Sad day

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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Hey PT good to hear from you again , hope you are well .
Like you I vote on the platform presented don't care which side is presenting it.
However down here I can vote for neither major party and have only done so 3 times in 50 years.
Unfortunately you lot only got 2 to choose from , the thieving liars party and the lieing thieves party .
What was that quote "no matter who you vote for a politican always wins "

Cause of death is always a problem because a death certificate can only have one when in reality it is usually compound unless you got shot .
In the case you mentioned I would suggest it was done to cover the backsides of the nursing home from possible negligance suit .
Covid could not be their fault but an assult from a staff member or other patient or lack of proper supervision resulting in a deadly fall is their fault and at the minimum requires the regulator to investigate the death .
I seriously doubt that it was done to deliberately inflate the number of Covid deaths particularly when reporting it would mean the facility then had to spend a lot of money on decontamination cleaning .

As for what we get dished up as "news" yes you are right, largely theatre to divert the attention of the public from what is actually going on .
Prime example is the Chinese filling in the submerged reefs like Subi to make "islands" .
Got thousands of hours of media and to keep the hairy chested Americans happy lots of money spent flying planes over the top & sailing warships past .
Meanwhile not a word on China's increase in their gold reservers, massive purchases of US debt , creation of their own oil futures market , and massive purchases of US currency all 3 of which can & will drastically affect the value of the US dollar long term .
Long term the Chinese are buying dollars which is keeping the dollar value high which makes US products expensive on the world market & Chinese products cheaper thus destroying the US manufacturing economy and drastically increasing the whole worlds dependence on China ( they are doing the same with the Euro as well ) .


Lawn Addict
Jul 11, 2021
How about telling the REAL truth. Biden has no control over the price of gasoline. Do you make over $400,000 a year? If so , then your taxes will go up. If you do make over $400,000, your taxes NEED to go up after all the huge tax breaks the wealthy received under Trump. And I seriously doubt the Biden administration had "bestowed" inflation upon us. Come on, hlw49. Keep up with the real truth. The problem with people like you is that you hear crap from the right wing media and believe everything you hear.
U are the one listening to the crap Biden said if U make less than 400k a year you will not pay one penny in taxes. Maybe it was one penny more in taxes. Hog wash the price of every thing is going up and you think you are not paying more taxes. Biden talking points. As prices go up the tax you pay goes up as well. Inflation is a tax on all people it makes the price of goods go up and like I said you pay more taxes. I hear the sound of money being taken from my bank account when I pay my bills and buy the things I need to live. Are you happy with the open borders? Illegals bringing the covid into out country unveted, untested and unvaccinated and Biden spreading it all over the country. Maybe the virus hasn't touched your life like it has a lot of people. You like what Biden is doing in Afghanistan leaving American citizens there to die. We lost 13 American Heroes today and Biden just says oh well not everyone will get out. They should have been gotten out first then the military. Like Trump said do you miss me yet. HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I always find it funny when people get all hissy about paying tax then critise the government for not doing what they though the government should .
The same people who go red faced with fury when they hear that they will pay 0.5% more tax or some one else will pay less tax.
Yet they are happy to pay $ 100 to a sports shoe maker for shoes they know the company paid $ 5.00 for landed .
So OK for a filthy rich family to take them for a 2,000 % mark up when there will be no social benefit whatsoever but a crime for the government to take 30% of their income .
Inflation is run by the central bank , an authority supposedly independent of the government of the day and inflation is there to protect the wealth of the rich so that the time valve of their assets grows faster than the economy and for that you can thank Wall St not the government of the day .

