Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.

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Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Still trying to figure out which will end the world first. An asteroid or global warming or politicians. Time to see how much bottled water, cans of spam and toilet paper I have.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Please don't start another TP crisis....I remember the world was going to end because there was no TP.:LOL:

Just close your eyes and ears to the information overload and you be just fine. Most of it don't directly affect you. But some makes mountains out of mole hills of mis-information.

And mentioning asteroids recent headline:

4 asteroids will zoom past Earth on Groundhog Day — including one the size of the Empire State Building​

We are still here...
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Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
PT you do see how they talk out both sides of their mouths at the same time. Otherwords they are standing there shaking your hand with one hand and at the same time stabbing you in the back with the other hand.

It is just like the foreign aid bill that Senate just passed with 70/29 of them voting for it, Johnson is already saying he probably will not bring it to a vote in the house as he refuses to do anything bipartisan. Now that is being an major A**hole just to please the extreme right. A house divided can't stand for long. Everything just falling apart and nothing is getting repaired as they can't even agree on which plank to nail up now or which nails to use.

Com'on folks use your common sense that is if any of you have any left. Or are all of you brainwashed one way or the other? If you don't learn from history you all are bound to repeat the same stupid mistakes.

This bill is horrible. Ukraine is none of our business. And Israel is the $34 richest country in the world. They don't need our money. Especially since we don't have it. That $100 billion will have to be borrowed. We're already paying $2 trillion per year in interest on the debt. It's crap like that that keeps inflation on the rise and makes things cost more and more.

Because the debt is so high, it's another reason why the IRS is scraping every dime it can get it's hands on from US. We already pay the government enough. The more we pay, the more they waste. And when that isn't enough, they borrow it from the fed.

I see you're point about how they don't compromise. If it was on decent legislation, like giving Maui $60 billion, to help rebuild after their fire, that would be one thing. Because Hawaii is American. But $60 billion (more) to Ukraine?
Heck no.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Please don't start another TP crisis....I remember the world was going to end because there was no TP.:LOL:

Just close your eyes and ears to the information overload and you be just fine. Most of it don't directly affect you. But some makes mountains out of mole hills of mis-information.

And mentioning asteroids recent headline:

4 asteroids will zoom past Earth on Groundhog Day — including one the size of the Empire State Building​

We are still here...


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
One thing about Ukraine at least they are only asking for weapons and not for us to put American boots on the ground. Many of the countries we have helped want out troops on the ground fight their wars for them.

And yes Israel has plenty of money on hand so they don't money just given to them.

I totally agree we help our people first.

But either way there needs to be a full accounting of the money spent. It like all the stimulus money handed out, quite a bit of it was basically stolen yet people like me are still awaiting on it. What was worst I gotten a loan on the first round as I was needing it right a way so I got stiff on that by having to pay interest on the borrowed funds.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
One thing about Ukraine at least they are only asking for weapons and not for us to put American boots on the ground. Many of the countries we have helped want out troops on the ground fight their wars for them.

And yes Israel has plenty of money on hand so they don't money just given to them.

I totally agree we help our people first.

But either way there needs to be a full accounting of the money spent. It like all the stimulus money handed out, quite a bit of it was basically stolen yet people like me are still awaiting on it. What was worst I gotten a loan on the first round as I was needing it right a way so I got stiff on that by having to pay interest on the borrowed funds.

A full accounting of money spent? 🤣🤣🤣

This is my problem with the GOP (or the dems too, actually) Both sides refuse to discuss all the detailed expenditures hidden in those bills. Especially when their party has the majority.

All those weapons that go to countries like Ukraine, still cost us hundreds of billions. Ukraine's government, like Russia's, is corrupt. They've been bleeding us and other countries for decades. From what I understand, they were bleeding Russia for decades. And Russia wasn't getting nothing in return. They're a welfare sponge.

I think our government knows this. So the question is why are we still giving them anything? None of that matters to the average American citizen. But it matters to someone in DC and those connected. The only logical explanation is that someone is going to highly profit from this (as they do all wars).


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Yes someone(s) pockets are getting lined very well as always. But it surely not yours or mine.

Open my wallet yesterday and even the moth's were begging. It was called going to the doctor. And no telling what those three days at the hospital is going to cost me.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Why I don't support Republicrats.



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Look you damn fool I am not even an independent party member. A true independent voter. Both the Republican and Democratic parties have both their good and bad points. But when one side flat refuses to compromise on anything then nothing gets done. Right now the House has just a two vote majority and they still are so hardheaded that they can't give a fraction of inch which deadlocking Congress. Compromising is necessary in order to get things done.

But of course we are yet again the path of another government shutdown because Congress can't even pass a general annual budget. So sad that they know this must be done every year yet they wait until the doomsday clock is about to strike midnight every damn year lately. This time half a year has nearly gone by and still nothing is finalized. Then when October 1 get here it starts all over again. Dumber than dumb.

Even in marriages there are compromises. Even marriages has their knock down drag out fights and divorces.

BTW I am withholding all of my Federal taxes now so it doesn't matter which group controls things as neither will get any of my money. And BTW the way I doing it, it is legal. Let's see how they going to budget that when there is a lot less money to budget.
Yeah, I'm a damn fool for expecting you to think that the Dems are less than gods. I hope your happy with migrants stealing jobs and Biden giving our $$ away to Ukraine, while telling Israel to pound sand, when they are deserving of help... But you need to pull your head out of your orifice to see the Republicans are trying to save what we have left and not become servants to Europe and China...
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