Used oil

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Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Bert, are you in the USA ? I am, and things were much better for we the people under his administration. Yeah he posted what some consider mean, but the economy benefitted all people. He also did not use government agencies against his political opponents like the one we have now. Please don't let the biased media influence you. The biased media is a trick to influence you. Seek out both sides, and decide for yourself.

But what does all this have to do with used oil? Maybe the mods could create a political forum for political stuff? I'm here for the repair stuff, I find the insights from the techs here enlightening. I really don't care about anyone's politics. Let's talk mowers!
No I am from OZ so I can do something that Americans can't, look at your economy & politics objectivly.
And in fact the Dems have run the economy far better than the reps have
But the reps are a lot better at BS & Spin which makes you think they are better economic managers
If you print out charts of any economic indicator, stock market, unemployment , wages growth , government debt, balance of trade , etc, etc then pinch the kids coloured pencils and over mark the administrations where one side had all 3 sectors ( President-Senate -House ) you are in for a rude shock.
You also have to isolate national from state .People down here often hammer state about fuel prices but the excise & GST are levied at federal level for petrol but not LPG and those prices can vary around 40¢ / l ( $ 1.45 us gallon ) and the Aust retail price is set according to the Singapore refinery price .
This is a big problem with a president that is political rather than a governor who is not political .
You can also look at bills passed when there is a split and no one has all 3 positions to see which side actually is willing to compromise to get bills passed and which side is just obstructionist . If you are a staunched wearer of red or blue undies then make sure there is nothing sharp near by when you do it .
It is sole destroying when you realise you have been deceived all your life .
If you have not already read it go over to this thread and look at the 2 videos about your southern border to see the true problem ,and it is not what you have been told it is .
They are in post # 83
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
No I am from OZ so I can do something that Americans can't, look at your economy & politics objectivly.
And in fact the Dems have run the economy far better than the reps have
But the reps are a lot better at BS & Spin which makes you think they are better economic managers
If you print out charts of any economic indicator, stock market, unemployment , wages growth , government debt, balance of trade , etc, etc then pinch the kids coloured pencils and over mark the administrations where one side had all 3 sectors ( President-Senate -House ) you are in for a rude shock.
You also have to isolate national from state .People down here often hammer state about fuel prices but the excise & GST are levied at federal level for petrol but not LPG and those prices can vary around 40¢ / l ( $ 1.45 us gallon ) and the Aust retail price is set according to the Singapore refinery price .
This is a big problem with a president that is political rather than a governor who is not political .
You can also look at bills passed when there is a split and no one has all 3 positions to see which side actually is willing to compromise to get bills passed and which side is just obstructionist . If you are a staunched wearer of red or blue undies then make sure there is nothing sharp near by when you do it .
It is sole destroying when you realise you have been deceived all your life .
If you have not already read it go over to this thread and look at the 2 videos about your southern border to see the true problem ,and it is not what you have been told it is .
They are in post # 83
Well, you don't live here. You get the cherry picked numbers manipulated to make Democrats look good. You have no clue about living in America other than DNC propaganda. You are misinformed.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2015
Yeah, Bert - our reality and your news are as far apart as out respective continents are. You're being fed MOUNTAINS of bullshit.

Don't feel bad, though - 50% of Americans believe it too, and they see the decline daily, yet refuse to admit it.

Our media has run the biggest psych-ops campaign in human history for the past 8 years. People are shitting in the streets, robbing, raping, shooting drugs in front of school kids walking to school, carjacking, invading people's homes at 3AM in every democrat-controlled city in America ... yet all our government does is let THOUSANDS of illegals, drug dealers, child traffickers / rapists, & terrorists PER DAY flood across our border unchecked, and come up with backdoor end-runs around our Constitution to restrict firearm usage / ownership by any means they can ram through, and disparaged the police so badly that their ranks are at the LOWEST levels in American history, rendering law-abiding Americans utterly defenseless.

It's pretty clear our government has become the enemy of The People by everyone, except those who voted for Biden ... which when you factor in the documented, RAMPANT cheating that went on during the last election, is MUCH less than 50% of the Nation.

If you want the facts about how Joe Biden came into power here, watch this film.