As for Afghanistan it caught out every government .
However it was the Trump administration that created the problem by agreeing to close the massive Bagrahm airport first and exit via the much smaller Kabhul airport .
The Taliban wanted this because they wanted to be free from massive attack from the air .
And the Afghan regulars knew they had no hope of curtailing the Taliban without the air support from the Bagrahm air base .
The trade off was a promise, which was honoured , not to attack US forces during the wind down which is why no US troops were killed in the last year while 14,000 Afghan regulars were killed which made it look like President Trump had secured a good deal for the USA media who only looked at the situation from a USA perspective ignoring the locals .
The big failure in Afghanistan was due to home land politics where all of the external forces wanted to reduce their own casualties because that made them look bad at home.
So they trained the locals to do the most dangerous work & supplied them with ground weapons while doing the less risky air support themselves .
They should have been training the Afghans to fly the air support as a top priority .
This would have done two things
1) given the Afghan regulars continuing air support to supress waves of Taliban troops surging across the country side to a level where ground troops could have defeated or repelled them
2) reduced the ill feelings of Afghani locals who got caught in the cross fire or accidentially targeted because it would have been fellow Afghanis doing it, not the hated US imperialist .

The other thing that sealed the fate was the same problem as we have world wide with politics.
The elected government over promised then under delivered every single day so the Afghan population was in a similar situation to the Palastinians .
The government they do not want will hopefully deliver the basic necessities that they need because the government they voted for was not doing it .
If you looked at the reports from people on the ground, and in particular the bleeding heart do gooders it was quite obvious that the population were not happy with the lack of facilities .
No gas, no electricity , no water , no food , no medical care , no roads , no police , no jobs the instant you leave the cities .
Farmers had no safety so like in Vietnam they were subject to Kabhul regulations by day & Taliban / warlord rules by night .
If you took the time to read up on the history of Afghinistan over the past 300 years you would have found that no foreign power had ever managed to install peace . let alone law & order over a very tribal country.
However the British were the most successful but even then they only controlled the major cities and a strip 3 miles either side of the major highways.
after that they let the warlords & tribal chiefs have their way .


May 7, 2013
I’ve stared at “Write your reply...” SEETHING and thinking about the intelligent replies and all of the others (“beauty is in the eye of the beholder”).

Besides the unrest that reared it’s ugly head while Donald was in office, IMO, he did no better or worse than the majority of his predecessors.
I just couldn’t past his disrespect for John McCain. Senator McCain, IMO, a PATRIOT (not necessarily a hero-a term used too freely). He didn’t choose to avoid his ‘conflict’ because of tennis elbow or some other debilitating condition.


May 7, 2013
$;#** I sent my response before I finished...typing this with my thumb. I voted for Tricky Dick, fan of the 1st Bush until “read my lips, no new taxes”.. they’re an evil necessity. .I’m not a die-hard party member of any party.

I do enjoy the lawnmower forum.
Thanks to all contributors. Just a grunt.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Hey PT good to hear from you again , hope you are well .
Like you I vote on the platform presented don't care which side is presenting it.
However down here I can vote for neither major party and have only done so 3 times in 50 years.
Unfortunately you lot only got 2 to choose from , the thieving liars party and the lieing thieves party .
What was that quote "no matter who you vote for a politican always wins "

Cause of death is always a problem because a death certificate can only have one when in reality it is usually compound unless you got shot .
In the case you mentioned I would suggest it was done to cover the backsides of the nursing home from possible negligance suit .
Covid could not be their fault but an assult from a staff member or other patient or lack of proper supervision resulting in a deadly fall is their fault and at the minimum requires the regulator to investigate the death .
I seriously doubt that it was done to deliberately inflate the number of Covid deaths particularly when reporting it would mean the facility then had to spend a lot of money on decontamination cleaning .

As for what we get dished up as "news" yes you are right, largely theatre to divert the attention of the public from what is actually going on .
Prime example is the Chinese filling in the submerged reefs like Subi to make "islands" .
Got thousands of hours of media and to keep the hairy chested Americans happy lots of money spent flying planes over the top & sailing warships past .
Meanwhile not a word on China's increase in their gold reservers, massive purchases of US debt , creation of their own oil futures market , and massive purchases of US currency all 3 of which can & will drastically affect the value of the US dollar long term .
Long term the Chinese are buying dollars which is keeping the dollar value high which makes US products expensive on the world market & Chinese products cheaper thus destroying the US manufacturing economy and drastically increasing the whole worlds dependence on China ( they are doing the same with the Euro as well ) .

