Concealed Carry

midnite rider

Lawn Addict
Nov 25, 2011
In a town not far from me it is a city law that every home owner must own a gun and keep it in there house. Sent from my iPhone using LMF
Yea, the General is not all we are known for. :biggrin:

I do not understand why some want to ban guns
Do you really think it would help anything Sent from my iPhone using LMF

:ban: I say lets ban automobiles. More people are killed in traffic accidents than anything else besides disease and germs.
According to the World Health Organization there are about 1.2 million People killed in traffic accidents every year, 10 Million are People Injured, costing an estimated $520 Billion!
There were nearly 6,420,000 auto accidents in the United States in 2005. The financial cost of these crashes is more than 230 Billion dollars. 2.9 million people were injured and 42,636 people killed. About 115 people die every day in vehicle crashes in the United States -- one death every 13 minutes.


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Lawn Addict
Aug 20, 2010
the guy in the video doing the shooting was not defending himself

Not only was he defending himself he was defending the rest of the patrons as well.

Your assertions regarding the circumstances are well founded.
Discharging a firearm under those circumstances is very dangerous, no one with any shooting experience will argue that.
But sitting, and hoping someone else will defend you, or just hoping you don't get robbed or shot is also dangerous.

You look at the video and you see careless disregard, when it's obvious that the Hero was well trained and handled the weapon accordingly. He was able to make the shots and the right decisions under the extreme pressure of a life or death situation.

I will add: That if you should find yourself in a scenario similar to that at the Palms internet cafe on Friday the 13th, and you happen to be the type of person that doesn't like the odds of sitting, waiting and perhaps having to witness an innocent person get assassinated because you were too busy hoping something would happen, hoping someone else will stand up to the gunman, or gunmen in this case, you would have to pick your opportunities carefully. Your time would be limited because it wouldn't be long and the guy with the gun will ask you to empty your pockets, and then your options would be narrowed considerably. You wouldn't have the time to say the lords prayer, plot strategy or form an alliance. You would have to act while both gunmen are in the same line of sight.

Sam decided not to leave his future and the future of the other innocent people in that room to fate, or in God's hands as you may have done. I for one applaud his decision to do so and that opinion is based mostly on the outcome.

Sam executed the task under great pressure and did so quite well, the only problem I have with what he did is:
He didn't make head shots. Head shots would have saved the tax payers a bundle and made for better video.
If you're going to judge Sam Williams, why not judge him on the results? When you judge him on what might have happened, you're only imposing your own limitations on his courage, ability and credibility.
I don't know either one of you but it's my guess that Sam has beaten you in those categories.
If I had to chose between you and Sam. It's pretty clear who I would chose to cover my back should things get crazy, that would be Sam Williams :thumbsup:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
now that was well reasoned and well spoken!


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2011
I carry "concealed" too,...:laughing:


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
Not only was he defending himself he was defending the rest of the patrons as well.

Your assertions regarding the circumstances are well founded.
Discharging a firearm under those circumstances is very dangerous, no one with any shooting experience will argue that.
But sitting, and hoping someone else will defend you, or just hoping you don't get robbed or shot is also dangerous.

You look at the video and you see careless disregard, when it's obvious that the Hero was well trained and handled the weapon accordingly. He was able to make the shots and the right decisions under the extreme pressure of a life or death situation.

I will add: That if you should find yourself in a scenario similar to that at the Palms internet cafe on Friday the 13th, and you happen to be the type of person that doesn't like the odds of sitting, waiting and perhaps having to witness an innocent person get assassinated because you were too busy hoping something would happen, hoping someone else will stand up to the gunman, or gunmen in this case, you would have to pick your opportunities carefully. Your time would be limited because it wouldn't be long and the guy with the gun will ask you to empty your pockets, and then your options would be narrowed considerably. You wouldn't have the time to say the lords prayer, plot strategy or form an alliance. You would have to act while both gunmen are in the same line of sight.

