD guy BUT I know he really wants these Murrays ...stay on top of this now ... Boo- Boo ..![]()
Ha! How do you know they aren't in on this with me?? Three Murrays - Three guys - split three ways!! You might be needing another safety net!!
Ha ... G'day mate... yee fergot mee Aussie buddy Trevor ( bert ) .... av yee?? Seems Trev azz me bak covered some of Croc Dundees tricks n surprises in case ya guys be plannin detrimental n dastardly acts upon me !! Right Trev .?? Trev...?? .... TREV..??? HEEYYY TRREVVV !! ???
AND .............. heres that MTD TransAxle RE-call Information I told you about sometime long ago ...
If you research the recall here is what it says: "What is the problem?
A drive gear in the lawn tractor's hydrostatic transaxle can fail causing brake failure, posing a crash hazard to consumers.
What puzzles me is what gear is it that would fail and cause a loss of brakes? The transaxles I dealt with have a disc brake that is attached to the shifter shaft. You lock that shaft up and the axle can't turn unless a main drive gear failed.. You think they have started making those gears out of plastic?? I gotta go look at my transaxle pictures again...
Have you seen my Murray. Im totally rebuilding it one day.
View attachment 30913
Now that is a Murray.
Have you seen my Murray. Im totally rebuilding it one day.
View attachment 30913
Now that is a Murray.
Primer One-Two-Zero,
Welcome aboard! It's about time some of you guys that have been following this insanity chimed in! We need the input! We need more pictures! We need something that is related to lawnmowers to discuss! However, with that said, your lawn doesn't look very healthy! Looks more like typical Florida sand to me! If you have been mowing that spot... STOP!! It's good enough and you are going to ruin your blades if you keep it up!
You say you have Honda mowers.. we accept Honda mowers here, but it is nice that you have a Murray.. Boo-Boo will be happy..
Don't be a stranger! Y'all come back now, Y'hear?
Primer one-two-zero,
There! That's much better looking! Nice lawn! I checked out your project thread and have to admit that I wasted a push mower engine by hitting a root and bending the crank. Mine bent so badly that the engine would no longer start, even though I could still pull it over. I junked it and bought a new one with a 6.5 HP engine. (I figured that a larger engine would be better for "powering" through roots! . . . LOL
OK then, we will scrutinize the Corpus area when we get down there in 2018. That's a L-O-N-G ways from you though, right? We do plan to visit San Antonio at some point during those three months, that's closer to you if I remember correctly...
We are taking Boo-Boo and his lovely wife out for a boating adventure tomorrow. We'll be cruising a couple rivers, one that courses through untouched cypress swamps and real back country Florida. Ought to see some gators and plenty of turtles the size of hubcaps.. (Old-time full wheel sized hub caps!) The other river originates from a beautiful spring and the water is glass clear. Even where it is ten-feet deep it looks like the boat is floating in mid-air. So clear it seems weird to see fish floating by beneath you.
Then we'll hit one of two restaurants that have docking facilities available and grab a sumptuous lunch... Maybe shrimp etouffee or some other exotic Cajun dish with enough fire in it to light Boo-Boo up! Like the old Maine saying goes: "We'll have him goin' 'round, like a f@rt in a fryin' pan!"
I only own 6 mowers and yes it is my sickness. But I love it.
Chuck, Chuck, you are a sick, sick man. . . . I think you may need a mower intervention! It won't hurt.... A bunch of seemingly nice guys come to your house, then they get you out in the back yard where they have set up a BBQ and a very large cooler with your favorite beverages and while they ply you with food and drink and regale you with great stories, some of them quietly sneak in and remove all the 'extra' mowers you have... By the time you come to as to what has happened, it's all over and you are back to normal with just one mower, like 'regular' folks...
Now just send me your address and I'll set it all up.....
Doctor Roge
Hey! It's either that, or it's the 12 step Lawn Mowers Anonymous program and that is MUCH more painful... And you have to go for years and years! Sometimes for the rest of your life!
Chuck, Chuck, you are a sick, sick man. . . . I think you may need a mower intervention! It won't hurt.... A bunch of seemingly nice guys come to your house, then they get you out in the back yard where they have set up a BBQ and a very large cooler with your favorite beverages and while they ply you with food and drink and regale you with great stories, some of them quietly sneak in and remove all the 'extra' mowers you have... By the time you come to as to what has happened, it's all over and you are back to normal with just one mower, like 'regular' folks...
Now just send me your address and I'll set it all up.....
Doctor Roge
Hey! It's either that, or it's the 12 step Lawn Mowers Anonymous program and that is MUCH more painful... And you have to go for years and years! Sometimes for the rest of your life!
I better not let my wife see this post or she will post my address and I will be doomed to one mower. By the way I do not own a single MTD mower. Or a push mower.
Geez you live where there are sidewalks and everything! Pretty darn fancy!!
Something I've noticed about the 'regulars' on here. . . . I fixed that one lawn tractor and felt pretty smug about myself, whereas most of the rest of you guys aren't happy unless you have a garage full of lawn mowers you've either fixed or are waiting to be fixed!! When does lawn mower repair become a sickness like "Hoarding"? When you have three? Or four? Or more??? Do you end up like Jay Leno who can't decide which car to drive today?? . . . . Hhhmmmmm, let's see, will I mow with the Red Murray today? No, no, I feel gloomy, it's the black one for sure..
