Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
And that in a nut shell is your problem.
If you never take the time to check facts and what all sides are saying then your own misconceptions become facts between your ears

And to add to the gun comment
So you can not even watch a foot ball game without getting shot in the USA
What you type is Democrat propaganda, not facts. You say the same crap over and over. And gang warfare happened at a PARADE, not a football game. Get YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT! And the criminals should be punished severely! What is never discussed is that the perpetrators of gun crimes are CRIMINALS, not law-abiding citizens. Your argument has no merit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Winner winner chicken dinner. NAILED IT !!!!!!

Here's a bit of info most don't know.
Committee seats come with a price tag. Anywhere from $800,000 to something like $1.5 million. If you're selected to be on a committee, you either have to fork over the cash, raise it for the party your affiliated with or allow a lobbyist (or 2) to fork over the money for you. (the latter is the normal way)
Then you're supposed to raise money to pay the lobbyist back. Or simply vote the way the lobbyist wants you to.
I've come to the conclusion that committee's are where Amendments and bills go for lobbyist approval.

I get the sarcasm in your post. But just to clarify, for those who might not fully understand RINO. Some think it's simply a republican that opposes Trump. To them, it's a way to insult a Republican that's not in lock step with MAGA.
The correct acronym should be CINO. (Conservative). Initially, that's what RINO meant, because before Reagan came along, Republicans were predominantly conservative.
Before Reagan, someone with Trumps record would've been tossed under the GOP bus, tarred and feathered and shipped out of DC on a rail. Now they're put on high and praised as a Godsend.
And when ever an actual conservative politician calls a RINO out (especially Trump) for too much spending, assaulting our 2A or anything along those lines, they get bashed and called all sorts of childish names.

LMAO.. Take this thread, I've already been deemed a leftist, because I support small, limited government that lives within it's means, by a RINO that doesn't even realize he is a RINO.

They kept the names (RINO & conservative), but changed their definitions. (without sending out the memo)
This isn't my first rodeo on a message board with liberals. You fit the bill.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Again, I'm a fiscal conservative. You know, that thing that Republicans (RINO's) campaign on, but never deliver on. I'm not sure how any of what I post comes off as being pro left. I can only imagine that it stems from a lack of knowledge of what actual conservatism really is.

Again, small, limited government that lives within it's means. <<< What I support.

What the RINO's have done. Including Trump.
Assaulted our 2A and publicly supported red flag laws.
Passed 12 CR's
Passed many CR's since Biden has been president. (with a GOP majority in the House)
Increased the debt ceiling twice and suspended it for 2 years.
Initiated covid mandates by forcing landlords to go without rent for a year
Would not allow people to see their loved ones in nursing homes and hospitals
Signed several omnibus bills into law.
Signed unconstitutional reauthorizations, like FISA 702, the NDAA and the Patriot Act.

That's the short list. And are things that no actual conservative would've supported. So when you assume that I lean left in any way, shape or form, I can't only assume that you're misguided. And since you're not willing to even try to understand fiscal and constitutional conservatism, I can't only assume that you're a RINO, who supports RINO's with your vote.

RINO's pose no opposition to the left, except during an election season. The rest of the time, they're spending just as much as the left.

Calling out Trump and the RINO's when they lean left, doesn't make someone a democrat or a liberal/progressive. Just sayin.

An actual conservative.
Lack of knowledge... Yeah liberals and their playbook. You are doing it the way they say to.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
This isn't my first rodeo on a message board with liberals. You fit the bill.
Lack of knowledge... Yeah liberals and their playbook. You are doing it the way they say to.

I'm starting to think you're one of those blind Trump followers. That his actual record doesn't matter. What he says, the lies he tells and all that comes with Trump, you simply don't care. You're going to follow him anyways.

I've presented Trumps actual record. He's assault against our 2A, our national debt. His help in creating the 8% inflation we seen in Biden's first year. And numerous other things us fiscal conservatives would expect from the left. And yet here you are, still claiming I'm a liberal.

It like when someone doesn't care about the facts, so they stick their fingers in their ears and scream "LA LA LA LA LA."
Facts don't care about your feelings.

The concept of Trump is much better than Trump himself.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Never believe a politician
Never believe the media
Never discuss politics or religion
I'm just as right as you are


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Never believe a politician
Never believe the media
Never discuss politics or religion
Basically that is how you have to be to have peace. Can't even trust anything posted nowadays due to all the fake info being made and posted.

I got three neighbors that I avoid as all comes out their mouths is Trump politics. I will not even do work for them as they can't shut up and are very aggressive. They got one heck of a chip of their shoulders.

But you can go by the history of person to decide if he or she will do by what they are saying and by their actions. Status quo is better than an unpredictable candidate. As I said shaking your hand with a knife in other stabbing you in back is not going get it.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
Many of my friends have different politics and beliefs than mine. We get along just fine because we treat each other with kindness and respect and by not trying to change each others politics or religion or prove who is right. Believe what you want and vote how you want and respect others. Life's too short to argue about it. I doubt it would change global politics anyway.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
  • / Hertz car rental is dropping 20,000 EV cars for gas powered.
That the point we have to learn to disagree peacefully. But some just want to be pushy.

I vote so I can have the right to complain but for whom I vote for remains secret as it should be. What I don't get is those that don't vote seems to loudest complainers which they have no right to complain as they are not involved.
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