Sam decided not to leave his future and the future of the other innocent people in that room to fate, or in God's hands as you may have done. I for one applaud his decision to do so and that opinion is based mostly on the outcome.

Sam executed the task under great pressure and did so quite well, the only problem I have with what he did is:
He didn't make head shots. Head shots would have saved the tax payers a bundle and made for better video.
If you're going to judge Sam Williams, why not judge him on the results? When you judge him on what might have happened, you're only imposing your own limitations on his courage, ability and credibility.
I don't know either one of you but it's my guess that Sam has beaten you in those categories.
If I had to chose between you and Sam. It's pretty clear who I would chose to cover my back should things get crazy, that would be Sam Williams :thumbsup:

I believe my assertions regarding the circumstances are well founded and discharging a firearm under those circumstances is very dangerous for him and all others in the cafe and in doing so was against the law. Not only is discharging a firearm in a public place against the law but I believe it was against the law for him to even have the gun in the first place.

You can believe what you want, you're entitled to your opinion. You say it' was obvious that the Hero was well trained and handled the weapon accordingly, How do you know that he was well trained and what gave him the right to make decisions under the extreme pressure in a life or death situation for everyone else there. Sorry but I don't want someone else making that decision for me.


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
So would be best to just lay there or sit there and and hope your not the one that gets shot

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
I have to believe our 71 year old "hero" would have been arrested on the spot had he not had the legal right to have the weapon. As far as being against the law to discharge the weapon in Florida.. that had been in the news for weeks now due to the Zimerman shooting. I think they call it "stand your ground". Were I to have been the 71 y/o, I dont think I would of waited until the bad guy was pointing his weapon at me to do something. He would have lost all advantage of surprise and would be risking putting another weapon on the street when they took his! What we do know from the video is that he had enough expertise to not hit any innocent bystanders and run off the bad guys.


Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
So would be best to just lay there or sit there and and hope your not the one that gets shot

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Any Law Enforcement Agency or Officer will tell you this

  • Try to stay calm. Don't make any sudden movements to upset the robber.
  • Do exactly as you are told. DO NOT RESIST!
  • Activate your alarm ONLY if you can do so secretly.
  • Tell the robber about anything that might surprise him, such as someone who is expected to arrive soon.
  • If you have to move or reach, tell the robber what you are going to do and why.
  • Try to get a good look at the robber so you can describe him later.
  • Don't be a hero. It's better to lose your money than your life.
  • Give the robber time to leave.
  • Note his direction of travel when he leaves.
  • Try to get a description of his vehicle ONLY if you can do so without exposing yourself to harm.

You have to realize that these two guys that were robbing the place wanted to get out of there as fast as the possible, so why not let them take what they want and leave.



Lawn Pro
May 7, 2010
I have to believe our 71 year old "hero" would have been arrested on the spot had he not had the legal right to have the weapon. As far as being against the law to discharge the weapon in Florida.. that had been in the news for weeks now due to the Zimerman shooting. I think they call it "stand your ground". Were I to have been the 71 y/o, I dont think I would of waited until the bad guy was pointing his weapon at me to do something. He would have lost all advantage of surprise and would be risking putting another weapon on the street when they took his! What we do know from the video is that he had enough expertise to not hit any innocent bystanders and run off the bad guys.

Applying for a license to carry a concealed weapon or firearm for self-defense is a right of law-abiding Floridians. However, you must remember that a license to carry a weapon or firearm concealed on your person does not authorize you to use that weapon. Use of a concealed weapon or firearm is regulated by other provisions of Florida law.

This place was an Internet cafe and I don't know but most if not all of those places serve an [SIZE=-1]alcoholic beverage[/SIZE]s and food that's how they make there money and the Florida Statutes pertaining to carrying a concealed weapon or guns says,
[SIZE=-1]Any portion of an establishment licensed to dispense alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises, which portion of the establishment is primarily devoted to such purpose you can not carry a gun with or without a carry permit[/SIZE].
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Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
Only thing left to say is OMFG

He is a brave old man who did what he knew was right

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