Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
PT you do see how they talk out both sides of their mouths at the same time. Otherwords they are standing there shaking your hand with one hand and at the same time stabbing you in the back with the other hand.

It is just like the foreign aid bill that Senate just passed with 70/29 of them voting for it, Johnson is already saying he probably will not bring it to a vote in the house as he refuses to do anything bipartisan. Now that is being an major A**hole just to please the extreme right. A house divided can't stand for long. Everything just falling apart and nothing is getting repaired as they can't even agree on which plank to nail up now or which nails to use.

Com'on folks use your common sense that is if any of you have any left. Or are all of you brainwashed one way or the other? If you don't learn from history you all are bound to repeat the same stupid mistakes.
The Senate bill is the Democrats wish list, it does zero for the border or migrant issue. You guys sound like CNN parrots. No sense talking politics with you.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
PT you do see how they talk out both sides of their mouths at the same time. Otherwords they are standing there shaking your hand with one hand and at the same time stabbing you in the back with the other hand.

It is just like the foreign aid bill that Senate just passed with 70/29 of them voting for it, Johnson is already saying he probably will not bring it to a vote in the house as he refuses to do anything bipartisan. Now that is being an major A**hole just to please the extreme right. A house divided can't stand for long. Everything just falling apart and nothing is getting repaired as they can't even agree on which plank to nail up now or which nails to use.

Com'on folks use your common sense that is if any of you have any left. Or are all of you brainwashed one way or the other? If you don't learn from history you all are bound to repeat the same stupid mistakes.
You are ignorant as to the extreme LEFT! They are what is wrong with our country, and you idiots are right behind them... Just wait until they come for something YOU care about.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Yeah, I'm a damn fool for expecting you to think that the Dems are less than gods. I hope your happy with migrants stealing jobs and Biden giving our $$ away to Ukraine, while telling Israel to pound sand, when they are deserving of help... But you need to pull your head out of your orifice to see the Republicans are trying to save what we have left and not become servants to Europe and China...

Republicans aren't trying to save anything except themselves. Same as democrats.

Trump gave to Ukraine and funded NATO. He also funded Hamas and Palestine when he was in office. And Israel too. Remember, Trump only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. He funded gender studies in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
How did he do this? With the help of the republicans. Much of that was funded when the GOP had the house and senate.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
The Senate bill is the Democrats wish list, it does zero for the border or migrant issue. You guys sound like CNN parrots. No sense talking politics with you.

The Senate passed it. The senate has an almost equal number of R & D's. So trying to put the blame on just the left, is off base. Because enough GOP senators supported this foreign aid bill to get it passed. That is the facts. Most of those GOP senators were Trump endorsed.
BTW, I don't watch left leaning MSM. I am a fiscal conservative. I believe in small, limited government that lives within it's means. And takes care of this country first. So trying to put me left of center is also off base.

Republicans now days simply don't understand fiscal conservatism and how it built this country by not destroying the USD value. By not getting into our personal and business lives. By allowing free market capitalism to rule the economy. It wasn't until big spending, big government politicians like LBJ, Reagan, Trump & Obama decided they knew better how to run it, than we do, did this country stop being great. When they allowed lobbyist to be more important than "we the people." When they started expanding the debt to extreme amounts. As if it was a money tree that produced all year long.

Obviously this bill has nothing to do with immigration, because it's not an immigration bill. It's a foreign aid bill. Supported by a majority of Republicans and democrats. Same as all the CR's that were passed, debt ceiling increases & omnibus bills that passed and were signed into law by both Biden & Trump.

So it sounds to me, exactly like you're paying closer attention to what's being said, than what's actually being done. Because what's being done, is the same exact thing that's been going on since at least Reagan. Smoke & mirrors. Lying from both sides to keep you divided and voting.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
The Senate passed it. The senate has an almost equal number of R & D's. So trying to put the blame on just the left, is off base. Because enough GOP senators supported this foreign aid bill to get it passed. That is the facts. Most of those GOP senators were Trump endorsed.
BTW, I don't watch left leaning MSM. I am a fiscal conservative. I believe in small, limited government that lives within it's means. And takes care of this country first. So trying to put me left of center is also off base.

Republicans now days simply don't understand fiscal conservatism and how it built this country by not destroying the USD value. By not getting into our personal and business lives. By allowing free market capitalism to rule the economy. It wasn't until big spending, big government politicians like LBJ, Reagan, Trump & Obama decided they knew better how to run it, than we do, did this country stop being great. When they allowed lobbyist to be more important than "we the people." When they started expanding the debt to extreme amounts. As if it was a money tree that produced all year long.

Obviously this bill has nothing to do with immigration, because it's not an immigration bill. It's a foreign aid bill. Supported by a majority of Republicans and democrats. Same as all the CR's that were passed, debt ceiling increases & omnibus bills that passed and were signed into law by both Biden & Trump.

So it sounds to me, exactly like you're paying closer attention to what's being said, than what's actually being done. Because what's being done, is the same exact thing that's been going on since at least Reagan. Smoke & mirrors. Lying from both sides to keep you divided and voting.
We cannot afford the foreign aid. Billions for Ukraine? Really? For the corrupt Ukraine? Ya gotta be crazy! If it all made it to where it was supposed to go, it would be over. If Russia hasn't beaten them down yet, they may never do it! My question is where is the rest of the world on Ukraine?

Now Israel is a different story. After WW 2 they were given the land, to the best of my knowledge. So why is the rest of the world tolerating the constant attacks? They're like, "screw it, let America deal with it"... Guess what, America isn't the world piggy bank! Others need to step the F up and help peace.

Our borders are the most important thing. Actually, to keep foreign a$$holes out. Now if they want to emigrate legally, come on in. But some of the scum coming in is disgusting. And the real reason they are allowed in: new Democrat voters. It needs to end. Trump will try, but will be interferred with for sure.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Still trying to figure out which will end the world first. An asteroid or global warming or politicians. Time to see how much bottled water, cans of spam and toilet paper I have.
That one is easy
We are removing the only thing that can turn CO2 into O2 ( plants ) at an ever increasing rate while consuming O2 at an ever increasing rate
The curves crossed each other quite so time ago so we will asphyxiate ourselves in the not too distant future
For the past 4 years the world has relied on queen bees from Australia & NZ because all the bees in Europe & America suffered from Varroa destructor mite and finally it has arrived here so expect some massive price rises in cereal crops & canola . and of course, that will be Bidens fault .
One of the causes for the outbreaks of Varroa was lower oxygen levels which made the bees weaker and one of the reasons why Aust & NZ bees managed to stave it off for so long is the oxygen levels here are 1 % to 3 % higher on average
Well varroa is established here now so that leaves NZ as the only supplier of disease free queens.
Around 75% off all plants consumed are insect pollinated and all insects rely on partial pressure to supply their oxygen as most do not have lungs.
Many cities regularly drop below 19.5% which is the cut off level for the provision of breathing assistance in industry .

So starve or axphyxiate , take your pick
This is one of the reasons I am childless because while my children may live to an old age the grandkids won't .
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