That is exactly what I mean...why are homeowners penalized because they want to improve their property? The family next door had the basement finished on their new house, of course they didn't bother to get permits, because they didn't want to get reassessed and pay higher taxes. And no permits mean no inspections, which means no permit income for the local township and county, and possibly work done not to code.
Doesn't that seem stupid...??? Why encourage such situations???:confused2:
This law requiring permission from the county to change or enlarge your living space is a way to transfer private sector income to public sector income. In good economic times, it'a a way for your local government to generate another income stream while at the same time create jobs.
Currently, with a stagnated economy, it works in reverse. Imagine if there were a suspension on the permit requirement. With building materials at low prices those of us still employed would spend money, hire help or contract out these projects, stimulating cash flow and creating jobs. Enlarging our homes, for a variety of reasons, or adding another house to the property to help out family members that need it.
Yes there are some that would build substandardly, but at thier own risk and expense. Any risks associated from substandard building are quickly transfered to the owner of the property in this the land of the lawyers.
Most building codes are necessary but created by the same industry and it's associations /lobbyist that profit from the sale of same building materials. Any risks associated from substandard building are quickly transfered to the owner of the property in this the land of the lawyers.
4 years ago our state was in a turmoil over the skyrocketing rise in property taxes that coincided with a rise in property values. So much so our population acutally remained the same or declined. Our politicians used this as a ploy to get reelected or elected, promising to lower property taxes. Maybe it happened maybe it didn't as the tax code is to complicated for the average american to figure out. Calculating milege rates is riduculous for somone who has the minumum education. My taxes dropped only slightly, less than 4% over 2 years and have gone up this year. We have a law in our state that forbids more than 3% increase annually.
I for one am frustrated with paying for inefficient and ineffective government. I have no interest in anyone particular political affilition, I can state with certainty that binary, bipartisan nonsense that is occuring now is a cancer in our politcal system and must stop.