And then there is Bert!!! He not only worries about which mower to use, but which grease he should lubricate it with before venturing out with it!! . . . . "Let's see a well blended 10W-30 for the engine, . . . or maybe the straight 30 weight? . . . Hmmm, let's check the thermometer and the outside temp... Then it's on to my special mix of graphite and Vaseline for the plastic bushes in the wheels so they won't perish..... now where'd me sheila put that 5 pound tin o' the stuff???" :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
Jus' call me "One Mower Roger" (And that isn't even right! I junked the mower deck!!) - How about NO Mower Roger!?!? (I'm thinking that's what admin would like to see!!) - As in "NO more Roger!!!"
Also what is that white stuff on the ground in the second picture Boobalo posted? I don't know what that stuff is. ;-) Tom
Getting back to your transaxle ... did you ever see this video ... also, have you ever determined what caused your issue in the first place ...??? ......
All you followers of this thread... I want you to know how great Roge is doing in his RE-hab
he is a shining example of a man that has almost entirely forgotton about the hundreds of mowers he's owned ( hence the reference to junk-yards )
I love that vintage machine!! I think it would be alright for you to keep at least that one,,, you know, just for the sake of nostalgia... but all the rest of 'em? They may have to go... What's yer wife's email addy? . . . I'll drop her a note and a info sheet from LMA... (Lawn Mowers Anonymous.) It's an easy 12 stepper... First step - you have to wash your hands real well and then clean all the grease out from under your finger nails.. . . . No more sniffin' gasoline... Just stuff like that, it's pretty easy really..
Where are all these mower grave yards? I'm with Tom, I want to spend a few hours just digging through all that machinery! Just think of all the goodies you might find!
I only know of one back home, but he charges for everything.. We want FREE!!!
How about we start a HUGE old lawnmower swap meet, like they do with antique automobiles? We could include that with the GREAT LAWN TRACTOR RALLY!!
I have the self proclaimed largest Lawnmower boneyard in the US just 15 miles from my house.
Murray is now made in China.
Not sure if under license or if brand name has been sold .
The mowers are direct copies of the pre B & S Murray.
SO Chuck .....tell us again, how much do you charge to let people camp-out in your back-yard per day ...??
I have had fantasies of being in Haralds for a an endless day ! I think you just made a big oops... Roger, Tom, ...pack your bags we have found Valhalla !!! Right in Chucks back-yard... OOoooooeeee !!!!
I have the self proclaimed largest Lawnmower boneyard in the US just 15 miles from my house.
How do you stand it? I mean do you live in Harald's backyard,or what?
Can we include a day at Harald's as part of THE GREAT LAWN TRACTOR RALLY"?
We'd like to rent every room you have in all three hotels, (assuming they are near Harald's) for the entire event!
We were thinking of holding "THE RALLY" in Texas, but we are very flexible! Missouri would work fine!
SORRY Tom ... looks like a CHANGE in plans... HARALDS up in MISERY with Chuck first
Be forewarned lawn mower enthusiasts! Watching this video will either make you cry or grab your pickup truck and head to Harald's!!
This is painful to see:
Roge B
The really sad part is we will be the bygone generation of those that cared enough to resurrect & preserve these GREAT machines that once were !!! Boo-Hoo WAaaah.. :frown:
How do you stand it? I mean do you live in Harald's backyard,or what?
Can we include a day at Harald's as part of THE GREAT LAWN TRACTOR RALLY"?
We'd like to rent every room you have in all three hotels, (assuming they are near Harald's) for the entire event!
We were thinking of holding "THE RALLY" in Texas, but we are very flexible! Missouri would work fine!
I have never been to Harald's. I'm afraid of the money I would spend. I could buy the whole place. I mean I purchase the business then I would have my sickness finally taken care of. Oh the time I could spend in the bone yard.
Hang in there Boo-Boo... We're all doing our level headed best to resurrect the machines we come across! Everyone is doing the best they can.. I saw several of the old Ford LGT tractors and I've always wanted one of those. Unfortunately, even though they have a great little diesel engine, they didn't have a PTO, so there isn't much you could do with them except haul stuff around. I almost bought one once, but my better half pointed out the fact that I couldn't do much more than haul a trailer with it.
Do you know of any tractor graveyards around here?
OK you guys...
I did it !! .....Go check out my NEW post located in ..Small Engine& Mower Repair Forum .
TITLE: ( Mower,Junk ,Salvage or Scrap )
Hope I got the ball rolling !! ...:smile: ..Boobala
Well all,
It looks like this thread has finally come to an end... and I'm going to miss it.
I do hope someone beside myself learned something along the way.. There are some truly knowledgeable guys on this forum who are very willing to share their expertise with others. I appreciate all the help and want thank all the respondents.
Now it is our duty to pick up our tools and go forth and fix sh!t . . . 'er 'stuff'...
My best to everyone,
Roger B.
Yep that's not over yet.
I finally found my pic of the spring on the Nikki carb. that caused so much problem...
when this return spring on the choke valve lever gets goober'd up with greasy dirt or whatever .... it causes erratic engine behavior ...
In a dusty environment I use a dry lube like lithium spray grease. I use at least 2 cans a year. I love the stuff.
Do you think that may be what causes my single cylinder B&S to 'surge' like it does? I don't think I left that spring or any external parts of the carb cruddy. Maybe the problem is internal?
Any one that is looking for good "dry lube" check out your local bicycle shop for the small packages of cable lube. I found some that were perfect for my motorcycle's cables and ran me about 25 cents each pack. One pack per cable and it was all good to go.