Unfortunately you'll have to dig on the net to find where to stream it. It should make you think: Why would a country with the motto that begins with, "Land of the FREE ... " censor ANYTHING? Our 1st Amendment of our Constitution GUARANTEES FREE SPEECH, yet, things like this are being hidden, censored, taken down, blacklisted, and disparaged on every leftist-owned corporate media site (CNN, NY Times, NPR, etc.).

What do they have to hide if this documentary is so "false"?


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Yeah, Bert - our reality and your news are as far apart as out respective continents are. You're being fed MOUNTAINS of bullshit.

Don't feel bad, though - 50% of Americans believe it too, and they see the decline daily, yet refuse to admit it.

Our media has run the biggest psych-ops campaign in human history for the past 8 years. People are shitting in the streets, robbing, raping, shooting drugs in front of school kids walking to school, carjacking, invading people's homes at 3AM in every democrat-controlled city in America ... yet all our government does is let THOUSANDS of illegals, drug dealers, child traffickers / rapists, & terrorists PER DAY flood across our border unchecked, and come up with backdoor end-runs around our Constitution to restrict firearm usage / ownership by any means they can ram through, and disparaged the police so badly that their ranks are at the LOWEST levels in American history, rendering law-abiding Americans utterly defenseless.

It's pretty clear our government has become the enemy of The People by everyone, except those who voted for Biden ... which when you factor in the documented, RAMPANT cheating that went on during the last election, is MUCH less than 50% of the Nation.

If you want the facts about how Joe Biden came into power here, watch this film.

Unfortunately you'll have to dig on the net to find where to stream it. It should make you think: Why would a country with the motto that begins with, "Land of the FREE ... " censor ANYTHING? Our 1st Amendment of our Constitution GUARANTEES FREE SPEECH, yet, things like this are being hidden, censored, taken down, blacklisted, and disparaged on every leftist-owned corporate media site (CNN, NY Times, NPR, etc.).

What do they have to hide if this documentary is so "false"?
A slick movie proves nothing
I checked the way the USA ran their mail voting system and it was quite good, comparable to how we do it here
1) person has to apply for postal vote
2) application when received is checked against the voting roll , if it is validated a voting package got sent to the voters registered address
3) voter completes the form then returns it by mail.
4) the known number of forms sent out is checked against the number actually returned and as usual the number returned was less than the number originally sent
So where did the fraudulent votes originate from ?
And the USA has been doing postal votes for over 100 years and the only difference this time is that more people were allowed to apply for one due to covid, which was quite sensible considering the idiot way the USA treated Covid making it a party political issue where it should have been a bipartisan medical issue.

Next the pattern in the USA followed the pattern observed down here 100%
The Pew Research data done after the election shows the same pattern and percentages as the actual results so it backs it up.
The Republicans held 2 enquiries into the election but could no find any evidence of fraud, in fact they found miscounts some accidental, some suspicious which gave Biden even more votes and if there was widespread fraud then that committee would have found it because it would have put their man in the Oval office , but nothing that could be substantiated other than the faked electoral college votes that is currently before the courts .
Now if states run by Democrat governments showed massivily higher numbers of postal votes and they all favoured Biden then one might smell some thing fishy.
But states run by republican administrations flipped and I really can not see republican appointed officials stacking the system against the republican candidate.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Yeah, Bert - our reality and your news are as far apart as out respective continents are. You're being fed MOUNTAINS of bullshit.

Don't feel bad, though - 50% of Americans believe it too, and they see the decline daily, yet refuse to admit it.

Our media has run the biggest psych-ops campaign in human history for the past 8 years. People are shitting in the streets, robbing, raping, shooting drugs in front of school kids walking to school, carjacking, invading people's homes at 3AM in every democrat-controlled city in America ... yet all our government does is let THOUSANDS of illegals, drug dealers, child traffickers / rapists, & terrorists PER DAY flood across our border unchecked, and come up with backdoor end-runs around our Constitution to restrict firearm usage / ownership by any means they can ram through, and disparaged the police so badly that their ranks are at the LOWEST levels in American history, rendering law-abiding Americans utterly defenseless.

It's pretty clear our government has become the enemy of The People by everyone, except those who voted for Biden ... which when you factor in the documented, RAMPANT cheating that went on during the last election, is MUCH less than 50% of the Nation.

If you want the facts about how Joe Biden came into power here, watch this film.

