Is it by accident that they show up the day AFTER Thanksgiving... Ugh... :frown:KennyV
Is it by accident that they show up the day AFTER Thanksgiving... Ugh... :frown:KennyV
Is it by accident that they show up the day AFTER Thanksgiving... Ugh... :frown:KennyV
local assessor has jacked my taxes up nearly 4X what they formerly were...
Without a doubt property taxes are designed to prevent you from wanting to 'improve' any piece of realestate...
my taxes went up,I live on a gravel road and might see a grader once a kids are grown but I still pay for schools.The fire dept is voultneer and is 10miles away,I pay for some library I have no clue where it 's located a cemetary where I won't be buried ,my house and property is paid off except it really isn't cause of property taxes.If I don't pay them then the man takes my house and land and would throw me in the pokie for nonpayement.I save my federal tax return to pay my property tax!Is something wrong with this pitcure? russ
UP !
House is only 6 years old (no need to improve since I designed it and had it built to my design) in 6 years the tax has nearly doubled even with property (real estate) values going down. AND we pau personal property tax (cars, trucks, boats, trailers, etc.) The assesed value of both our vehicles is higher this year than last (when have you ever seen a vehicle go up in value with another year and higher miles (other than an antque classic) ???
All this due to less federal and state $ coming into the local area. Thanks to current administration, senate, and congress !:thumbdown:
That is exactly what I mean...why are homeowners penalized because they want to improve their property? The family next door had the basement finished on their new house, of course they didn't bother to get permits, because they didn't want to get reassessed and pay higher taxes. And no permits mean no inspections, which means no permit income for the local township and county, and possibly work done not to code.
Doesn't that seem stupid...??? Why encourage such situations???:confused2:
Well I am off to PAY for new tags...
Just noticed that tag renewal is also UP this year...
Got the letter a few wks ago but didn't notice the amount... I think I am going to sell a couple cars that I don't really need to tag... KennyV
Property taxes are a real pain but fortunately there isn't a big difference here between this year and last year's. I don't know how people in new homes do it.
Are you referring to the same situation I noted a few posts earlier...where existing homeowners have their taxes limited by law, and new homes get socked with a high tax to begin with, because the restrictions don't apply to those?
You mat be aware of this, but it is not necessarily a choice of tag or sell. In my state you don't have to register a vehicle if you sign an affidavit that you are not going to use it on public roads. I mention this as now is not a good time to try and sell anything.Well I am off to PAY for new tags...
Just noticed that tag renewal is also UP this year...
Got the letter a few wks ago but didn't notice the amount... I think I am going to sell a couple cars that I don't really need to tag... KennyV
In my state you don't have to register a vehicle if you sign an affidavit that you are not going to use it on public roads.
But you still get to enjoy the annual property tax... In this state the property tax is the largest part of the tag registration...
Several years ago I did that with a dump truck that I use on the place, never on the roads... The property tax has more than tripled even though the truck has aged... ???
The dump truck is going... KennyV
I'm not at all familiar with property tax, the concept makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and my blood pressure rise. In Florida, you pay sales tax when you purchase the vehicle (7.5% currently).But you still get to enjoy the annual property tax... In this state the property tax is the largest part of the tag registration...
Several years ago I did that with a dump truck that I use on the place, never on the roads... The property tax has more than tripled even though the truck has aged... ???
The dump truck is going... KennyV
Here that would happen in the city or a suburban situation with a Home owners Association or Civic Association. None of the more rural areas or county laws support such legislation. Having said that, junk cars are not a common occurance here, don't recall seeing any.Kenny...part of the taxes I pay to support local township government pay for the local code enforcement officer, who recently gave me a warning about the twenty year old pickup truck I use to haul debris around our never gets road use, is uninsured, but because of the stupid laws here I cannot keep it outdoors BECAUSE IT DOES NOT HAVE A REGISTRATION TAB.!!! Only licensed salvage yard owners and/or auto dealers are permitted to have an unregistered vehicle on their property outdoors. Anyone else has to store them indoors. The law is supposed to keep people from collecting junk cars on their property, but it's stupid you cannot keep one running, reasonably decent looking farm truck outdoors. Any comments?