What I have done is to put the red straw at one end of the cable and taped the crap out of it then spray till it comes out the other end. White lithium grease spray can.
IF you can remove the hole cable assembly from the boat and then have a place to hang it you might be able to extend the cable out the top as far as you can and then apply the lube to that part, slide it back in , pull it out and repeat, that way you will start working the lube a little bit at a time down the cable and gravity will help. Have done motorcycle cables like that before.
Looks like the #7 Special Pork Fried Rice is the menu item of the day.
Take your boat down to the local yard, attach the lift cable to the bow eye and stand her on the transom. Climb aboard and lube the cables. Problem solved.
Take your boat down to the local yard, attach the lift cable to the bow eye and stand her on the transom. Climb aboard and lube the cables. Problem solved.
I think you should check your prop... if the paint is worn off, ........... it's time ya bought a new boat ... with
NEW cables in it !! ..:laughing: ..:laughing: ..:laughing:
That's like back in the days when we all smoked and used to get a new car when the ash trays filled up in the old one! (Of course you could buy a new car back then for around two-grand!)
However, after carefully inspecting my prop I began thinking you might be right! I have my new Scout all picked out.... (Note the eye candy that comes seated in the forward console seat!!)
Roger B
You are welcome Sir and I think that eye candy's name is Heart Attack LMAO
Heart Attack?? Nah, ya jus' gotta pace yourself when ya get this age.. What I used to do all day, now takes me all day to do!! :wink: :licking:
Ohhhh you terrible dirty little boys ,... SHAME be all over ya'll !!!! ..:ashamed: ..:ashamed: ..![]()
Hey Rog ....
By the looks of things today... if you go back to Maine before AUGUST ... you will be puttin a snow-blade on that mower .... ( LOL ) N just wait till you hear that Johnny Cash tune ......
" How High's The Water Momma ?? " You gonna be REALLY glad you have that boat with ya !! Better find a raft for your car !! .....:frown:
That skinny long spring is kind of delicate ... handle it gently .. :thumbsup:
That long, skinny spring is there to prevent the engine from surging. If it's gone, purchasing and installing a new one may solve your problem.
I work on push mowers primarily, so I'm not very experienced with the bigger Briggs engines..
I left out another great use for a left over air cooled engine that fell out of someone's lawn tractor. "Mud Skippers" Like "Mud Buddys" only different!
Check out the videos:
Hot Daangit, Roger.... I'm thinking you may just have a WALBRO carb and NOT a NIKKI ..
I've heard there are some guys up north..... that were "gifted" with a "set" .....of basket-ball porportions..
and sheet for brains........ that actually take these out in winter on snow covered roads and semi frozen lakes ... ya gotta be kiddin !!! When these things get away from ya .... its all over but the cryin !! then there's the guys don't even have a "cage" around the prop ......OOoooooweeeee !!! :confused2:
Has this thread finally come to it's inevitable end? I thought so once and it bounced back to life. But, now that we have covered such a wide spectrum of interests, while the members contributing have remained fairly constant, I fear we have exhausted their efforts to keep it afloat.
Again, I would like to thank everyone who posted anything, turning a single subject into a blog of numerous topics. I'd also like to thank all the readers whoever you are, because just watching the number of views steadily increase, is what kept the members posting..... And we all need to thank the forum administrators for allowing this to continue for so long.
There is however, a lesson to be learned here. As in most of life's endeavors, if you merely passively observe and don't actively contribute, not only will your benefits be limited, but the entire entity will atrophy and die.. just as has happened here.
Don't remain on the side lines as a 'thinker', be a doer! Get your hands dirty! Try something you've never tried before.. and when confronted with a problem you can't figure out - ASK someone. For as you have found on this forum, the world if full of those willing to share their expertise and knowledge, make use of it and expand your horizons. . . . . Get off your dead butt and DO something.
Zero bubble...
Com'on you guys, ya can't quit now! As of this moment in time this thread only has 99 more readers to go to slip up to 20,000 views... AND if we can get to 20,000 views then we will all be issued GOLD STARS! (I think they are just gummed stickers for our foreheads... but still....)
So, let's all chant together, "Gold Stickers! - Gold Stickers! - Gold Stickers! - - - Hey! You in the back... I can't HEAR you!! . . . Let's put a little more heart into it... Gold Stickers!! - Gold Stickers!! - Gold Stickers!!! . . . That's better.... We're on our way now!!
Roger B
As soon as I saw the email I was kind of excited about this thread not being over. So now we just need a good topic to talk about to get those views. I know one thing for sure is that here in Southwest part of Missouri I have been mowing my commercial accounts since the first week in March. I even had to ware my coat for the first half of the morning. 40 f got up to 78 f that day. So started out with coat over long sleeve shirt over a t-shirt. I could have changed into shorts after lunch but thought my white legs would blind somebody driving by.
Gold Stickers !!! I am in
I think in my life time I have had more aw sheets than gold stars.
Whee! thank you for confirming the Aw Sheet protocol
Glad to hear you will be staying down south for a spell. Been goofing around with my Go-Pro and learned how to post videos on YouTube so watch out world.![]()
I also added to my collection of FREE mowers and stuff and started a couple of threads at the "Front Porch" forum here.
Have fun building the "shed" and watch out if you wire the safeties on the nail guns. We had to pull a guy off a roof years ago after he shot 3 nails through his knee into the roof he was working on because he had wired the safty, He was a hurting puppy, trush me.
Have a safe trip and I look forward to meeting you all sometime in mid June or so.
