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I don't think HE knows, lol. Too much LSD from the sounds of things. 

Think its nickname given to Putin...kinda a rub.Bert you are going to need to enlighten me a little here. Who is Vlad? I have heard that name before but like research the guy some so I know what is going on here.
You sure have some political fantasies... Biden controls all the agencies that prosecute Trump, but allow the same allegations to slide for others. Like Biden and his STOLEN confidential papers that he was NEVER entitled to possess. Face it, you believe the DNC $hit.Trump is broke and when the courts are done with him he will be around $ 1,000,000,000 broker
When the courts have finished with him the IRS wants some answers because testimonies in curt do not concur with tax returns
This is why defunding the IRS has suddenly become a MAGA policy .
Russia is behind trump but mostly by trolling social media to divide the USA and turn the citizens against each other and they have done a pretty good job of it from what I can see at a distance
Trump thinks that uncle Vlad will slip him a lazy billion from the 350 that uncle Vlad has stolen for the Russian people.
And Vlad probably will stump up the money if it looks like it will lead to armed conflict in the USA , and it very well could.
All the polls show that trump only just barely has 1/2 of the republicans behind him
And 1/2 of half is 1/4 and that will not be enough to get him into the white house but it will be bad enough t convince the brainwashed that all of the voting machines were altered to give Biden every vote and some one was printing postal votes at home and mailing them in , despite the tight security over postal votes then of course there will be claims of Biden votes in boxes under the tables being swapped for trump votes during the count .
And we know this because trump has said this repeatedly so the idiots will grab their rifles and march on their town halls, IRS offices, governors office , every court house & of course Washington ,
Then uncle Vlad will write poor old donald a cheque to cover all of his legals & fines plus a bonus billion for a job well done .
As for the reasons Vlad entered Ukraine. Yes primary one was to start rebuilding the USSR .
Timing is interesting.
Ukraine had just held a conference of the Caspian Sea & Caucasian republics / oblast about leaving Russia & forming a new federation and this included Siberia which is 1/4 of russian income
Next Zelenskyy nationalised the Bank of Ukraine and the coal industry, both of which uncle Vlad had gifted to a couple of his mates who were now oligarchs and paying their dues to uncle vald to the order of around $ 100,000,000 / year .
Like most politicians, even dictators lie so the myth of joining the EU was born which I have no doubt did come into the decision as a lot of russian military equipment was made in Ukraine as was the bulk of their jet engines and around 60 % of the steel used in russia
Plus Ukraine has significant rare earth minerals that uncle vlad needed for his military production that he had failed to secure when he invaded Afghanistan, which is the real reason why the USA was also in Afghanistan and are now being mined by the Chinese & funding the major capital works being done by the Taliban.
Who are total bastards but have done more for Afghanistan to aid the average Afghani than all the other governments since WW I .
Hey Bert, GO Trump, you need help sucker,,,, rI know but it is fun never the less
I can guarantee none of the protagonist have done a single thing I suggested that would show true patterns and they are scared shitless of finding out the truth.
It is very painful to find out you have been conned and what you believed is total tosh.
It is the basic difference between a religion & a science
Religious protagonist know they are absolutely right so never bother to check the veracity of anything that agrees with their point of view while going to great lengths to discredit anything that might bee seen as contry . This is why conservatives are forever banning books & films because they are frightened that the masses may realize that the king actually has no clothes on.
Scientists on the other hand test & check everything and are ready to change when proven wrong.
I did not write the reply in the hope that Ray, Smith or Dave would actually read it , or check any of the data because I knew they would not
Ray in particular regularly posts blaming Biden for all sorts of things that Biden has less than zero control over .
I posted the replies so intelligent people who have open minds who might stumble across this thread could verify what was written for themselves and draw a reasoned conclusion.
Since 1991 Russia has been bombarding the USA with propaganda designed to create the Rays, Daves & Smiths so they can divide & cripple the nation and I ave to admit Putin has done a wonderful job of it.
Over the past 4 years I have come across around 100 American refugees who have fled the USA because they have either been beaten near death because they did not worship Trump or have seen the violence erupt almost daily so have fled to a country where owning a fire arm is restricted to people who need them, are in a sports shooting or hunting organization & have more than 2 functioning brain cells .
There was an interesting radio piece that has found what they believe is a link between 6 mass school shootings & russian internet propagandarists .
Now it was a bit tenuious never the less all of them had had long interactions with non existent people on chat rooms that fanned their discontent and those non persons had been traced back to Russian troll farms in Africa .
I mean go back & look at the NRA thread and all of the agro in that one.
And where is the NRA right now, in court because they have been stealing the money of the suckers who signed up for better than 20 years
Uncle Vlad over in russia, the worlds most wealthy person estimated to be worth 350 billion .Bert you are going to need to enlighten me a little here. Who is Vlad? I have heard that name before but like research the guy some so I know what is going on here.
I could think of a few more names but not only would I be banned from this site but the internetNow orange jesus is a new nickname that I haven't heard before...But I was thinking he was the head Oompa Loompa.
Ya know if someone doesn't fix the boarder one will have to pay an armed guard to watch there home when you vaction to keep squatters from moving in. Who is paying taxes to see a city spend 53 million of their dollars to hand out to people that have never contributed one cent to the welfare of this nation and house illegals in the school gyms. How green is it to run diesel busses over night to provide heated spaces for people. Guess I live in a glass house. I hope you live in a perfect world on your side of the planet... Cheers, RayUncle Vlad over in russia, the worlds most wealthy person estimated to be worth 350 billion .
He is the one who pays people to write the stuff that Ray & the other disciples of the orange jesus swallow hook line & sinker .
HE is the one who took over the 11,000 employees of the Wagner group who spend all day every day writing garbage to post on social media then getting the millions of web bots to like & share so the disinformation ends up in everyones feed so the Ray's of this world read the headlines and think they know what is going on and who is to blame for everything .
Apparently Vlad & the orange jesus are best buddies, well that is what the orange jesus keeps on posting and lazy fools believe it .
You know he will pop over there and tell uncle Vlad he should stop all this silliness in Ukraine and within 24 hours it will all be over .
I really find it hilarious just how gullible Americans really are, it has to be something in the water
Think about it.
In November the border was such a crisis that it had to be fixed then and there or America as we know it would end by christmas .
So there was a biapartisan debate in the Senate and a deal was produced that even the Border Guard Unions ( who staunchly hate democrats ) said is great pass it please but Speaker johnston decided that the crisis, that will end America as we know it if it is not fixed right now decided that GOD has spoken to him and told him not to allow a vote till after the elections.
So it appears that Speaker johnston has problems differentiating between the real God & the orange jesus
However there is a close parallel between the orange jesus & uncle Vlad .
Everything Uncle Vlad blames others for doing is exactly what he does himself and everything the orange jesus blames the current administration of doing, which they are not is exactly what he claims he will do when he becomes the next president
Vlad controls the entire legal system in russia & the orange jesus has stated he is going to sack all of the judges appointed by democrats & install his own in their place
Vlad controls the FSB and the orange jesus is going to defund the FBI, sack all of the head & install his own people so he controls it .
Vlad shot all of the free press so he has absolute control over the media & is about to take russia off the www and the orange jesus is going to close all of the media that have been spreading "fake news " Fake News = everything that he does not like .
I could go on but I won't because any one who can think can see that the orange jesus is going to set up a totally authoritarian state, just like those he admires, Putin , Xi & Jong-Un