V-belt recommendations


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
I will stand admonished, I should have said elitist although elitism & racism often go hand in hand
And yes I did go to a public school, by choice I did get a scholarship to a very wealthy elite Anglican high school .
Their alumni has a large number of leaders of industry many of which were all convicted of pedophilia , in closed courts of course because nice rich business leaders do not do those sort of things although 42 of 48 were convicted .So then the school had a new honour board made removing those names .
And as mentioned I had to coach my entire tutorial group who were all rich snobs, till they needed help to pass enough exams to remain in university. All of them could rattle off answers to any matriculation question, but not a single one could think and one even got his father to attempt to have the engineering drawing changed from 3rd angle to first angle because he could understand the concept of planar projection. So all he had learned was rich people can bribe their way to get whatever they want . And I might add that this kid drove a Jaguar that daddy bought him as a graduation present and some how managed to get on campus parking some thing that most staff could not get .
The longest serving Prime Minister John Howard in this country went the Birrong Boys High, a government school .
The second longest serving Prime Minister & also best PM we have ever had, Bob Hawke also went to a state school, then to a state university where he won a Rhodes scholarship
Yes and we are happy to jibe each other but some inferences are plain wicked .
Public schools have to take every student in their footprint thus they do get a high proportion of students with learning difficulties but if any of them leave without a proper education then that is a fault of the system not the students
And of all of the people I have worked with over the years Americans by and large have been the worst educated , including university graduates , which of course is a problem of the US system of school governance
How many people on this list can understand a simple DC mower wiring diagram ?
Star must go crazy trying to get people to understand simple wiring that should be taught to 12 year olds .
I do believe a better word would have been elitism or snobbery etc because that word racism and racist is used far too often by too many people as a broad catch-all term when it's just not right.
I can fully believe that the dumbest people you've worked with have been Americans because our education system has been lacking and falling behind for decades upon decades and most all of that has been public schools.
That is precisely why he joked about it because we do it all the time.
In fact, we make fun of ourselves, our actual own individual cells, other americans, different types of Americans which we may or may not even like, ALL THE TIME!

We actually don't even like each other.
The only thing that ever gets us motivated and working together is being piss#d off!
We will walk backwards uphill buck-ass naked to prove a point, when a fight, or because someone tries to tell us what we can or can't do!

I can fully appreciate this because that is exactly how I am.
Many Americans also have a pretty bad work ethic.
I fall into that category too because I work very little but I have become very good at what I do and very efficient so it just looks like I try hard.
It's hilarious that people who know me and stop by and stuff think I'm busy all the time and do so much but I tell them I only hump when people like them are around because as soon as I get done I go back to slacking off doing nothing!

We joke all the time that the only people who work hard in America are asians, mexicans, and we often specify people from India too but they are also considered Asians now right??
They didn't used to be but now they are. Crazy! But I guess I don't make the rules...sadly.

When they make me supreme dictator of the earth I will fix all the problems and situations.
Many decisions won't be popular.....but--- 😆


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
People in general are dumbing down. They cant even read a basic road map; unless, it is on smart phone now with it giving them turn by turn instructions.

I just dealt PD Power Distributors about my Power Portal account that some jackA closed. The rep was asking why I was needing access and I said because EFI test software needs updating. She ask what was EFI software? My lord they are selling fuel injected engines, have test software, and she had never of electronic fuel injection.

Finally manage to find my account has been cross link for over 15yrs with another business with basically the same name. On top someone at PD now has assigned the same account number a third business. No wonder my account number and password no longer works. The only solution is to setup a completely new account now and hopefully the other two companies can their stuff straighten out too.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Snip snip
We actually don't even like each other.
The only thing that ever gets us motivated and working together is being piss#d off!
We will walk backwards uphill buck-ass naked to prove a point, when a fight, or because someone tries to tell us what we can or can't do!

Snip Again

We joke all the time that the only people who work hard in America are asians, mexicans, and we often specify people from India too but they are also considered Asians now right??
They didn't used to be but now they are. Crazy! But I guess I don't make the rules...sadly.

When they make me supreme dictator of the earth I will fix all the problems and situations.
Many decisions won't be popular.....but--- 😆
IT is your 2 party system and voluntary voting that is the basis of that
The blue undies wearers have to hate the red undies wearers so they will get off their butts & Vote
And of course the same happen with the other side

IF the people are too busy fighting with each other they do not notice when they are being robbed blind
And the requirement for 1/2 billion every couple of years means the government will always be in the pockets of big business.

