Concealed Carry


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
:ban: GUNS
I would rather take my chances and be able to defend myself and my family then let the criminals be one up on me.

Ah Good statement, I would rather take my chances and be able to defend myself. I agree... but the guy in the video doing the shooting was not defending himself that's the problem, he had no business pulling a gun in a public place and endangering everyone else there, he's the guy that would end up getting people killed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2011
Ric said:
the guy in the video doing the shooting was not defending himself that's the problem, he had no business pulling a gun in a public place and endangering everyone else there, he's the guy that would end up getting people killed.

But the other two guys had every right to put everyone into the situation where people could be killed????
Another example of why we're where we are now!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
You're damned if you do and damned if you don't :confused2:


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
My son asked me once if I could shoot someone... I told him not unless he or my wife were in danger. I have to wonder if the guy in colorado was scared of the eventual law enforcement shooting him?? or the guest in the theater that had a cc permit? The thing is, I like many people are not trained to handle a situation like Colorado, do I think one person in the theater with a concealed handgun, possibly even a typical 380 or 9mm could have made much difference? possibly ! but he also could have drawn the attn of the shooter to himself and gotten everyone around him killed! Now were there to have been several in the theater to have weapons and who were better than I and could hit the guy in all of the confusion, they might have saved the day! I dont think the guy had any intention of getting hurt, he would not have given up so easily to the police if otherwise. Now back to the internet cafe thing, do I think that guy did the right thing? Yes I do. And the results speak for themselves. When faced with any resistance they ran. Anyone that thinks gun control will remove the guns from the criminals is smoking crack.


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
WELCOME back Ric...
Hope you are never in any situation where you wished Someone was armed.

Kenny anyone with any common sense should know you don't discharge a firearm in a public place in fact to do so is against the law. If you look at the video when the hold up men were moving people around this 71 year old man came running from the back and shot passed two women that could have been hurt say nothing about him missing the bad guy ten feet in front of him and having a chance of a ricochet that could of hurt someone. Lets get real with both party's shooting at each other and lead flying all over the place how much would the story change if somebody other than the bad guys was shoot and killed. This old guy has been watching to many cowboy movies.


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
Generally those that take action in this type situation are Not learning as they go. I do Not suspect he was a novice at self defense or firearms @ 71 years old & carrying.
Everyone, myself included, will preform better at a casual target range than during a high stress shoot. Even a well structured PPC will be easier than actual close quarters survival shooting...

The Fact that 2 armed criminals Were hit & no one else, is not by Accident... It is not prudent to Wait until the offence starts shooting Before you take action. (That is what movies may have taught you). It is NOT "against the law" to discharge a fire arm in a public place, when that action is in defense! And you do Not have to wait until a certain number of victims have fallen before you can/should take action.

If you elect to Not defend yourself, okay... but you will Never get Everyone around you to take their chances, and 'Hope for the best' when involved in an armed confrontation. And I will not label your position as "stupid"...


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
In a town not far from me it is a city law that every home owner must own a gun and keep it in there house.
I know your going to say you would not live there but there is no crime no one cooking meth.
You know if you break in to a house you will be shot.

Down the road from me there is a sign says
If you trespass here you will be shot

I do not understand why some want to ban guns
Do you really think it would help anything

Sent from my iPhone using LMF


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
In a town not far from me it is a city law that every home owner must own a gun and keep it in there house.
I know your going to say you would not live there but there is no crime no one cooking meth.
You know if you break in to a house you will be shot.

Down the road from me there is a sign says
If you trespass here you will be shot

I do not understand why some want to ban guns
Do you really think it would help anything

Sent from my iPhone using LMF

I'm not for banning guns, I own a number of guns but I believe that guns need to be kept in your house not on your person in a restaurant or cafe. That's just trouble looking to happen.