Unfortunately you'll have to dig on the net to find where to stream it. It should make you think: Why would a country with the motto that begins with, "Land of the FREE ... " censor ANYTHING? Our 1st Amendment of our Constitution GUARANTEES FREE SPEECH, yet, things like this are being hidden, censored, taken down, blacklisted, and disparaged on every leftist-owned corporate media site (CNN, NY Times, NPR, etc.).

What do they have to hide if this documentary is so "false"?
If the video was actually true and proved fraud then it would be available on Fox for starters who backed trump 110 % as it backs up their position.
Why is it not there , because they know it is suspect & conjecture which could end up in the courts .
It is very easy to invent an non existent conspiracy where none existed and if people want to believe it then it is real and happened .
Perfect example is the speech given by Habba after the Carrol damages trial which will end up getting her disbarred because it was a lie of omission .
While everything she said was true, she neglected to mention every thing that was disallowed was not allowed because of her stuff ups .
I could not understand why she kept on missing deadlines then trying to enter evidence after search & disclosure time had expired , then I heard her post trial speech, portraying trump as an innocent man being persecuted by a biased judge,( Reagn appointment ) a vindictive & malicious prosecutor (politically funded) through a corrupt legal system and trump was a hero for fighting to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the common man.
Then it became obvious they deliberately lost all 4 times in this case for the purpose gaining votes at the presidential election by making trump the hero of the common man.
And FWIW I subscribe to Ground News so I can get an impartial unbiased summary of the events of the day. They go to the effort of reverse tracing stories back to their source then providing a bias index based on which media sources had run it as lead stories. Your would do well to at least try it if not use it .
So while that MT Green ( how the F did she get elected ) was busy misleading Congress with the fake Olena Zelenskye Cartier jewellery receipt I had already found the story originated in Russia, went to a telegram channel then to X then scott ritter , tucker carlson, Retracted and then got picked up by mainstream media . The same thing with to 2 yachts Zalenskye was supposed to have bought with US aid money . Originated in Dubai from a "journalist" with no other story than that credited to him who posted on YT using an accounts that was opened the day before . The companies he supposedly worked for had no stories from him on their web sites and a day latter, both boats were found still to be for sale with no current offers but that did not stop M T Green again presenting those faked registration papers to congress either .
As for biased economic data, I always start at the first US president I can remember LBJ so no I am not cherry picking data to suit the narrative .
So if you pull the data off the US bureaus websites, not many go back that far but they are in the year books and they are available from the library of congress web page .
Many banks show charts back that far and the stock market indexes go back even further
Print them out then colour them in Dark Blue for all dems , Dark red for all Reps and various others for the 4 combinations and then you will see a pattern & it is not what you would think .
You can do the same things for states , but states continually change the way the numbers are recorded so they can fudge the figures .
And remember that the first year of a new administration can have carry over from the previous administration.

We have a little thing here called the "Pub Test" which is basically if some one who was 1/2 drunk wandered up & told it to you, would you believe it ?

Illegal immigrants are by far the most law abiding people in any country and rarely even fart in the wrong place for fear of being deported .
And that is a fact and it applies to every country on the planet .
If you have risked your life to get some where you will not jepordise you chances of staying there by committing crimes .
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2016
If the video was actually true and proved fraud then it would be available on Fox for starters who backed trump 110 % as it backs up their position.
Why is it not there , because they know it is suspect & conjecture which could end up in the courts .
It is very easy to invent an non existent conspiracy where none existed and if people want to believe it then it is real and happened .
Perfect example is the speech given by Habba after the Carrol damages trial which will end up getting her disbarred because it was a lie of omission .
While everything she said was true, she neglected to mention every thing that was disallowed was not allowed because of her stuff ups .
I could not understand why she kept on missing deadlines then trying to enter evidence after search & disclosure time had expired , then I heard her post trial speech, portraying trump as an innocent man being persecuted by a biased judge,( Reagn appointment ) a vindictive & malicious prosecutor (politically funded) through a corrupt legal system and trump was a hero for fighting to uphold the 1st amendment rights of the common man.
Then it became obvious they deliberately lost all 4 times in this case for the purpose gaining votes at the presidential election by making trump the hero of the common man.
And FWIW I subscribe to Ground News so I can get an impartial unbiased summary of the events of the day. They go to the effort of reverse tracing stories back to their source then providing a bias index based on which media sources had run it as lead stories. Your would do well to at least try it if not use it .
So while that MT Green ( how the F did she get elected ) was busy misleading Congress with the fake Olena Zelenskye Cartier jewellery receipt I had already found the story originated in Russia, went to a telegram channel then to X then scott ritter , tucker carlson, Retracted and then got picked up by mainstream media . The same thing with to 2 yachts Zalenskye was supposed to have bought with US aid money . Originated in Dubai from a "journalist" with no other story than that credited to him who posted on YT using an accounts that was opened the day before . The companies he supposedly worked for had no stories from him on their web sites and a day latter, both boats were found still to be for sale with no current offers but that did not stop M T Green again presenting those faked registration papers to congress either .
As for biased economic data, I always start at the first US president I can remember LBJ so no I am not cherry picking data to suit the narrative .
So if you pull the data off the US bureaus websites, not many go back that far but they are in the year books and they are available from the library of congress web page .
Many banks show charts back that far and the stock market indexes go back even further
Print them out then colour them in Dark Blue for all dems , Dark red for all Reps and various others for the 4 combinations and then you will see a pattern & it is not what you would think .
You can do the same things for states , but states continually change the way the numbers are recorded so they can fudge the figures .
And remember that the first year of a new administration can have carry over from the previous administration.