Just saw my "post count" heck I'm half evil. LMAO
LMAO you guys are killing me here. Boo Boo my lawyers will be contacting you soon as to your defaming me. Look for a letter from the law firm of Dewey, Cheatem and Howe.
Bring em on... MY lawyers just got me off on a rape case by pleading INSANITY !!
Told the court I was " crazy " bout that "stuff" ......:laughing: ..:laughing: ..:laughing: ..:laughing:
Good morning Roger
I am anticipating some good pictures of the shed build
Lots of old containers around the Houston Texas area, (big seaport) I have seen them set up like you described and also seen them stacked two high to form a "high-rise" housing unit with storage below. Many ways to use them.
How are things 'down under"?
I'm not sure if you all noticed but this horse has died a long time ago...please stop the molestation of a dead horse...or I'll call PETA on ya'll.
I'm not sure if you all noticed but this horse has died a long time ago...please stop the molestation of a dead horse...or I'll call PETA on ya'll.
Roger for a couple of guys who are supposed to be working on the steering assembly you all have pretty much tore out the *** end of that mower, whats with that? LMAO
Don't you just LOVE shimming stuff. Measure the gap, figure out shims, install slims, reassemble everything. Oh CRAP to tight/to loose. Disassemble everything, remeasure shims space, re-figure shims, install said shims put it all back together, test and repeat till it is right.
Do it all the time with stuff that I did not take apart but am trying to put back together.
Ever worked someplace that figured the time you should take to do a job ACCORDING to a FLAT RATE manual ..??
They never account for the time it takes to shim something to specs ... I quit working at places that used flat rate
manuals as their time standard , ...also I've seen guys cut corners in order to complete a job within the allotted time tables
ALMOST all manuals were set according to working in a fully functional , fully equipped, indoor A/C ,environment with brand new factory built to spec. units that were void of dirt, grease, oil sludge, etc.Performed by someone who has worked on the unit many times , before writing the procedures ...UNREAL for the poor &#*@$#& that is not
familiar with the unit ...doing it for the first time....:mur: ....:thumbdown:
I worked at a motorcycle dealership for a while and the tecs there worked the flat rate for the most part. One had to replace the wiring harness on a full dresser and the flat rate was like 4-5 hours. It took a whole day to strip down the bike to remove the bad harness before installing the new one, we never could figure out how the factory figured out you could remove and replace a full wiring harness in 5 hours.
Here comes trouble ....Bert, Tom, Chuck, Roger, Ted & ..... ???
Is "???" supposed to be me? :laughing:
Bout time YOU caught-up... YOU need to quit chasin "skirts" n pay attention yung-un ...( LOL ) ..:laughing: ..:laughing: ..:laughing:
Anybody heard from NorthBama or Jack17 ... Somebody call the brothel and have them
told to report for duty or risk losing ALL their GOLD stars ...!!! .....:confused3:
Welcome home Roger the Vacation in Paradise is over. Out from under the palm trees an onto the snow drifts.
We didn't come home to as much snow this April as we did back in 2015. It was only about a foot deep in front of the boat shed and I tried to mash it down with the car (AWD) but that didn't work well, so I ended up shoveling it. . . . . If I could just talk the other half into not coming back until May...... Oh well.....
Had all kinds of problems once we got here. Well pump was screwed up, boiler quit running after half a day, CATV only had half the channels it was supposed to, phone system didn't work and my sonic tooth brush broke!
In two days we've had to have the well pump replaced, the burner for the boiler rebuilt, a new Cable TV box installed, a new phone modem installed and bought a new toothbrush head... Now we've got to take out a mortgage to pay for it all!!
Still, I suppose it is good to be home.. but in all honesty, I'd rather be sitting on the banks of the Withlacoochee River in the Blue Gator Tiki bar with Boo Boo, sipping a sweet tea, munching on a Cuban sandwich and laughing about how many hits we got on the Trasnaxle Rebuild posting.... Send me some sunshine Boo, will ya???
I'll get another sunshine check in the mail ASAP.. I appreciated what you sent, the sun actually peeked out of the clouds yesterday for about five minutes.. I cheered! Then it went away...
Blazin - Don't complain about "mowing", no matter what you have to wear! You'd have to use a snowblower here to mow with...
NO-BA-MA - They keep promising that we have warmer temps coming, but they never seem to get here. Stopped out to camp yesterday and the upper half of the lake is still frozen over..
STU, (de-baker) "Avanti" - (Get it?) The only plumbers rule I can think of that you left out was "Never pull your pants up high enough to hide your crack when you bend over!" . . . And you should NEVER worry about how long something is for this forum! We are striving for the world's longest posting on any lawn tractor forum, anywhere!
I'll get another sunshine check in the mail ASAP.. I appreciated what you sent, the sun actually peeked out of the clouds yesterday for about five minutes.. I cheered! Then it went away...
Blazin - Don't complain about "mowing", no matter what you have to wear! You'd have to use a snowblower here to mow with...
NO-BA-MA - They keep promising that we have warmer temps coming, but they never seem to get here. Stopped out to camp yesterday and the upper half of the lake is still frozen over..
STU, (de-baker) "Avanti" - (Get it?) The only plumbers rule I can think of that you left out was "Never pull your pants up high enough to hide your crack when you bend over!" . . . And you should NEVER worry about how long something is for this forum! We are striving for the world's longest posting on any lawn tractor forum, anywhere!