That is why I get 12 months warranty on the parts I buy from Rotary , Orgon , Prime LIne & Stens where s you smucks just get 1 to 3 months on the exact same parts .
This is why my hernia operation cost me $ 800 and that was 3 visits to the surgeons rooms
The operation + 2 days in hospital cost zip where as you saps have to take out a second mortgage for the same opp.
This is why the most I can ever pay for medicines that are on the PBS is $ 350 / year
This is why there has never ever been a school shooting ( yes criminals still have guns and they always will )
This is why we do not have death duties or inheritance tax

Because we are not preoccupied hating the person next door because his undies are the wrong colour, we can all hate the politicians together
Then we have more than 2 parties a basically labour party, originally fully financed by unions , a weirdly named Liberal party who are a very loose alliance of every one who detests organised labour & want pseudo-slavery introduced . They are in an almost permeant alliance with the farmers party, used to be called Country Party , now the Nationals so they are our conservaties. Then to protect those frogs & flowers we have the Greens , a bunch of very young city living environmental warriors who should be the natural partners of the farmers, but they hate them because they "destroy the land " . so goofy greens usually side with the labour , then for the right wing racists there is the "One ( white ) Nation" For the evangelicals there is a plethora of "christian" parties, some state some federal but of curse being Christians they all hate each other because one book has 3 more pages than the other book and a heap of very minor parties some with 1 or 2 senators others with just 1 lower house member .
So your paralysed parliaments never happen and extreme right or left legislation rarely happens because they always need one of the minor parties to vote for a bill so the minors get small amendments which gives then something t crow about come election time .
An independent group schedule votes so no speaker can defile democracy as Johnston is doing now
Both the government , the opposition & the cross benches can introduce a bill ( restrictions on the number ) then the bill is read for the first time and debated then and there .
Usually a week or so latter it is read a second time with any ammendments then voted on and if passed, goes onto the the Senate for a debate & vote, if ammended it goes back to the house the back to the senate

And the real killer for stable government is preferential voting So you decide who you hate the most and they get the highest number then one you hate slightly less gets one number less to you end up with the person you hate least who gets your number 1 vote .
So when the count is done if the difference between 1 & 2 is less than the sum of the others then the lowest No 1 votes get distributed to the other candidates according to who you gave the number 2 to , And this continues till there is a clear winner so often the person with the most No 1 votes does not get elected and the person who is elected is the one that the least number of people hate .
Then we have absentee voting so on polling day I can vote any where in the nation for a federal election & anywhere in a state for a state or local election .
Postal voting , which by the way always favours Labour ( Dems to you )
Pre poll voting, always favours the Liberals
Normal voting and for my electorate of 120,000 there are 46 polling booths , early voting always favours the libs & late voting always favours labour

So your 2020 vote went exactly the same as any vote in Australia would go
Conservatives in a clear lead with prepolls and early booth returns , around 50:50 for the rest of the day and a strong Labor ( dems ) postal vote
Postal are often not counted on the day if one candidate has an unassailable lead but do get added over the week so some one might win with 55% on the night but by the end of counting be down as low as 51%.
And the real beauty of compulsory voting is there has to be 120,000 votes because there are 120,000 in the electoral district thus idiot claims like 4,000 phantom votes delivered in a wheel barrow can not happen and if the final count is out by more than the winning margin then a recount happens and if tat confirms the descrepency then a frsh ballot ( must be same candidates ) hapens within 1 month

So you can see why we consider our system the stupidist system on the planet and any vote that is voluntary is open to corruption .


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
IT is your 2 party system and voluntary voting that is the basis of that
The blue undies wearers have to hate the red undies wearers so they will get off their butts & Vote
And of course the same happen with the other side

IF the people are too busy fighting with each other they do not notice when they are being robbed blind
And the requirement for 1/2 billion every couple of years means the government will always be in the pockets of big business.

That is why I get 12 months warranty on the parts I buy from Rotary , Orgon , Prime LIne & Stens where s you smucks just get 1 to 3 months on the exact same parts .
This is why my hernia operation cost me $ 800 and that was 3 visits to the surgeons rooms
The operation + 2 days in hospital cost zip where as you saps have to take out a second mortgage for the same opp.
This is why the most I can ever pay for medicines that are on the PBS is $ 350 / year
This is why there has never ever been a school shooting ( yes criminals still have guns and they always will )
This is why we do not have death duties or inheritance tax

