Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.

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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
We cannot afford the foreign aid. Billions for Ukraine? Really? For the corrupt Ukraine? Ya gotta be crazy! If it all made it to where it was supposed to go, it would be over. If Russia hasn't beaten them down yet, they may never do it! My question is where is the rest of the world on Ukraine?

Now Israel is a different story. After WW 2 they were given the land, to the best of my knowledge. So why is the rest of the world tolerating the constant attacks? They're like, "screw it, let America deal with it"... Guess what, America isn't the world piggy bank! Others need to step the F up and help peace.

Our borders are the most important thing. Actually, to keep foreign a$$holes out. Now if they want to emigrate legally, come on in. But some of the scum coming in is disgusting. And the real reason they are allowed in: new Democrat voters. It needs to end. Trump will try, but will be interferred with for sure.
Well Germany has already exceeded the USA and general funding from the EU is also well above the USA.
Total NATO funding is also above the USA and excludes bilatteral & EU aid so the USA is around number 5 which is a bit pathetic for the biggest arms manufacturer in the world and the country with the biggest armoary
Ukraine is shaking off the soviet era corruption that is one of the reasons why Putin invaded because they renationalised the bank so Putin lost his $ 800,000 he was stealing from it every year , sorry, special dividend , not stealing .
Ukraine has moved up 9 places in the corruption index, the biggest yearly anti corruption shift ever since the index was initiated .
The USA by the way is going down .
Next not 1¢ of US aid goes as cash, it all goes as weapons, mostly obsolete weapons that were going to COST the USA to decommission so sending weapons to Ukraine actually saves the USA money and stimulates business INSIDE the USA as all of the arms are manufactured in the USA so it is jobs for Americans not money for Ukrainians.
And on top of that the uSA has monitors in Ukraine checking the inventory to ensure that every bullet gets to where it is supposed to go and they found ZERO corruption .

The Ukrainians will eventually prevail because they believe in what they are doing so will fight to the last man, woman & child .
All the withholding of ammunition is going to do is create yet another country that hates the USA and that my friend is an ever increasing list .
Isolationism did not work in your own civil war ( guess where the weapons came from ? ) and it was not the USA , most came from Europe , The UK ( BSA ) Sweeden ( husqvarna ) and Belgium ( FN ) but go to any civil war museum and only US weapons will be on display and the bulk of the gunpowder was also imported .
Right now the republican silly buggers has just lost Lockhead - Martin $ 16,000,000,000,000 in PROFITS from export orders because a lot of countries have cancelled their orders for HIMARS launchers because the entire world now sees the USA as an unreliable & untrustworthy weapons supplier .
So that 61 billion had a 42 billion profit , note I said PROFIT for Lockhead - Martin built into it from foreign orders .
India has also cancelled their HIMARS launchers and placed orders on France, they have also cancelled their F 35 order .
The French system is not as good as the USA one but they now have orders for 3,500 so that will provide a lot of profit to do a lot of R & D so the French ones will be better than the USA ones .
Rheinmetal & Lockhead have just signed a joint developement for the GIMARS to be built in Germany and all,of the rockets are to be built in Germany so in place of L_M making $ 16,000,000 on every export HIMARS they will only be making $ 4,000,000 on very GMARS and in place of making $ 250,000 profit on every rocket they will make a $ 50,000 royalty , and hat is until the Germans develop their own system .
These are the sort of costs that being an isolationist occur .
And then there will be the retaliation sales lost, Cincinnati Machinery will probably never sell another 5 axis mil to any European factory again .
All of the USA's high value exports go to to Europe and that market will dry up because the USA will be seen as hostile .


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Yeah, I'm a damn fool for expecting you to think that the Dems are less than gods. I hope your happy with migrants stealing jobs and Biden giving our $$ away to Ukraine, while telling Israel to pound sand, when they are deserving of help... But you need to pull your head out of your orifice to see the Republicans are trying to save what we have left and not become servants to Europe and China...
Migrants are not and never did steal jobs, apart from the ones trump imported ( all undocumented ) 4 times to break union bans on trump tower and I think 27 of them died or were permanently dissabled because the site was unsafe .
And plase do not try & tell me that you are going to pick fruit in the hot sun on piece rate like the undocumented workers do, or go clean trumps appartment for $ 5 /hr
As for jobs, Wall St exported 27,000,000 jobs to China when they outsourced the bulk of manufacturing to China , that is where the jobs have gone .
Obama started to try & bring them back by offering massive interest free loans and cash incentives to businesses who came back on shore and trump continued the Obama "working America " scheme and of course claimed it was all his doing.

Israel can get by fine without any US aid at all
They have he second largest arsenal in Europe, second only to russia
The day they were attacked the raised and armed 300,000 troops and they are not in any way shape or form in need of US aid
In fact Israel is sending Patriot missiles to Ukraine because the USA will not send them.

And no I am not a Palestine sympathiser , the residents of Gazza deserved everything they got and still more .
However that does not excuse Israel who has been treating all of the Palestinians worse then the southerners treated their black slaves
SO what happened was to be expected and remember it is all being funded by the petrol you have been filling your tank with for the past 50 years.

Everything you have said so far are russian talking points taken strait off Russia Today and they are all gross exaggerations if not total lies .
I am amazed at just how gullible , stupid and lazy Americans are because all of these arguement can be countered by spending 10 minutes on the web
And by that I mean government & industry sites no face book, tic toc & X
And did you see Musk has just been ordered to repay Tesla the 54 billion he awarded himself as a bonus ?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
We cannot afford the foreign aid. Billions for Ukraine? Really? For the corrupt Ukraine? Ya gotta be crazy! If it all made it to where it was supposed to go, it would be over. If Russia hasn't beaten them down yet, they may never do it! My question is where is the rest of the world on Ukraine?