March mowing in south Missouri
View attachment 31557
I still have my Avanti and that reminds me, I need to run out and find a new car cover worthy of the ole girl's value to me. She is old, but, not dead and still draws looks from the fellas wherever I take her.
MaxView attachment 31560
..(ROMEX --BX cable) easier to work with but learning circuitry rules over again because NOW a WHITE wire has become a HOT or a FEED - Boobala
Me thinks you had a brain-fart - In AC residential wiring, White is Neutral, Black is Hot! The only time a white wire can be Hot is when it is used as a switch leg, or has been 're-identified' (as in colored black or red.)
I wish you had been with me yesterday! I could have used anyone who knows more about plumbing than I do! Now I have to make up a rig that will allow me to reattach the battery powered bilge-pump for emergencies before they have one!!
What a mess!!!
Is it true plumbers do crack. I am so glad I took the electrician career (retired now). Too much sheet in a plumbing a career.
NO...NO Bama ... Plumbers DON'T "do" crack ( at least we think not )...Plumbers HAVE..."crack in back" ...also better known as
"sheet-chute"...usually seen when they bend over to fix kitchen sink !!
Electrical work is simple.... 2 wires , hook it up.. 3 wires , screw it up.. 4 or more wires , blow it up !! NO PROBLEM !!!..:laughing:..:laughing:
If you are trying to make this the thread with the most views, you will have to pass 366,449 and counting:
That carburetor is crying... fix me, clean me, ...ya know Admiral, ..( LOL ) if you're VERY careful.. you can usually get a carb totally apart for a thorough cleaning WITHOUT destroying the seals and gaskets and you can get a good bit of the re-build components as separate items too.!! UHhh .... more Sunshine is on the way too !!Sooo,,, No-Ba-Ma, you was a "elec-trician" too? What sort of work did you do? Residential or Commercial? We had a family company (started in 1955) and did residential, light commercial and marine.
Primer- I don't suppose we will ever top the views that post has. I hadn't seen it before.. Oh well, as the desiderata states, "there are always those who are greater and lesser than yourself.." Besides, Boo maybe able to 'take care' of that situation all by himself...
Quiet day yesterday. Spent the day straightening out my shop and doing little projects. Boo sent some sunshine and the temps soared up to 58*... Quite balmy.. Snow is melting like crazy...
I actually looked at the YARDMAN yesterday, I had to climb up on the running board in order to reach an empty box I needed.. I intend to run some Sea Foam through it first, hopefully that will cure whatever problems the carb is having.. Boo-Boo wants me to take it all apart, but I believe in trying the simplest method first...
Zero Bubble....
Good Morning All
Hope all is well. A special thank to Boo for sending Rodger some sunshine. Roger I worked as an industrial maintenance electrician. I worked most of my career at the Onan Engine manufacturing facility in Huntsville Alabama until it closed in 1998. My work consisted of electrical repair of the machining equipment. My last job before retirement was maintenance at the Toyota Engine facility in Huntsville Alabama. Retired in 2009 and started tinkering with small engines just cant get it out of my blood. Hope everyone has nice sunshine day as it is here.
That carburetor is crying... fix me, clean me, ...ya know Admiral, ..( LOL ) if you're VERY careful.. you can usually get a carb totally apart for a thorough cleaning WITHOUT destroying the seals and gaskets and you can get a good bit of the re-build components as separate items too.!! UHhh .... more Sunshine is on the way too !!
I used to sell and install ONAN generators in both residential and marine settings. However, when Onan quit building their own engines (evidently, 1998) I quit using their products and shifted to Kohler. I tended to only use products that had proven their reliability and bought only what I considered to be the best available.
You KNOW that I couldn't get a carb apart without losing half the parts and destroying most of the ones I didn't lose! I'm going to try Sea Foam and see if that won't help..
Hey, yesterday was great! I saw 66* on the thermometer! Today is supposed to be even better! I have to get the boat straightened out for Spring. It won't get launched again now until sometime in June or maybe July..
"There is nothing... Absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing, as simply messing about in boats." - (So says the Water Rat.)
Pumper54;258037What can be done with boats when people do the right thing for the right reason: [url said:[/url]!
When Cummins engine company bought Onan engines everything started going in a different direction. Cummins is a diesel company and they didn't want the gasoline engines. They only wanted the generator business so there we go a good engine went down.
Yep, 24,600 more posts and we will reach the 25K mark. LMAO Tom
Tom, NO, NO!! I's not "posts" we're looking for, it's VIEWS!! The number of times those dedicated readers of all this drivel open up the thread and read these words of wit... (Although I must admit there doesn't seem to be much "wit" involved as of late!) Maybe, if once again, we allow the thread to die of it's own accord, the views will slowly coast up to 25K and we will all be satisfied...
You doing the roofing or hiring it done? Asphalt or metal? You guys probably have shallow pitched roofs, right? (Ours average 45*)
Roof is being done by Roofing Company, composition roofing, metal would cost WAY to much. 52 squares is what the guy said for our roof. 10/12 and 12/12 pitch so I will let someone climb up there. I used to hang Christmas light along the eves but used a roof ladder I borrowed from the fire department I was with at the time. I may be crazy but I am not stupid. ;-)
We face about the same conditions here in the Texas Gulf Coastal area as you all do there in FLA. We did price out a metal roof when we had the house built 20 years ago and it was outrageous then, don't even want to think what it would cost today. We don't have a simple roof, 5 dormers, 5 different ridge lines not including the dormers and a very step pitch. Besides the style of the house would not look well with a metal roof unless it was copper and that is WAY out of our price range.
