post proof of bad ethanol problems


Forum Newbie
Sep 19, 2013
Here ya go! Supposed to be 10%


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Forum Newbie
Sep 19, 2013
and the saw it cashed in!


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Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
E15 will be interesting but basically there is nothing anyone can do about it so.... Adapt, overcome, and improvise that's all we can do besides wait and see.

Basically so far I see a couple recurring things here. People do not run their equipment enough and don't know how to maintain. And cheap parts that will fail anyway but failure being sped up by improper maintenance.

Not excatly what I was asking for. So far I have gotten opinions and links to other opinions yet to see actual proof. Any one care to do experiment and post pics and progress here. Find some old carbs that run take them off soak them in e10 for a certain amount of time and test the carbs after a week Again after a month and monthly after that maybe this will prove it?

I think it's like Carscw said in the beginning, All your going to hear is opinions. As far as people not running equipment enough, I'm not sure I totally agree with that because you can have the same result with regular gas if the equipment sets. Now I do agree with the cheap parts and improper maintenance part possibly being an issue.


Forum Newbie
Jun 15, 2012
One thing to remember when storing e-gas in any vessel is to fill it completely full. That will also reduce the moisture accumulation.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
Hilllawnmower, I don't feel that the pics you posted are proof of a fuel problem. I see two different problems and causes. First, I see a definite dirt ingestion problem. Second, I see a lot of carbon build-up. To me the cause is poor maintenance and improper fuel/oil ratio or carb adjustment.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Hilllawnmower, I don't feel that the pics you posted are proof of a fuel problem. I see two different problems and causes. First, I see a definite dirt ingestion problem. Second, I see a lot of carbon build-up. To me the cause is poor maintenance and improper fuel/oil ratio or carb adjustment.

Definitely foreign material ingestion. I suspect what came in the intake side of the cylinder got lodged between the cylinder and piston, which in turn galled, and reduced the clearance on the exhaust side which lead to further damage. I have seen a lot of saws with sawdust in the intake, which when entering the cylinder will get burned, causing carbon which could lead to further damage. there are a lot of saws where the air cleaner just doesn't seal real well.


Lawn Addict
Sep 3, 2012
Just some food for thought...the whole idea of "proof" being needed is debatable within itself. Think about it...we are told there are black holes in we believe that, and do we really have/need proof?? Other things "most intelligent people" believe, without concrete proof are too numerous to list...DNA; man has really been on the moon; molecules & atoms make up everything we see; God exists...and the list goes on!!! What is really the bottom line in this discussion is that if YOU believe ethanol blended gas is bad for your equipment you don't really need simply believe that and we all could debate any of the examples I just gave til the cows come home and nobody would "win" and we would most likely not be swayed from our original belief on ethanol or any other "difficult to PROVE" subject. My real protest to the ethanol debate is that no one can offer me PROOF that it is better for the environment(and more importantly better for the consumer). Yet the EPA and our politicians know what's best for us and MY belief is that this world , as we know it, will eventually come to an end regardless of man's stupidity and intent to destroy it by cutting down rain forests, polluting the environment by inventing things(like gasoline and equipment to be powered by it having emissions) simply because the intelligence to invent things with substances at our disposal exists. After all, if "fossil fuel" is indeed not "renewable" that means we believe that should a catastrophic world-wide event happen....hey, "our remains" may be the next intelligient beings to live here's "fossil fuel":0)


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2011
i am trying to find the article i seen where they were talking about the ethanol/gasoline mixture. they said something about how the ethonal was supposed to make the gasoline price go down, but in the the past 2 years all they seen was the gas prices rise. i used the 10%in my jimmy for 2 months and the average temp on the engine was reading close to 190 degrees, and was getting approx 16.5 mpg(combined). then i ran the 10% close to empty, so i could start the test with straight gasoline(no ethanol).in 2 months, my engine temp was close to 180 degrees, and i was getting 22mpg(combined). i also started the test with a new air filter, and new plugs. the plugs when i used the e/gas sure were cleaner but the gap was maybe 1 thousandth different. the plugs from the straight gas were somewhat dirty, but the gap was the same as i put them in at. which to me showed that the e/gas was maybe 3-4 cents cheaper, but i had to fill up more often. using the mid-grade(89) at 3-4 cents more, my engine ran cooler and i got better gas mileage. so there are the good sides and the bad sides of the ethanol. and i live where the farmers grow the corn used in the making of ethanol, and they say they will not use it some of their more expensive cars.:confused3:


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2011
Just some food for thought...the whole idea of "proof" being needed is debatable within itself...

Maybe it's time for someone to provide the "proof" that ethanol added gasoline does not cause engine problems :)


Lawn Addict
Sep 3, 2012
Maybe it's time for someone to provide the "proof" that ethanol added gasoline does not cause engine problems :)

Well...aside from the effect on "machinery" the reply I received from my legislator about renewable fuels in general and their economic impact is pretty well in line with my feelings about the EPA forcing expensive renewable fuel alternatives down our throats. Below is her "politician's" opinion:
Dear Mr. Dice,

Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 1461, the Renewable Fuel Standard Elimination Act. I appreciate the opportunity to hear your thoughts on this important issue and share your conviction that with gas prices well over $3 a gallon across the country, the United States must rid our energy strategy of unnecessary mandates and burdensome regulations that drive up costs.

As you may know, the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) was created in the Energy Policy Act of 2005, which became law before I came to Congress. Since its enactment, the RFS has been consistently expanded and will mandate that our nation's fuel supply be inundated with 36 billion gallons of less efficient and more costly renewable fuels by 2022.

I support efforts to make our nation more energy independent and efficient, but it should not come at the cost of economic growth and freedom. The Renewable Fuel Standard Elimination Act would eliminate the RFS and allow the ethanol industry to compete in a free-market environment. This legislation was introduced by Congressman Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) on April 10, 2013 and was referred to the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, of which I am not a member.

In the past, I have requested that the EPA make needed changes to the RFS. For example, last year I sent EPA administrator Lisa Jackson a letter asking that she adjust the RFS mandate down to align with current market conditions. You can read a copy of my letter here.

Should H.R. 1461 come before the full House of Representatives for a vote, you can count on my support. Additionally, I look forward to continuing to work with my colleagues to develop a long-term energy strategy that lowers prices, creates jobs, reduces our dependence on foreign oil, and addresses the $16.8 trillion national debt. The more energy we produce in America, the stronger we will be as a nation.


Diane Black
Member of Congress
Needless to say....she'll get my vote if she runs for re-eletion:0)