Now Israel is a different story. After WW 2 they were given the land, to the best of my knowledge. So why is the rest of the world tolerating the constant attacks? They're like, "screw it, let America deal with it"... Guess what, America isn't the world piggy bank! Others need to step the F up and help peace.

Our borders are the most important thing. Actually, to keep foreign a$$holes out. Now if they want to emigrate legally, come on in. But some of the scum coming in is disgusting. And the real reason they are allowed in: new Democrat voters. It needs to end. Trump will try, but will be interferred with for sure.
Wrong again
They were given SOME ONE ELSES's land at the end of WW I under an agreement with did not bother to ask the people who were already living there .
While it was part of the OTTERMAN empire it was inhabited mostly by Arabs from minority Islamic sect .
To get an idea how would you feel if the British marched into your town forced you to leave at gunpoint then gave your keys to the indians.
Trucked you to the middle of the Arizona desert lands with no water or electricity and told you that was your new home ?
This is what actually happened but few jews went there till after WW II when of course no one on the planet wanted any "filty jews" unless of course they had money of nuclear weapons knowledge when the USA welcomed them with open arms , but poor jews were not welcome in the USA because they would bring diseases, steal jobs from Americans , introduce communism , rape decent American woman , cause moral corruption , steal from Americans ( now where have I heard that list lately ?)
And just so you know 30% of the jews in Israel came from Crimea and 14% from the rest of Russia to escape from Stalin who was slaughtering them or sending them to Siberia ( same thing ) .And this was just before he started slaughtering the Ukrainians


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
And I can not remember where the BS about flooding over the border & voting democrats into power was posted , but it takes a minimum of 10 years before an undocumented migrant can attain US citizenship and only US citizens can vote , in fact undocumented migrants can not purchase realestate till they become citizens not can they fly on any internal US airline
But do not tell MT Greene that because it made a nice rave in the house.
Again it took me all of 3 minutes to double check that but some people just like to keep on repeating russian propaganda .

And dearming was one of the BRAVEST thing Australia has ever done and we get more & more immigrants from the USA for that reason alone .
To quote one mother in my service run
I uses to sit down & pray every morning after dropping my children at school that my children would still be alive when I came to pick them up in the afternoon
And the NRA calls that "freedom"
As my martial arts teacher used to say ONLY EXTREME COWARDS CARRY A GUN & ONLY FOOLS CARRY A KNIFE
Australian school children shot at school in 2023 = 0
American school children shot at school in 2023 = 32

Australian school children shot at school in 2022 = 0
American school children shot at school in 2022 = 54

Australian school children shot at school in 2021 = 0
American school children shot at school in 2021 = 35

Australian school children shot at school in 2020 = 0
American school children shot at school in 2020 = 20

Australian school children shot at school in 2019 = 0
American school children shot at school in 2019 = 10

leading cause of child deaths in Australia , motor vehicle going to or from school
leading cause of child deaths in America shooting

And just so you know any one can own a long arm in Australia
Pistols are restricted to police , security guards and registered members of a pistol shooting club
Australia has a population of 25,000,000 and there are 5,000,000 long arms
These are in the hands of farmers, professional shooters, hunters & sporting shooters
Fully automatics are banned , semi automatics are limited to 8 shot magazines , although that is under review at the moment to become higher .
The single most common means of arresting criminals is unauthorised carrying of a fire arm
The NRA spent $8,000,000 of your subscriptions in legal fees trying to get a semi automatic shot gun off the banned list a couple of years back /
The 6 QC ( queens councils ) would like to thank all of the supporters of the NRA in the USA who pay their annual dues each year for their generous support .


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
We cannot afford the foreign aid. Billions for Ukraine? Really? For the corrupt Ukraine? Ya gotta be crazy! If it all made it to where it was supposed to go, it would be over. If Russia hasn't beaten them down yet, they may never do it! My question is where is the rest of the world on Ukraine?

I'm starting to think you're reading something other than what I'm typing.
Now Israel is a different story. After WW 2 they were given the land, to the best of my knowledge. So why is the rest of the world tolerating the constant attacks? They're like, "screw it, let America deal with it"... Guess what, America isn't the world piggy bank! Others need to step the F up and help peace.

Our borders are the most important thing. Actually, to keep foreign a$$holes out. Now if they want to emigrate legally, come on in. But some of the scum coming in is disgusting. And the real reason they are allowed in: new Democrat voters. It needs to end. Trump will try, but will be interferred with for sure.

Immigration isn't the most important thing. The value of the USD is. For 100 reasons that would take a novel to explain.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Until the money is taken out of politics they are only going look out for one person and that is themselves, to hell to rest of us. They create and spread all kinds of lies just to keep the money coming in. What worst is some out there are more than willing to accept these lies. And they will go out their way to promote the same lies without a shred of real proof.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
I'm starting to think you're reading something other than what I'm typing.


Immigration isn't the most important thing. The value of the USD is. For 100 reasons that would take a novel to explain.
I'm sure you Democrats will waste your time writing it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Until the money is taken out of politics they are only going look out for one person and that is themselves, to hell to rest of us. They create and spread all kinds of lies just to keep the money coming in. What worst is some out there are more than willing to accept these lies. And they will go out their way to promote the same lies without a shred of real proof.
That we can all agree on!


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
I'm starting to think you're reading something other than what I'm typing.


Immigration isn't the most important thing. The value of the USD is. For 100 reasons that would take a novel to explain.
Between you and bert, you write enough propaganda for both parties... I don't care to waste my time with a 20,000 word Democrat bs essay. Just being honest...
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