I agree...doesn't sound like a carburetor / breather / filter problem. Something internal causing too much "blow by" from excess pressure in the crankcase and as one mechanic said earlier it's got to go someplace. Perhaps an Oil ring broken, too much gap in the rings, loose rings, ring stuck closed due to cruddy, nasty oil and deposits etc. I remember an old trick we used to do years ago on old cars that had a "draft tube" before they had the PCV valve. I'd put the thick steel wool or the stainless steel scrubbing pads pulled out thin and put down in the vent tube going back down to the crankcase. What it would do is condense the oil and funnel it back down into pan. It was I grant you only a temporary fix, but I've used it on several engines over the years. Just don't want to cram so much down in their to stop the flow. Just about 1/2 way down and loose fit should work. Worth a try and then go into the engine this winter when you have time. But like reynoldston says, no need to sugar coat it.