Because we are not preoccupied hating the person next door because his undies are the wrong colour, we can all hate the politicians together
Then we have more than 2 parties a basically labour party, originally fully financed by unions , a weirdly named Liberal party who are a very loose alliance of every one who detests organised labour & want pseudo-slavery introduced . They are in an almost permeant alliance with the farmers party, used to be called Country Party , now the Nationals so they are our conservaties. Then to protect those frogs & flowers we have the Greens , a bunch of very young city living environmental warriors who should be the natural partners of the farmers, but they hate them because they "destroy the land " . so goofy greens usually side with the labour , then for the right wing racists there is the "One ( white ) Nation" For the evangelicals there is a plethora of "christian" parties, some state some federal but of curse being Christians they all hate each other because one book has 3 more pages than the other book and a heap of very minor parties some with 1 or 2 senators others with just 1 lower house member .
So your paralysed parliaments never happen and extreme right or left legislation rarely happens because they always need one of the minor parties to vote for a bill so the minors get small amendments which gives then something t crow about come election time .
An independent group schedule votes so no speaker can defile democracy as Johnston is doing now
Both the government , the opposition & the cross benches can introduce a bill ( restrictions on the number ) then the bill is read for the first time and debated then and there .
Usually a week or so latter it is read a second time with any ammendments then voted on and if passed, goes onto the the Senate for a debate & vote, if ammended it goes back to the house the back to the senate

And the real killer for stable government is preferential voting So you decide who you hate the most and they get the highest number then one you hate slightly less gets one number less to you end up with the person you hate least who gets your number 1 vote .
So when the count is done if the difference between 1 & 2 is less than the sum of the others then the lowest No 1 votes get distributed to the other candidates according to who you gave the number 2 to , And this continues till there is a clear winner so often the person with the most No 1 votes does not get elected and the person who is elected is the one that the least number of people hate .
Then we have absentee voting so on polling day I can vote any where in the nation for a federal election & anywhere in a state for a state or local election .
Postal voting , which by the way always favours Labour ( Dems to you )
Pre poll voting, always favours the Liberals
Normal voting and for my electorate of 120,000 there are 46 polling booths , early voting always favours the libs & late voting always favours labour

So your 2020 vote went exactly the same as any vote in Australia would go
Conservatives in a clear lead with prepolls and early booth returns , around 50:50 for the rest of the day and a strong Labor ( dems ) postal vote
Postal are often not counted on the day if one candidate has an unassailable lead but do get added over the week so some one might win with 55% on the night but by the end of counting be down as low as 51%.
And the real beauty of compulsory voting is there has to be 120,000 votes because there are 120,000 in the electoral district thus idiot claims like 4,000 phantom votes delivered in a wheel barrow can not happen and if the final count is out by more than the winning margin then a recount happens and if tat confirms the descrepency then a frsh ballot ( must be same candidates ) hapens within 1 month

So you can see why we consider our system the stupidist system on the planet and any vote that is voluntary is open to corruption .
Pretty much everything is open to corruption and especially in this day and age. With all that convenience and laziness that promotes it, you increase the greater likelihood.
The two-party system we have... Absolutely is the biggest part of the problem!!
People are sheep though and sheep like to do what they're comfortable doing and afraid of change.
Thus, we can't seem to ever break away from the two-party system and that's what keeps the whole system so screwed up!
I have said for decades that have just once, even on a fluke or a drunk night bet... if a third party or independent could win the presidency, it just might change things forever.
Heck, they probably wouldn't even let it happen. They would find some way and some technicality so that person who won would never actually be sworn into office.
They are corrupt beyond corrupt!
Anyone who isn't corrupt and gets into the business of politics, becomes corrupt quickly or they get out.
Both sides suck in our current situation they just suck in different ways.
Which takes us to the voting.
It's almost always the lesser of two evils and yes, it's almost always about 50/50 with only a few (percentage wise) determining which one will win and represent everyone and who is supposed to work for everyone's benefit but of course about half the country hates them and almost everything they stand for.
The feeling has become quite mutual from the politician's side also.

I'm not a fan of mailing votes or even absentee etc.
I understand they are a number of people but still a very small percentage who just can't get out and go on to a polling penter on election Day but I really think that's the only way it should happen.
Another interesting fact is that we have an abysmal turnout of people who actually vote.
Amazing how much dissent and complaining there is from seemingly everybody when so few people actually vote!!
I guess some people see a statement like this and think since so few vote you need to make it as easy as possible but I've always thought since so few people vote anyways what's a few more that don't vote going to matter.
II've also often thought that it would be easier and probably less likely for fraud versus the scattered way we do it now to do all of our voting electronically.
I mean every single US citizen, because that's the only people that should be voting in the elections) should basically have an account based on their social security number or a new issued voter ID number or whatever way they want to come up with.
But the point is you log in to the system, and place your vote.
Most people would vote from their phone, tablet or computer..
Had they have done this a number of years ago they would have had a phone system also but that's probably not necessary today and the expense would be greater.
Sure, some people will say it would make fraud more likely but they're already using a crazy mixture of electronic and manual and paper things all mixed together so I don't know that it could be much worse.
We in fact, do a pretty good job with accuracy in other aspects which are deemed very important.
Income tax filing and returns comes to mind.
Sure, there are some people who have fictitious filing with their name and or social security numbers or tax ID numbers etc but I think it would be staggering to compare the number of people in the US who file or who have the ability to do an income tax return that someone could fraud on even if they themselves aren't filing that year, versus the few number of people who vote!

