I bought a Husqvarna M-ZT 52 in June, 2014 for my 2.5 acre yard. The two problems were immediate, since I bought it in a crate. I should've went over the thing a bit closer when I first got it. The plastic ball on the throttle fell off and disappeared in the yard somewhere, never to be found again (that was just poor QC, in my opinion), and one of the bolts to the control levers loosened and fell out as well. Throttle was fixed with a wad of electrical tape, and the control I threw a new bolt in with a nyloc nut. Other than that, it's been great. Never saw myself spending so much money just to mow, but I'll have this thing for decades. She's built pretty good! Only have about 90 mowing hours on her so far, so she's still fairly new, but at that rate, I should get a long service life out of it. Once a season, I change the oil and grease everything up. All Amsoil products.
As a OPE and small engine mechanic, I've seen and dealt with alot of junk coming out of box stores. I figured best to buy something new after ALOT of research, so I can get my mowing done without having to turn wrenches on my own stuff. Prior to this, I had a Home Depot John Deere L100 with a 17 HP engine and a 42" deck & a bagger - only had that for 2 seasons. It wasn't quite enough machine for my lack of keeping up with the lawn here. Next one was a John Deere G110 with a Kohler Command 25 (that blew both head gaskets at 160 hours! Wasn't too happy about that, but the repair only cost me $20 for a pair of updated gaskets) and a 54" deck and Power Bagger system. That did a real nice job on the lawn. Slightly better looking job than the Husqvarna does, if I'm honest. I was tired of mowing around the 10 fruit trees, giant 1980's satellite dish, blueberry patch, and large pine with a lawn tractor. The Z-turn made life so much easier there.
About the only thing I wish the M-ZT had was suspension. My yard ain't getting any smoother ... and I certainly ain't getting any younger. Guess I need to dial the speed back a notch. ?
I threw some of those "Lee-press-on" wheel covers on there, as a neighborhood joke. They grew on me. If only I could get raised white letter tires, she'd be perfect!