Is the Kohler Courage really that bad?


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2015
I've got 23HP Courage on my Z-Turn...six seasons old and never a problem.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I've seen an inordinate number of Courage singles totalled out in my small one person shop.:frown: They're just not built to a high enough standard, it seems, that the rest of the Kohler line is. As I often joke to myself, "It takes a lot of courage to own one of these".:biggrin: For the couple of folks that have a newly purchased one of these Courage motors, I recommend synthetic oil, and don't run it hard through high load situations. (i.e., tall and/or wet grass.)

Once again it is a case of "Magic Pudding" ( is there a US equivalent story ? )
Ride ons are not essential items so they are very price sensative to both ends
At the status symbol end you have Honda engines, way over engineered for the purpose.
At the other end you have Tecumseh, the Chineese no name then B&S Ineks, then Courage .
All these are entry level engines made as cheap as possible to entice the people who really can't afford a ride on or actually don't need one to buy one.
All of them have troubles because all of them are cheap and for once a car analagy is relevant, call them the Model T of mower, just good enough to outlast the warrantee.
Domestic ride ons are designed to give a 5 -10 year life at 30 -50 hours /year when used within their limits and services according to the makers directions.

Now from what I see most at the bottom end get a mower that is way under their needs, totally ignore the instruction book, if they ever read it in the first place. ( note how many have chimed in about how to stop your engine ) and treat their mower with total contempt or just plain ignore it till it goes bang and then find some one else to blame because for 90% of the population, nothing is ever their fault.

You see it here all the time "my neighbour asked me to fix his?." "My grandson / daughtier / mother /neighbour / ect was using the mower?.." etc., etc, etc.

Now from what I see here, the Courage engine give no more troubles than the Intek engine and will take a lot more abuse specifically running on slope way beyound the stated limits.
However the Courage engine is offered as an upgrade ( more expensive price ) than the B & S so the owners think the extra $ 20 had bought them the bullet proof equivalent of a Honda, which it is not as it is still the cheapest engine Kohler can make .

How many post appear here asking about the cheapest mower ?
People seeming to think they can get a Rolls Royce mower for under $ 2000 or even under $ 1500 if thy just look hard enough when those who actually fix them know very little under $ 3000 is good value for money ( $ 6000 down here )
Yes they will all do the job but most will only just do the job and only for a limited time.

Now peoples responses will be coloured by their own experiences, which is quite normal & expected, we should learn from our experiences and on balance you will see just as many will never touch any Kohler because they are all crap as will never touch any B & S because they are all crap who will never touch any Tecumseh because they are all crap unfortunately most of these are the result of a sample size of 1, their own that they had a lot of trouble with.
The bit that is dissapointing is most of the said same will not fork out the money to buy a top line engine.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Domestic ride ons are designed to give a 5 -10 year life at 30 -50 hours /year when used within their limits and services according to the makers directions.

Actually, at least for the US The average rider is used 38 hours per year, and is replaced every 4 1/2 years. the average push mower is used 12 hours per year, and replaced every 3 1/2 years. And the manufacturers know it, and engineer their products for that time frame.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
After reading the entire forum on this "courage" issue , I have reached the conclusion : The "bottom of the barrel" engines were made from recycled Schlitz beer cans and the "cream of the crop" engines were made from Budweiser cans .......... PROBLEM ... resolved ...... Drink more Buds !!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2015
It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you try to describe a Beethoven symphony as a variation of pressure wave. I like the idea of drinking more beer...period!

John WD

Apr 25, 2015
I am on my third mower from the big blue box store in less than 3 years. THe most recent return was a YTH21k46 with the Courage engine. I like to think I take care of my mowers better than the average individual treating it more like a car than a mower. Anyway, I never made it to 50 hours for the first oil change before the thing blew up on me. After a day of yard work picking up leaves, moving firewood with my small cart, and picking up twigs, I pulled up to the double doors, throttled down, opened my double doors and when I throttled back up.... POW. blue cloud of smoke. THe mower never ran again. What was it. Head gasket? rings? Who knows. I didn't have it worked on, I returned it. My Kohler didn't give me enough time to get to KNOW her before she crapped the bed on me. I can't afford a JD300 series with the Kawasaki engine. I have 4 acres to maintain with 2 of that to mow. But I do think I will be looking into something with a Briggs engine. THey seem to be on a good run with this current line.

I have the YTH20K46 Husqvarna with the 20 HP Courage engine in it. Only got 86 hours on it and it's leaking oil onto my mufler and smoking when I'm running it. And it drips oil on my garage floor. I keep it in the garage and maintain it according to the manual. It's out of warranty so I guess I'm screwed. From everything I've been reading it isn't worth having repaired.

I always thought highly of Kohler in the past. Seems like many companies are now having their products manufactured in China to save a few bucks.

I ordered a new mower with a Kawasaki engine. I'll try to sell the Husqvarna on Craigslist.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
With so many complaints, why hasn't a class action lawsuit been filed ?? Would'nt it be nice if ....... we could get 1/2 the members ( in solidarity ) of this site to stand together and send an e-mail to their Corporate Headquarters a real " boatload " MAYBE just maybe ....... they would offer a recall or some type of compensation like a REALLY HUGE dicount on a new Command engine ( 75% ) would be nice ( dreaming ) I don't even own one of these engines but I feel so bad for my fellow owners ............ Boobala :thumbdown: :ban:


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I have the YTH20K46 Husqvarna with the 20 HP Courage engine in it. Only got 86 hours on it and it's leaking oil onto my mufler and smoking when I'm running it. And it drips oil on my garage floor. I keep it in the garage and maintain it according to the manual. It's out of warranty so I guess I'm screwed. From everything I've been reading it isn't worth having repaired.

I always thought highly of Kohler in the past. Seems like many companies are now having their products manufactured in China to save a few bucks.

I ordered a new mower with a Kawasaki engine. I'll try to sell the Husqvarna on Craigslist.

Sounds like a blown had gasket.
A $ 20 DIY repair


A loose top plate another 10 minute fix

and you are going to rush out and buy a new mower for that ?

Remember there are about 15 people who have had problems repoerted on this list.
There are probably 150,000 engines out there working perfectly well so the owners are not here because they have not had any problems.

OTOH it is your money


Lawn Addict
Jun 24, 2012
Sounds like a blown had gasket.
A $ 20 DIY repair


A loose top plate another 10 minute fix

and you are going to rush out and buy a new mower for that ?

Remember there are about 15 people who have had problems repoerted on this list.
There are probably 150,000 engines out there working perfectly well so the owners are not here because they have not had any problems.

OTOH it is your money

This, a little research would reveal a easy normal thing. I would however look into the cause of head gasket or leak. Could the oil be overfilled, crap in heat sink fins causing overheating people these days..


May 1, 2013
I have a Kohler Courage pro Twin 25hp SV830 on my Husqvarna mz5225 that I bought in 2012. I just hit the 51 hour mark and it runs like the day I bought it. I keep the mower in a shed out of the weather and use non ethanol gas only. I just follow the maintenance schedule in my owners manual and all has been good. Yes mine was made in China too. I would buy mine all over again. Great engine.