Is the Kohler Courage really that bad?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2012
And they take all the crap you can give them


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
with that finish they are all show and no go...for anyone inclined to watch:laughing:

(I thought potty jokes were for kids? Shows how really uptight we are)

Bad Luck Chuck

Forum Newbie
Jan 4, 2014
When I said What the problems are is that people don't know Kohler engines. It meant how to take care of and preform the proper maintenance.

You have people that use the wrong motor oil to start with and they recommend using the synthetic for any number of things which in reality is nothing more than a myth. The only advantage to a synthetic is that it will provide better starting in extreme cold. That crap should never touch a mower engine. That's the first problem. Read the owners manual, Kohler recommends conventional petroleum-based detergent oils.

Change the oil and oil filter every 50 hrs without fail and start with the new filter, fill it half full of oil and let it soak while you drain the oil and remove the old filter. Install the new filter and add no more than 1 1/2 quarts of oil ( keep the oil level within the safe operating range on the dipstick only ) then leave it alone and you'll never have a problem with a Kohler Courage engine.

I am on my third mower from the big blue box store in less than 3 years. THe most recent return was a YTH21k46 with the Courage engine. I like to think I take care of my mowers better than the average individual treating it more like a car than a mower. Anyway, I never made it to 50 hours for the first oil change before the thing blew up on me. After a day of yard work picking up leaves, moving firewood with my small cart, and picking up twigs, I pulled up to the double doors, throttled down, opened my double doors and when I throttled back up.... POW. blue cloud of smoke. THe mower never ran again. What was it. Head gasket? rings? Who knows. I didn't have it worked on, I returned it. My Kohler didn't give me enough time to get to KNOW her before she crapped the bed on me. I can't afford a JD300 series with the Kawasaki engine. I have 4 acres to maintain with 2 of that to mow. But I do think I will be looking into something with a Briggs engine. THey seem to be on a good run with this current line.


Lawn Addict
Nov 27, 2011
The Kohler Courage and Briggs vtwin Intek are junk. I'd spend the extra money and buy mower with the Kohler Command Pro vtwin engine on it. Better engine for your money.


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
The Kohler Courage and Briggs vtwin Intek are junk. I'd spend the extra money and buy mower with the Kohler Command Pro vtwin engine on it. Better engine for your money.

You can call the Courage junk if you wish but I'll take a Courage to any briggs in a heart beat. I've ran three, 250 on a single 455 hrs on a 20hp twin and I'm closing in on 800hrs on my 22hp and have never had an issue with any Kohler Courage. I do agree about all briggs and strattons being junk though.
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Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
You casn call the Courage junk if you wish but I'll take a Courage to any briggs in a heart beat. I've ran three, 250 on a single 455 hrs on a 20hp twin and I'm closing in on 800hrs on my 22hp and have never had an issue with any Kohler Courage. I do agree about all briggs and strattons being junk though.

My cub has a kohler with over 900 hours on it. Have never even pulled the spark plug. But I still like briggs.

I don't care what brand of anything you buy your going to get a bad one once in a while.


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2012
The Kohler Courage and Briggs vtwin Intek are junk. I'd spend the extra money and buy mower with the Kohler Command Pro vtwin engine on it. Better engine for your money.

kohler command pro vtwin is in my mower. i like it.


Forum Newbie
Jun 26, 2014
When you have cracked engine cases on engines with very few hours it has nothing with as to how well a engine been maintained. This seems to be the problim on the Kohler courage engine. I really don't know what you need to do prevent this from happening. Maybe its the way it is operated, low RPMs??? maybe someone has a better idea.

i have the same trouble with my Kohler courage 19 cracked block operated properly oil changed reguarly and filters changed i think these engines all had bad castings i could not get any warranty help what so ever with mine engine only had 15 hours on it when it cracked never will purchase another one of these need a class action lawsuit


Forum Newbie
May 8, 2015
i have the same trouble with my Kohler courage 19 cracked block operated properly oil changed reguarly and filters changed i think these engines all had bad castings i could not get any warranty help what so ever with mine engine only had 15 hours on it when it cracked never will purchase another one of these need a class action lawsuit

I have a 27 Hp. Kohler Courage, better than 500 hrs. my original starter failed at about 450 hrs. I bought a replacement and 7 months later the drive gear and the top of what I would call the spindle broke off. Parts dealer covered it and I put in my 3rd starter. Now 5 months later , starter problems again. This time just a click when I hit the key. Turns out when I removed the starter the top of the drive was bent and the drive gear was just running into the flywheel. Any ideas on what might be happening? Thanks