My back finally got well enough to come to the shop for a couple of days. Not working. Packing and moving back to Arkansas. But this time, in a nice house, garage, carport and a work area around back All concrete. Texas, for some reason got greedy. Rent has gone sky high. Same as house prices. They got storage buildings they put in a bathroom, kitchen counter and used appliances and renting them for like $750 USD per month. I was looking at retiring in MX. It's a lot safer down there than our fake media portrays. But it's like anywhere, there's certain places no decent man goes.
But I decided I would just be another gringo down there who barely knew the language. No friends. No family. And $1000 miles away from anyone I knew.
So I chose Arkansas. Cheaper cost of living. Even with the state income tax being $2 more per hour than Texas, the cost of living is still cheaper. The house is a 3/2. Probably around 1800sq ft. Much more than I need. But I'm sure I'll fill it up soon enough. Maybe make a game room or something. One thing about this little town in Arkansas, not very many armchair politicians. They still have an old fashion way of never discussing politic or religion around friends. I like that.

That whole USD value is a spiderweb of lies and deceit. IMO, it's extremely over inflated. Here in the US, $10hr is a poverty wage. But just south of us, that same $10hr is an upper class wage. For $50 down there, you can buy a lot of groceries. More than enough to last a couple of weeks. I'm sure it won't be long before the $15hr will be a poverty wage here.
But I don't disagree with the minimum wage increase. It's only a symptom of the real problem. One that our liberals and so called conservatives will never admit to. Considering the fact that the Government and the Fed knows the government can never pay the Fed back, the Fed (Federal Reserve) still loans them money. Even though the US Congress has a constitutional authority to create our own (without interest). But they still borrow from the fed, with interest.
And they still have the gawl to lie to us and say there's a national debt. Sorry, but the last I I checked, if you didn't have to actually pay a loan off, it wasn't really a debt.
But none the less. Enough people still fall for those lies. And way too many others. Republicans, democrats and now Libertarians. Personally, I think the R & D's propped up the LP to keep people on a chain that's just a little longer than the R & D. Sort of give those R & D opposers something to look at. Because the LP doesn't seem very interested in winning elections.
My last R vote was for an actual conservative. But the R's threw him under the bus. I had high hopes of a democrat last election, Tulsi Gabbard. She was more of an old fashion liberal. Honest, and had a good military background. Didn't believe in spending more than they took in. I'll admit, I didn't care for a lot of what she supported. But thought she'd be the kind to negotiate the good. And expose the bad. But the DNC threw her under the bus.

LMAO.. So hear I am. A conspiracy theorist who don't even believe the conspiracies. But it's all good. Nothing I can do about it. I'm sure they won't miss my one little vote.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
$;#** I sent my response before I finished...typing this with my thumb. I voted for Tricky Dick, fan of the 1st Bush until “read my lips, no new taxes”.. they’re an evil necessity. .I’m not a die-hard party member of any party.

I do enjoy the lawnmower forum.
Thanks to all contributors. Just a grunt.

Oh yeah. This forum is better than the political forum I've joined. They're mostly full of the woke crowd. Racist BLM members. And people who would probably die for Trump. You know, the ones that said Trump was sent from heaven.

I'd rather read how to fix something. Had it not been for the guys on this forum, honestly I think I would've been homeless. I was forced out of trucking because of health problems. I got into this with only some common sense and the help of these guys. 4 or 5 years later, there's a lot about small engines and mowers that I don't have to look up or ask.

@bertsmobile1 Actually, I stopped posting because I wanted y'all to think I was so good, I didn't have to ask questions any more. LOL.....

I'm kidding. :D:D:D:rolleyes:


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
Biggest group to die of the virus is not the elderly (who have a 75% or greater survival rate) but the obese. Obesity is the single, worst risk anyone can put themselves at. 40 percent of Americans are obese and 99% of Americans are overweight.

