Used oil

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Jimmy the Lock

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2024
I just dump it in a bare spot of the yard. Been doing it for 25 years and second year it always brings in a full grass bloom. First year it's a brown spo

And that can seep down in to the water table below

Just don't let your neighbors know or see you do this... they could call the EPA and it would be large fines for you from the Fed agree.gif


Apr 12, 2014
What do you guys do with your used oil? We have ours picked up by Safety Kleen. They use to pay for it but now charge to pick it up. Was talking to the guy that picked it up and he said a lot of the major oil companies bought from them and reprossed it. Like Mobile One, Valvoline to name a few. Said it cost less to process and was better than the crude. Don't know if this is true or not does anyone here know for sure.
What I don't use around my property, (good termite deterrent with fence post), I either take to a parts store, Walmart, or any oil change place or wherever that don't charge any $$. I normally take 5 gallons at a time.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2015
My ol' man used to hose down our sheds with it. One of the best stains / termite-repellents available. (y)


Apr 12, 2014
My ol' man used to hose down our sheds with it. One of the best stains / termite-repellents available. (y)
I use it for fence post and around the buildings that are close to the ground. Like you said, good termite repellent. And it doesn't take that much either.

Jimmy the Lock

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2024
Nosy neighbors and the EPA need to mind their own dang business

I agree... but if they don't it can be a fine as high as $250,000... and if you don't have the cash to spare they'll just take some of your assets.

That would be hard to explain to the wife!


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
No need to mention them because there were none there .
How can I know that ?
Because the Republican Congressional committee has had the footage for over 3 years .
They have done facial recognition on it and have not found a single federal agent in the crowd
Well that is what both Cromer & Johnston have said and they are republicans so they must be honest men .
The only person pushing that line is trump for the purpose of exonerating himself should the RICO case for election fraud against him fail and of course those caught up in he trump cult besotted by the BS
However there are quite a few senior republicans in the crowd which is why the house will not make their copy public till they have blurred the faces to prevent "persecution by the justice department " , or is that simply doing their job ?
Now the FBI have a full copy but their copy has been & will be used as evidence so they can not make their copy public but the one the house has is public property and has to be released to the public ( won't happen till after the election )

Trump obviously really likes Tsar Putin 1st because he is copying Putins play book, right down to using hitler quotes .
And Tsar Putin 1st prime propaganda trick is to blame the other side for doing every atrocity he does.
Thus blaming the Democrats for election fraud when it was him all along that was perpetrating a fraud and that can not be denied because there are tapes, the 18 co- conspirators in the fake college electors have all been charges and 4 of them have confesses plus more have taken a plea bargain because they suddenly realised they are looking at 20 years if trump does not win so can pardon them .
Deliberately loosing the Carrol rape case so he can play the persecution card and make out like he is protecting the rights of the common manis a really low trick .
FWIW , it was his lawyer who refused to allow the dress to be entered in evidence, it was his lawyer who advised him not to offer a DNA sample till after the deadline for evidence had expired so neither the dress nor his DNA ( which would have proven him innocent without a doubt ) to be entered into evidence .
It was trump himself who scheduled the opening of the golf course in Scotland an the same day as the hearing , after the hearing day had been set to give him an "innocent" reason for not being at the trial and then he claimed he was being treated unfairly because the date was not rescheduled , again to claim the persecuted victim status.
The at the appeal again it was his lawyer who failed to present the evidence before the cut off for search & disclosure had passed despite lodging all sorts of paper work to delay the appeal , and the were all done on time just the evidence was late and then he claimed fouls that they would not allow him to present evidence .
So he lost the appeal and again claimed the persecuted innocent victim bit .
Then in the final case again his lawyer failed to do the paper work required to enter fresh evidence on time so it was Trump all the way preventing evidence being presented .
The last case was a damages case,'HE was already found GUILTY by a jury and his appeal was overturned by the judges so he demanded a jury and again the appeal was overturned so he went in as a CONVICTED CRIMINAL so he can not claim he is innocent without offering fresh evidence and he was warned that he could not protest his innocence because it had already been established in law that he was GUILTY of the rape and GUILTY of ignoring a court order to stop the tweets
Even in the trial he continued to ignore the judges warnings , muttering about being innocent, about the judge having a personal vendetta and it being a politically motivated witch hunt plus he tweeted 22 times while in court, another 47 latter that night 30 something the next day and even more on the final day and sending those tweets is why he was there not because of the rape , it was all about the tweets .
Now any other person would have been found in contempt and be doing multiple 30 day stints so he was treated far better and far more leniently than any other criminal would be .
Now I thought tat he jst had a bad legal team till Hubba gave her press interview after the verdict making out that trump was being maliciously prosecuted and denied natural justice when every prohibition of presenting evidence was his own doing .
Thus it became obvious that Trump was using this case to set himself up as some sort of hero of the common man to grift donation from PAYE suckers to cover the fine ( and they are doing it right now ) , plus to get a sympathy vote in the election plus it would justify him tossing out all of the honest judges & prosecutors should he get elected which is exactly what Tsar Putin 1st did in his second term
I don't know how to respond other than to say you come across like you are obsessed with Trump and the hatred of him.
Maybe not, maybe you just like to go down the rabbit hole and research a lot of stuff.
Half of that stuff or maybe more than half of that stuff I've never even heard of or not paid attention to it if it ever came up because frankly I DON'T CARE! At least I don't care that much and I've lived in the US my entire life.

Also, it seems a lot of those things you state as fact that he did can't actually be substantiated any more than some of the other side claims BUT AGAIN... I don't care. Mainly because I can't do anything about any of it.

The US has done a lot of stupid things over the decades and its complacency and lack of proactiveness will be its downfall.
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