I agree with Boo, that roof of yours sounds like something covering an estate, not a house.. You're going to be real disappointed if you get out here and see the little ranch-style shack we live in! To make matters worse (roof wise that is) about five years ago, we had a 75-foot spruce tree come down in a bad storm that landed on the roof and put five holes through it, the worst one was a limb that came down through the attic and right through the ceiling into the dining area. I was up on the roof in a howling wind and driving rain until 1:30 AM that morning cutting that damn tree up and getting it off the house. When we had the roof repaired, the architectural shingles we'd recently had installed, no longer looked exactly the same, so 1/4 of the roof on that side now looks different.. Real handsome! - - Not!!
Boo - I want you to know that since you've been sending sunshine, we have broken through the 45 degree barrier several times.. It's very pleasant...
I finally got all the Florida crud scrubbed off my boat cover! I soaked it in the bathtub for two days using Oxiclean.. That worked fairly well except for the mildew, so I squirted a bottle of Attwood Mildew Stain Remover on it and let that sit for a day. That helped but it still wasn't really clean, so I climbed into the tub and scrubbed each place with a scrub brush and some home made mildew remover, (water/bleach/Resolve) until it all looked as good as new. We dried it out over the porch railing, but the wind blew like crazy yesterday and I had to keep going out and hanging it back up. It's all folded up now (boats in the boat shed) and ready for Texas next winter..
Happy Easter Y'all
send me some of that cool air it hit 89 here yesterday and the pollen is unreal. Roger hope you have everything fixed so you can relax with a cool drink and a moose steak.
HIGH FIRE Alert here in Central Florida.. and its HOT, HOT, HOT !!!
Happy Easter Y'all
send me some of that cool air it hit 89 here yesterday and the pollen is unreal. Roger hope you have everything fixed so you can relax with a cool drink and a moose steak.
HEY guys... Ya'll know if Moose meat tastes like chicken ...:laughing: ..:laughing: ..:laughing:
Never tried any moose as a matter of fact never seen a real moose. I have eaten lots of chicken and cackle berries in my life time.
I've got to tell you guys, that moose is about the best wild game you can ever eat! It is deee-licious!
And the best part is anyone can apply for a permit! Here is all you need to know about hunting moose in Maine:
I have been fortunate to have been on about 9 different moose hunts since they began back in 1980. I was the Permitee once and the sub-permitee twice and all the rest of the times I have been everything from photographer to lumper.
Moose are the 'mother' of all animals to get out of the woods! We have used everything from come-alongs to 4X4 tractors over the years.
Here's a couple pictures from hunts in 2014 and 2016.
NAH, NAH, NAH..... THAT ....looks like heart attack work for this "ol-man" ...... I'd rather have MY heart attack in bed....
than in some God-forsaken wilderness refuge ... me be a woosie now !! ...:laughing: ..:laughing: ..:laughing:
Didn't you notice that a machine was doing all the "heavy lifting" in those pictures? All us guys were just having fun! (And thinking about steaks sizzling on the grill!)
Nah, you're right, really... We've had to cut roads, moved tons of dead wood from cuttings, and man-handle both moose and machines at times.. Dead moose are not easy to move! We always try to talk them into walking out to a road before getting shot, but for some strange reason, they are not very cooperative that way. It takes a lot of hard work and scouting in order to be successful, unless you happen to be wicked lucky!
We once hauled out a moose that weighed 1,010 lbs dressed out, with a Suzuki 250cc four wheeler. Those little buggers are powerful..
Boobala;258751I started a new thread[/QUOTE said:Boo-Boo.. That's what we need a NEW thread! This thing is getting old,, (again) and ought to die... I mean we're talking about moose hunting on a lawn tractor forum for pete's sake.. let's just let it be and go off to bigger and better things... What do you think of that??
You can try to kill this thread, but... I don't think it will work. :tongue:
This thread has now turn into PUNishment Boo boo doing all the punning. ;-)
OOoohhh, Tom-Tom, that was a gooood one!!!!
Sorry I have been absent for a few days. I best jump back in or this thread may go the way of the moose.
SOoooo... I guess the idea of turning this mower into a submarine ...has gone the way of my passion for
sand-papering a wildcat's butt in a phone-booth ...!! ( LOL )
...................View attachment 31686
Yeah Rog... talkin bout ya .... NOT to ya !!! .........:laughing: ..:laughing:
No I haven't given up on the 'submarine parade float', I just haven't gotten into it yet. I've got several projects out at camp I have to tackle this Spring. If - (and this is a BIG IF) - the old float will still - 'float', then I only have to replace and/or rebuild one 12-foot ramp. That will make the dock useable for another year. I still have to build four bunks in the bunk room we built last year. And last, but not least, I have to rebuild the pump/storage building, which will include a new floor and new roof as well as a new door.
Here at home I have to renovate the spare bedroom. We keep offering it to friends to come for a visit, but currently there isn't even a bed in it! That project keeps changing in scope (via the 'lady' of the house) so I don't know how involved it's actually going to be. We do 'plan' to buy a new bed for our bedroom, then ours will end up in the guest bedroom. When that will happen is also up to - 'you know who'!
I have to get the engine in the Yardman running smoothly first and I plan to run some Sea Foam through it before I fall back and ask your assistance in rebuilding the carb.