With obesity comes diabetes, which is also epidemic in America. Covid loves those with diabetes.

Being a lung illness, one could expect smokers to be at risk and they are.

Finally, the elderly (> 75% survival rate).

So.....what's the advice? It's not "go on a diet America, exercise, lose weight, reverse and prevent diabetes, stop smoking."

Instead it's "stay home, don't work or even leave your house, take experimental drugs, and wear a mask for the rest of your life."

It's not about your health, clearly not.



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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Oh yeah. This forum is better than the political forum I've joined. They're mostly full of the woke crowd. Racist BLM members. And people who would probably die for Trump. You know, the ones that said Trump was sent from heaven.

I'd rather read how to fix something. Had it not been for the guys on this forum, honestly I think I would've been homeless. I was forced out of trucking because of health problems. I got into this with only some common sense and the help of these guys. 4 or 5 years later, there's a lot about small engines and mowers that I don't have to look up or ask.

@bertsmobile1 Actually, I stopped posting because I wanted y'all to think I was so good, I didn't have to ask questions any more. LOL.....

I'm kidding. :D:D:D:rolleyes:
Well I hope it all goes well.
Covid has just about bankrupted me
I can fix mowers, but only if the customer delivers them.
Most of my contractors can not work so are doing their own repairs
Two of them who did not qualify for aid have just had serious single vehicle collisions in the rain we had a couple of days ago .
Almost none of my domestic customers have a trailer.

And the inept pollies who have never worked so have no concept of reality keep on making idiot decisions.
I have black friends who live in Wilcannia a totally black town that is being devistated by Covid.
The deputy Prime Minister gave them a blast because it was all their own fault because of a "big" illegal funeral ( they call it sorry business ) .
When it was pointed out that the funeral was not only legal but approved by the government authorities who wrote travel permits for many of them , he had to make a hasty 1/2 hearted appology . About 200 people came into town for the funeral which had a normal population of around 500, 1 food store & 1 take away at the fuel station.
Then he derided them for not isolating which is a bit hard when you have 2 or 3 families of 4 to 8 living in each house because the housing service was defunded .
Next they got abused for not getting tested in the pop up drive through test clinic.
That is a bit difficult when less than 5% of the population own motor vehicles and most of those are tray tops so only hold 2 or 3 people .


Active Member
Aug 16, 2021
Covid is not "devastating anyone," the lockdowns are.

Odd how there is a "moratorium" on evictions and paying rent, but no moratorium on landlords paying property taxes and paying the loans they took out to buy the house their renters are not paying to live in.

Very odd how McDonald's is "essential" but the small restaurant owned by the family down the street was shut down by government.

Odd how Walmart, pharma companies, Amazon, McDonald's, etc. have made the most money they ever have in all of human history while 400,000+ small business in America are now bankrupt and will never reopen.

Odd how "masks are so effective there were no flu cases last year!" but not so effective that there were 660K Covid deaths (in USA) last year.

Odd how a local man was literally decapitated in a motorcycle crash but his death certificate lists "Covid death." Odd how I know people whose family members died of strokes and their death certificates say the same thing. Odd how my niece, a hospital nurse, said "if my hospital can possibly---any way they can---list a death as 'Covid' they do.

Odd how the CDC changed the definition of the word "vaccine."

Odd how the PCR test cannot differentiate between Covid and the flu but can differentiate mutations of Covid.

Odd how the very pharma companies that were sued due to the addiction of drugs like Oxycontin cannot be sued for side effects with these "vaccines."

Very odd how governors will reward taking experimental drugs with contests to win trucks, guns, lifetime hunting licenses, college tuition, and million dollar awards but not reward anyone that can prove they quit smoking, reversed their diabetes, or lost 100 pounds.

Odd how leaked CDC emails show they based "lockdown recommendations" on orders from the teachers unions.

Just coincidences!

Now go home, watch TV, play on your phones, do not exercise or play outside, wear that mask whose weave is thousands of times bigger than the size of the virus itself, take that booster, and still get Covid, still transmit Covid,
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