We have a little thing here called the "Pub Test" which is basically if some one who was 1/2 drunk wandered up & told it to you, would you believe it ?

Illegal immigrants are by far the most law abiding people in any country and rarely even fart in the wrong place for fear of being deported .
And that is a fact and it applies to every country on the planet .
If you have risked your life to get some where you will not jepordise you chances of staying there by committing crimes .
For someone that doesn't live in the US, you have drank way too much Democrap kool-aid.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2015
Fox, lol! 🤣 You've gotta be kidding me ...

Bert, it's useless conversing with you. You're off the rails.


Lawn Royalty
Top Poster Of Month
Feb 19, 2020
Bert you got to remember we are dealing those that has one finger up their anus and the other in their mouth and they rather fight than switch. They don't have enough sense to wash that finger before changing.

We can't get it through to any of them that it is Congress that controls most of things and Presidents are just on the law enforcement side of things. And when we got a congress like we got right now nothing get done. (Good or Bad) It is as if the government is completely shutdown. They are just infighting each other (they can't get along their own party's members) and to heck with the rest of us. What worst the Republicans can't even think for themselves they just worshiping one man and bowing to his every wish. He just as a bad any dictator. As he once said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get by with it.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I know but it is fun never the less
I can guarantee none of the protagonist have done a single thing I suggested that would show true patterns and they are scared shitless of finding out the truth.
It is very painful to find out you have been conned and what you believed is total tosh.
It is the basic difference between a religion & a science
Religious protagonist know they are absolutely right so never bother to check the veracity of anything that agrees with their point of view while going to great lengths to discredit anything that might bee seen as contry . This is why conservatives are forever banning books & films because they are frightened that the masses may realize that the king actually has no clothes on.
Scientists on the other hand test & check everything and are ready to change when proven wrong.

I did not write the reply in the hope that Ray, Smith or Dave would actually read it , or check any of the data because I knew they would not
Ray in particular regularly posts blaming Biden for all sorts of things that Biden has less than zero control over .
I posted the replies so intelligent people who have open minds who might stumble across this thread could verify what was written for themselves and draw a reasoned conclusion.
Since 1991 Russia has been bombarding the USA with propaganda designed to create the Rays, Daves & Smiths so they can divide & cripple the nation and I ave to admit Putin has done a wonderful job of it.
Over the past 4 years I have come across around 100 American refugees who have fled the USA because they have either been beaten near death because they did not worship Trump or have seen the violence erupt almost daily so have fled to a country where owning a fire arm is restricted to people who need them, are in a sports shooting or hunting organization & have more than 2 functioning brain cells .
There was an interesting radio piece that has found what they believe is a link between 6 mass school shootings & russian internet propagandarists .
Now it was a bit tenuious never the less all of them had had long interactions with non existent people on chat rooms that fanned their discontent and those non persons had been traced back to Russian troll farms in Africa .
I mean go back & look at the NRA thread and all of the agro in that one.
And where is the NRA right now, in court because they have been stealing the money of the suckers who signed up for better than 20 years
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