I also have to "think" about how to fasten the support frame work to the Yardman for the sub-hull and you know how hard "thinking" is for old bubbleheads who have spent too many years under pressure.. (Blame it on - Nitrogen Narcosis!!)
So, I may get to it fairly soon, then again, I may not... You riding me or what???
OH!! And sandpapering a wildcat's butt is nothing compared to jackin' one off with a hand full of cockle-burrs.. (or in your case, 'sand-spurs') THAT takes some grit, now I'll tell ya... You'll come out with more scratches than Ford Fiesta in a demolition derby.
LOVE IT when I get the hairs on your "set-down" to turn into barbed wire ..( LOL )
I love it when I realize I have any hair at all! Barbed-wire or silky-smooth... Besides, it takes more than a run-down flyboy to get my dander up!! LOL... After all, I is a Deep Divin', Death Defyin', Steely-eyed Killer... (Or maybe "was" one of those - once..)
You know all the sayings: "Run Silent - Run Deep", "Pride runs Deep", there's only two kinds of ships: "Submarines and Targets" And the one YOU should remember: "There are far more airplanes in the ocean than there are submarines in the sky"! (A memorable quote by Hogan's Goat.) And my personal favorite: "As long as your number of surfaces equal your number of dives, you're golden!"
Sound the diving alarm! - Take her down, take her deep - Rig for deep submergence! - Rig for silent running. - Maintain a zero bubble...
I'm a bit concerned about the quantity of nitrogen in Rog's blood stream. There may have been some loss of integrity in the submersible he was serving. lol.
Did enjoy the quotes Rog.
And I know they HAD to be put out of service because of WHAT you sent into the galley exhaust fan !! (LOL )
I assure you that I had nothing to do with it! We had charcoal filters on the inboard vents for the sanitary tanks, so that anytime we had to blow the schitt tanks when we were submerged, we could count on those charcoal filters to 'purify' the air when it was bled off into the boat.. Number 2 sanitary tank held over 600 gallons of, . . well I'm sure you can imagine what it held, . . being as you are full of it!! . . LOL!! As I recall the charcoal filter was about 12" in diameter and maybe 16" long... More than adequate to remove any 'lingering' odors', . . right??? . . . Wrong! And to make matters worse, that vent was right in the After Battery where we had our meals! We used to stand up on the bench seat below that filter when it was being vented inboard, and take deep breaths while beating on our chests... Ahhh there is no smell like the inside of a vintage diesel submarine... They didn't call them Pig Boats for nothing!
LINGERING .... sorta like us ..Ha,Ha,Ha......
One of the little holes in the carb is partially blocked. When I clean a carb I use stranded copper wire to run through the holes to get any thing in there out.
I'm kinda hopin' that the Sea Foam will dissolve whatever it is that's crudding up the carb.. Am I dreamin'?
I'm kinda hopin' that the Sea Foam will dissolve whatever it is that's crudding up the carb.. Am I dreamin'?
Little secret: Sea Foam is just kerosene.
I doesn't look, smell, feel or - (well, I have to admit, I didn't actually 'taste' it) like kerosene.. I does however 'smoke' like kerosene.
What I want to know is this: If just slightly choking the engine gets it to smooth out, does that mean the carb is set to lean? If I rich the mixture up just a little won't that do the same thing?
Roger B
They just refine it much more than the cheep stuff.
Yes rich up the mixture and it will run better till the blockage clears then it will be running way too rich.
"And remember ...He who Hesitates is LOST !!":biggrin::biggrin:
I taught electronic theory, troubleshooting and advanced maintenance for sonar systems for three years in the Sub Service, so I understand the steps of troubleshooting. However, you have to have a thorough understanding of the complete system you are working on in order to apply it. I have already figured out that I have a carburetor problem, and now I'm trying the simplest thing first. (That's following proper procedures - right?) . . . . If this effort fails, then I'll move onto the next stage, which will entail tearing down the carb and reaming it's itsy-bitsy orifices out with welding tip cleaners.. (a.k.a. - tiny wires..)
I couldn't help but notice that two of your three project mowers had plastic bags tied to the steering-wheels. Are they an option you include for your potential buyers? "Rebuilt Mower for sale.. Complete with Dog schitt bagging equipment.."
You ARE a thoughtful guy..
ACTUALLY ... those are Sorta like those REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT "sleeves" used on Military Aircraft ... BOO -I NEVER HEARD OF SUCH A THING.....
AND ... you probably need your orifice reamed too! ...Should I call the Proctologist and make an appointment for ya ..?? ( LOL ) DON'T THREATEN ME WITH A GOOD TIME - REMEMBER I SPENT 10 YEARS IN A SEWER PIPE WITH 90 OTHER GUYS!! /QUOTE]
Been off line for a few days as I needed to have a wisdom tooth removed so I was feeling kinda punky but watch out I am back. LOL..Tom
Now THAT doesn't sound like a good time at all!
Glad you've bounced back buddy.. Just stay away from the steaks for a couple days, (I know that's hard for a Texan), but pablum or soup might be a better choice for a while .. Jus' sayin'...
UHHHh hey Rog, .... Tom didn't tell ya ... that wisdom tooth was KNOCKED OUT a jealous husband , who couldn't find his gun so he grabbed a ball-bat... YEAH I heard all about it !!! heard he's gonna hide-out in Hawaii for awhile ... ( LOL )
Now there's a beautiful place! I was stationed at Pearl Harbor from early 1969 until late 1970. My wife at the time and kids had a wonderful time, while I was out plowing holes through the ocean. Years and years later, when my daughter got married, she and her husband chose to go to Kauai for their honeymoon and returned a couple times more until they had kids and the reality of life (and $$$) hit them...