Here that would happen in the city or a suburban situation with a Home owners Association or Civic Association. None of the more rural areas or county laws support such legislation. Having said that, junk cars are not a common occurance here, don't recall seeing any.
Any comments?
I'm not at all familiar with property tax, the concept makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up and my blood pressure rise. In Florida, you pay sales tax when you purchase the vehicle (7.5% currently).
Is property tax in addition to sales tax?
By the by...I just had to pay 50$ to renew my drivers license.
Wow ... where were the people when that got added???
If they want me to keep all my stuff inside, they are going to have to exempt a building from taxes ... then I would consider having one built to place the truck in.... KennyV
What a system... got to love it... KennyV
One of my good friends is a township trustee, she voted against the new regulation, here in Michigan local township boards of trustees can usually enact and and all regulations they want, citing: "the good of the community in general". If your house is run down, they can force you to fix it up or just write violation notices and take you to court.
I just got my Louisiana property tax bill in the mail yesterday--it was $95! That's down from last year when it was $98! We have the homestead exemption here so that the first $75,000 of your primary residence is not taxed. But we do have to pay state income tax, unlike Texas. I'm pretty sure my sister in Austin pays a lot more in property tax than I do in state income tax. So far this year I've paid less than $850 in state tax.
Today I paid the license renewal on my 2008 Toyota--that little sticker was $62 which included a late fee since it expired in November. It's based on the value of the vehicle so my older car is much less.
I don't "gotta love it" I've gotta change it. Just because I can afford it doesn't mean I should turn my head to it. The tail is wagging the dog as far as I'm concerned.
Where does it end?
That's a good question... Don't know where it will end, but I'm sure something will eventually end it...
As to changing it... I have no idea how that is going to be done. Even if you appeal your valuation, or protest your tax it is not going to lower it ... so, like I said, since you can not change it, you are going to HAVE to 'learn' how to love it...:biggrin: .. :smile:KennyV
I've said it myself many times "don't worry about things you can't control".
However I go to great lengths to get the most out of what I have. It extremely frustrating to realize that my tax dollars are spent so ineffciently.
I honestly believe that changes happens, or starts to happen this way, as we (all of us here on LMF and in other places) disscuss our opinions regarding change and making things better. We have to insist on a more from our public sector.
I suppose I should consider myself lucky I don't have to pay state income tax, as ther is no such thing here.
Wow that makes me envious...can you tell us how your state manages to get their budget money???
Income tax here in Michigan is currently about 4.6%, however, my wife and I are government retirees, so our pensions are not taxed by the state amount. I really envy residents of other states who have little property tax to pay, if we paid state tax on our pensions, it still would not be as much as the $3600 annual bite I pay for property taxes...
taxes are based mainly on the square footage of any improvements made to property, houses, buildings, even the dock on the pond.
Same in most all places... it's a real incentive to NOT make improvements... What a backwards system...
I have been on the edge of building a new house here for a while now...
BUT with how the tax system has been going, there is NO way.
I have looked at selling and buying another place BUT again when you look at the taxes on another place, it is a huge factor in the actual cost of moving, you get to pay taxes every year but you really do not know where they will be in 2, 3, or 5 years, (only safe bet is higher).
You can only look at the past trend and speculate... If your taxes have doubled OR tripped in recent years, there is no reason to believe that is not what they will do again.
quite a system... :smile:KennyVfrown:!)
There are many people like you Kenny, I'm one of them, reluctant to build because of the taxes and an uncertain future.
Think of all the money that would be injected into our stagnant economy, all the work that would be made available to those who are out of work or in need of same, If the tax issue was not such that it is.
I'm not against taxes. I feel taxes are necessary, but where does it stop?