Concealed Carry


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
WELCOME back Ric...
Hope you are never in any situation where you wished Someone was armed.

Kenny, I've been there. Stood right next to the guys with the guns. Myself and three of my co-workers and my future wife behind the counter handing the money from the cash drawer and safe over the counter, while the other two hold-up guys with guns emptied six registers and I'm glad there were no cowboys trying to be a hero with a gun.
The cops said we did exactly what we should have done, just what the guys with guns said to do, no shots were fired nobody got hurt..


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010

You have to realize that these two guys that were robbing the place wanted to get out of there as fast as the possible, so why not let them take what they want and leave.

Actually You have to realize, These two guys entered with the intent of committing a Crime using a firearm.... (they wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, Because they met resistance).
The reason NOT to " let them take what they want and leave.' Is because they came prepared to take someones life, & what ever else they wanted... Fortunately there was Someone there With the Courage to prevent that.

Again, since You feel you must rationalize your position by continuing with "your position"
Like I said 'Hope you are never in any situation where you wished Someone was armed'...
But should it happen, You can trust that the criminal(s) confronting you, will appreciate that you are willing to acquiesce...
For myself, I'm not willing to trust the good nature of a criminal... I would not pass the time Hoping for an okay outcome...
I will always rather place my fate in the hands of people with courage, than with those lacking it.


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
....a license to carry a weapon or firearm concealed on your person does not authorize you to use that weapon.

In the military you are at times required to wait for authorization to use your weapon...
As a citizen of this Country you do not require Authorization... You have to make those judgement calls yourself. Generally if you have a firearm with you, you have already prepared.
If Anyone uses any weapon recklessly, they Usually will be held accountable.

The determination to defend yourself is a life long process... not something you are likely going to acquire suddenly.
I am sure that you Could refrain from the name calling aimed at those that are willing to stand up for themselves. KennyV


Lawn Addict
Aug 20, 2010
Kenny, I've been there. Stood right next to the guys with the guns. Myself and three of my co-workers and my future wife behind the counter handing the money from the cash drawer and safe over the counter, while the other two hold-up guys with guns emptied six registers and I'm glad there were no cowboys trying to be a hero with a gun.
The cops said we did exactly what we should have done, just what the guys with guns said to do, no shots were fired nobody got hurt..

The circumstances between the 2 events are quite different. 4 men with guns compared with 2 youths with guns. You don't get it, and your not going to
Seems to me, you might still with wrestling with your decision by drawing comparisons between the 2 events and venting these strong feelings of distain.

You were lucky, but you know that.

My hats off to Sam Williams.......He's a hero.
Congratulations to you, you make a great victim.


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
If you put a coil in the oven does it really make it go to working again?
What temp and how long ?

Sent from my iPhone using LMF


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
Ric we have that law in TX as well, if a business derives more than 51% of its revenue from booze, they have to post a sign as we are not allowed to carry inside. Again, if the guy had broken that law I would expect the police to report him and have his license revoked. Since that was not part of the story I am guessing that was not an issue. I agree that you possibly did the right thing with your story regarding standing there as your future wife was handing over the cash... I would never try to second guess or judge you for that, the fact that you all lived to tell stories about it, says it all. However... what if those guys with guns decided to take your future wife as a hostage? What if they decided to do what bad guys often do in those situations? How would you feel then? Would you have second guessed your decision to stand by and watch?