Oh well, as I often say it's all about numbers and want something, society, country etc is so grossly gigantic and out of control, you will never fix the problems!!
Fixing the problems is a pipe dream.
There will be attempts and they will be some progress and there will be ups and downs but it's like a Pandora's box situation.
Society, politics, government can only work well and close to perfectly on a very small scale level like an island of a few people, a small group and maybe a village and possibly up to the size of a small town.
After that, it's all downhill. Probably because of one of humans another annoying traits of the compulsive inability to not get along and their own selfishness.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Problems with on the day only polling is the USA is a very big place and every day there would be over 10,000,000 who are not in their electorial area nor could they possibly get back there to vote which is why you need to have absentee voting , but you can only do that if you have a single national register , which the USA does not.
The other big problem is polling booths placed to deter the opposition voters , like the only polling station for republicans in a predominantly jewish neighbour hood, right next to a Nazi paraphernalia shop or in one of those areas where wealthy people are scared of being mugged in order to increase the democrat vote or on the other hand, all of the polling booths in an area that has no public transport to deter democrats from voting or in an industrial region a booth that is open from 9am to 2pm so factory workers doing can not vote etc etc etc.
Then there is registration itself where one state will accept a gun license as proof of identity but not a drivers license so university students from inter state can not even register .

Our system works faultlessly , however we only have 30,000,000 voters 1/10 of the potential US voters .

And for all those who think the election was stolen despite the fact that 2 Republican investigations both found Biden's count was under reported & Trumps was over recorder .
I have been voting for 50 years and every election follows the same broad pattern .
Prepoll votes , near 90% for conservatives
Polling day votes, generally by demograhic
Postal & absentee votes around 75 % to labour ( democrats to you )
Now the massive difference for the USA was this was the first time that all college students out of state could not be prevented from registering to vote or voting
By and large, younger people tend to be more left & university students lefter still while older people tend to be more conservative

So 2024 followed the Australian voting patten to the letter .


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
And everybody wants instant results but still there are those wants all the votes to be hand counted. There is just no way to this in the time allotted. Come folks you can't have your cake and eat it too at the same time. Basically you have a cake sitting there or a empty plate where you have eaten the cake.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
TV does not want to get instant results when they can stretch election night live for 10hours of the cheapest TV it s possible to make

The way it works, because we know exactly how many people are going to vote in each seat, the pre polls are counted during the day but results are not posted till after the polls close to avoid the heard effect . SO when the TV coverage starts we have the prepoll results shown and of course the entire country would be red in your case .
So if a candidate gets to 51% of the total electors in that seat it is declaired and the postals are not counted on the night and the staff go to do the senate which is a big job as last election there were 198 names on the form and some people ( me ) fill in every square .
If at the end of the booth count there is not a clear winner then the postals are opened and counted
Then if there is not a clear winner the preferences are distributed .
Because of this you get a lot of single issue independents so I often give them my 1,2 & 3 votes knowing if they pull more than 2% of the vote one of the major parties will add that to their platform at the next election and it is not unheard of to have the 1st, 2nd & 3rd preferences counted .
It is also not uncommon to have the person with highest number of first votes loose the seat and in my electorate the person who came in No 3 in a 5 person ticked ended up being the memeber for 2 terms


Apr 26, 2023
Need measurement of drive belt on my Craftsman 42" mower 22 HP Kohler S/N 022614A002537 Model # 917.98641.It's either a 1/2"x 101 13/32" or 1/2"x 95 Thanks in advance


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
The ground drive belt according to SearPartsDirect is the 101-1/16 belt (197253 superseded to 592855001) but my system is showing 100-1/2" belt. And Stens is show their
265-214 replacement belt as 100.25".

Gord Baker

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2018
Often at the back side of the unit there is a tag or stamped number. Have you tried a dealer which may have History on your machine? Do you keep the belt tight in Winter and loosen or remove it in Summer? Cheap belts do not last.