Tom should have a grand time there, sore mouth and all... He could eat soft bananas and maybe passion fruit..
Tom is still in Texas, living the dream. No jealous husbands to deal with, Tom doesn't play that game. Been to Hawaii and it is very but way to much $$$$$$$$$ for me. I spend 2 years on Guam back in the early 1970 when my Dad was stationed there. Beautiful there but I hear not so nice now.
AND you're STILL slackin ... ( LOL ) ...:laughing: ..:laughing: ..:laughing:
Slackin' - - SLACKIN' - - I ain't slackin', I'm jus' restin'.....![]()
I think B00 has been out in the sun too long without any cold refreshments :laughing:
Around folks would say "that boy's not right"
I wish I had that stash of mowers and my Brides is glad I don't. LMAO. Should have some 'real' drone video of my house soon, the company that replaced our roof wants to use the house in a commercial.
Boo, That JD is a real mess! THAT's what you'd call a "catastrophic failure"!!!!
I really can't believe any of those guys had anything to do with that disaster.. Bert-Man lives too far away, No-Ba-Ma, Blaz, and primer-roo are too smart to do anything that would have such terrible results and if Pumper-Tom had been handy, he'd have put the fire out.. Me think's yer pullin' me leg... Be mindful of whatchur grabbin'..... would ya??
One more page and this thread will offically be middle aged
It is Autum over here, if you believe in the drunken ravings of a fat white Roman wearing a bed sheet with a toe in the Mediteranian.
So that is peak Pommie bike riding time.
So I have been out getting saddle sores.
Bert said it is Fall down there " It is Autum over here, if you believe in the drunken ravings of a fat white Roman wearing a bed sheet with a toe in the Mediteranian" referring to the Roman calendar and " So that is peak Pommie bike riding time." that is a great time to ride English motorcycles and that "So I have been out getting saddle sores." He has been riding his *** off. Damn Son you don't understand English????? LMAO Bert I hope I got that correct.
It is Autum over here, if you believe in the drunken ravings of a fat white Roman wearing a bed sheet with a toe in the Mediteranian.
So that is peak Pommie bike riding time.
So I have been out getting saddle sores.
Warning! If you find hunting offensive, DO NOT read this!! . . . . Just go off in a corner somewhere and snivel for a while...
Today the rain finally quit, well, at least for the morning, we have had a few sprinkles this afternoon.
I was up and out at 3:40 AM again this morning, my usual time during turkey hunting season. When the sun finally came up, streaks of blue sky peeked through rags of clouds still scudding along, headed out to sea... looked like it might be a good day after all.
I spotted three hen turkeys all the way on the far side of the field, sneaking out of the woods and seeking a spot where the sunshine was finally warming the earth. They stayed in that sunbeam for nearly half an hour, probably trying to dry out after all the wet weather we've had. Then there was an hour and a half of nothing.. not a bird nor a beast showed itself and just as I was thinking the day was going to be the most boring one of the season, a loud gobble erupted from directly behind my blind. I jumped a foot off my seat!
I'm going to have to give you the Readers Digest (condensed) version of this story, because it took me over one-and-a-half hours to sweet talk that Tom - (no, not Pumper-54 Tom - a Tom turkey) - into venturing within range. You see they finally slipped into the field well above me and he was with his buddy (sort of like a "Wingman" if you'll forgive the pun) and this darling looking hen.. She had evidently promised him (or 'them! - I don't know) a wild time in the hay, because they both followed her in lock step wherever she went and she had no interest in coming to see my spread of a jake and two decoy hens. So for ninety minutes, using a mouth call, I promised both of those old boys sexual favors hitherto unheard of in the world of turkeys.. (I called it Kama-turkey-souptra! I even include the one where the hen hangs off a lower branch and the Tom . . . well, you don't need to read about that!! I think this is a family forum, after all...).. Just the same, if I wasn't such a jaded old dog, I would have been ashamed of myself!!
Anyway after finally convincing the boss bird that I was a 'go'er' - Know what I mean? . . Wink-Wink - - Nudge-Nudge.. He finally gave his current squeeze the slip and came thundering down the field, tail all spread out, wing-tips a-dragging, neck as red as a baboon's butt and head as white as the clouds up above... Then he stuck his neck out full-length, to see what the new ladies thought of his display... and . . . KA-BOOM!! A load of #4's from my little 20 gauge put his lights out... DAMN Girls! They'll get you in trouble every time!!
Turkey Jerky - - G-O-O-O-D!!
I can just see you in one of those Vee-drive boats!! You were white knucklin' it at 35 MPH in my Scout!! LOL...
Check out these American Sprint Boats.. The engines are direct drive to a Jet pump! makes 'em wicked fast and maneuverable.. I think they are more fun than just flying across the water hoping you don't launch yourself into outer space!
Gotta love driving a boat that requires a roll bar. Only in America.
Snivel, snivel,snivel,snivel, SNIVEL !!!!
Tom... THANKS for the vid ...and that last still pic looks like ya got enuff property to have a short landing strip....
Boobala ...:thumbsup:
Boo - What video?? What still pic?? I didn't get to see nothin'!!!
Now I'M going in the corner and snivel.....
You must have gun-shot residue in your eyes n ears... see post # 494 of THIS thread, ....then see Tom's NEW thread ...Another day at the farm ... (still pics # 1)