Follow up. Maybe the solution?
I figured I’d look at the brake switch.
Discovered that the brake switch lever had partially broken from its mount. It wasn’t completely depressing the switch.
But, like the ignition switch, this part is very different physically from the OEM replacement.
Oh, well....maybe I’ll just hang the switch on the hood??
Addendum: The brake switch lever was attached to the brake shaft using a saddle mount with a bolt through the side facing the driver. The lever had broken about 3/4 through from the mount. Using a common Craftsman open ended wrench and PB Blaster I tried to remove the bolt. No excessive torque was applied. Bolt head sheared off. So much for the lever.
So, I removed the brake switch and its bracket and then removed the switch from the bracket. Pushing the switch manually and turning the key to start, the motor started normally. Good.
I considered replacing the switch lever. But, when I looked up the part the item in the schematic was different in construction and mounting method from what I have. O.K, my mower is a FrankenCadet. John Deere ignition switch? Brake switch lever from a Yugo??
Anyhow, I cut a notch in the body panel and move the switch outboard. Starts and runs like a charm now, but I guess I ruined any chance at collector value?? (Tongue firmly in cheek)
Regardless, I want to again thank everybody for their assistance with this, and their patience with me.
This forum is a god send.
We expect heavy snow for the next two days. This was completed just in time!