My son asked me once if I could shoot someone... I told him not unless he or my wife were in danger. I have to wonder if the guy in colorado was scared of the eventual law enforcement shooting him?? or the guest in the theater that had a cc permit? The thing is, I like many people are not trained to handle a situation like Colorado, do I think one person in the theater with a concealed handgun, possibly even a typical 380 or 9mm could have made much difference? possibly ! but he also could have drawn the attn of the shooter to himself and gotten everyone around him killed! Now were there to have been several in the theater to have weapons and who were better than I and could hit the guy in all of the confusion, they might have saved the day! I dont think the guy had any intention of getting hurt, he would not have given up so easily to the police if otherwise. Now back to the internet cafe thing, do I think that guy did the right thing? Yes I do. And the results speak for themselves. When faced with any resistance they ran. Anyone that thinks gun control will remove the guns from the criminals is smoking crack.