Used oil

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Active Member
Sep 24, 2020
Yeah, but what kinda warranty does the CCP provide for their 196cc diesel engines?
I think most have a 30 day return policy if purchased on the Jungle site for around $200, but I did notice that you can purchase a three year warranty for $25.99 as well. I don't discriminate simply because the engines are being made in China. Have you seen the Briggs and Stratton engines lately? China imports with B&S logos and paint at three times the price or more. LCT, Kohler, all the same deal on the small stuff. No thanks, I'll skip the middle man and buy directly from our Communist friends if I'm going to have to use their stuff in the end anyway. Why pay for American built quality if the engine is not made by an American company in the USA? Not me. If the US companies want my business, they can make their stuff here, otherwise they're just middle men scamming others for a profit.

Jimmy the Lock

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2024
I'll skip the middle man and buy directly from our Communist friends if I'm going to have to use their stuff in the end anyway.

Yeah, I like to save a few buxx where I can too... I just don't consider the communists to be my friends.

Jimmy the Lock

Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2024
Yeah, many of the younger persuasion seemingly are not aware that communism is bad.

And, many of the older folks are scared to tell them it's bad. They've become "yellow" in their old age clueless.gif


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Yeah, but what kinda warranty does the CCP provide for their 196cc diesel engines?
Well in Australia where every politican in not deep into the pockets of business it is 12 months from the date of purchase for every item bought retail .
It is 18 months from the date of purchase for every item bought wholesale ( so the purchaser can get a full 12 months warranty ) unless they have a warranty registration to ensure the customer gets 12 months from the date of purchase.
The sole exception is items bought at auction where no GST is payable , they as as is where is .
You lot get treated like saps


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Yeah, many of the younger persuasion seemingly are not aware that communism is bad.

And, many of the older folks are scared to tell them it's bad. They've become "yellow" in their old age View attachment 67668
There is nothing wrong with either communism or socialism when done properly
But they have the same problems as capitalism , they are run by humans and humans are greedy mean deceitful & power hungry . so eventually Maoist China, became the China we see today which is about to overtake the USA as the biggest economy on the planet , Free health car including dental means that they will all live longer than Americans .
When they get old & infirmed they get looked after by the state , not tossed out onto the pavement the second the funding runs out .
Maoist China took hundreds of millions of peasant farmers who would have been farmers all their life with little to no education raising children who would also become peasant farmers who would have children & if any lived long enough, they would become peasant farmers . Out of poverty and gave them an education and a choice over their future .
Have a good look in the mirror
The USA has a declining birth rate because people can not afford to have children, A professional couple struggle to save enough money to acquire a place to live in.
The actual life expectancy of both men & women is falling despite the infant mortality being one of the lowest in the developing world .
Low income Americans have to go to third world countries or Cuba for medical or dental attention because they can not afford hospital treatment in the USA .
The living standards of the middle class & lower class are declining . the air & water are polluted .
parents drop their kids off at schools then offer a prayer that there will not be a deranged gunman break in & shoot them during the day

So this is progress
So this is good
So everything else is evil ?


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2014
There is nothing wrong with either communism or socialism when done properly
But they have the same problems as capitalism , they are run by humans and humans are greedy mean deceitful & power hungry . so eventually Maoist China, became the China we see today which is about to overtake the USA as the biggest economy on the planet , Free health car including dental means that they will all live longer than Americans .
When they get old & infirmed they get looked after by the state , not tossed out onto the pavement the second the funding runs out .
Maoist China took hundreds of millions of peasant farmers who would have been farmers all their life with little to no education raising children who would also become peasant farmers who would have children & if any lived long enough, they would become peasant farmers . Out of poverty and gave them an education and a choice over their future .
Have a good look in the mirror
The USA has a declining birth rate because people can not afford to have children, A professional couple struggle to save enough money to acquire a place to live in.
The actual life expectancy of both men & women is falling despite the infant mortality being one of the lowest in the developing world .
Low income Americans have to go to third world countries or Cuba for medical or dental attention because they can not afford hospital treatment in the USA .
The living standards of the middle class & lower class are declining . the air & water are polluted .
parents drop their kids off at schools then offer a prayer that there will not be a deranged gunman break in & shoot them during the day

So this is progress
So this is good
So everything else is evil ?
I think the simplest way to put but an actual reason to it is that in the us, the problem is the people, well certain people and a number of the people. Lol
I'm serious. Enough bad decisions or going down and staying down the wrong path long enough can screw up anything.
Frankly, it's amazing the US has done as well as it has for as long as it has because of the apparent lack of an actual long-term plan, the power shift every 4 to 8 years among political parties that are almost polar opposites, the people who have multiple times throughout even recent decades been quite at each other's throats.
I guess in some of these cases the theory that volume hides a multitude of sin has worked out in its favor.
Then again, a lot of this is just smoke and mirrors and there's probably a lot to be said for the powers that be whether you want to call them Illuminati or whatever...who likely exist more than we know and do have long-term goals and manipulate everything towards their own benefit and end game regardless of how long it takes.

What has always kind of sad to me about US history is take any one of the several good time periods where they were doing it fairly correctly or on top of their game or let's say high ranking in the world if you were to take score.
When the rest of the world slipped with something they were okay with themselves slipping as long as they were maintaining their lead over everyone else!
This is a sad way to look at things!
You should always be trying to improve your own situation and yourself or at least maintain it!!

Pretty much every form of government, like the ones you mentioned, have their pros and cons and any could work quite well if it weren't for that natural fact that humans are flawed and screw up about everything - eventually.
I also feel it makes it far more difficult the more people you have and once you get above a certain number.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
View attachment 67680
Except for when they murder all those that are in favor of keeping the US Constitution

Communism or socialism both are godless and satanic.
That opinion Jimmy is because you have been brought up in the USA where there was brainwashing 24/7 that communism & socialism is evil
They are not it is people who are evil
Most native tribes that survived for thousands of year till we slaughtered them practiced a form of Socialism or Communism depending upon weather they had a single chief or a council of tribal elders
if you want to know how many people the capitalist USA has directly murdered , dig into the history of Eugenics in America where funny enough the conservative government forced over 1,000,000 abortions, many very late term and near double that number of serialisations of women ( all male government of course ) .
In fact Hitler actually wrote that the active US government participation in Eugenics is where he derived his "Final Solution" concept for Arian purity from.
Mass murders happen when a Communist or Socialist system become a dictatorship and the 3 are all different .
The problem is power is very addictive ( Trump is the perfect example of this , followed by his besties, Putin & Kim ) , so people are reluctant to relinquish it when it is their time to go , and from there on in the rot sets in and leaders declare themselves leader for life and try to pass that down to their children .
Note trump last night , presidential terms should be longer , senate terms to be shorter with a limit on the number of terms .
And it was not communism or socialism that caused the "god fearing flag waving constitution loving " US citizens to storm the US parliament.
It was a single man with a lust for absolute power who should be in jail but is currently trying to run for president a 3rd time & if he gets in it will be tha last presidential election the USA will have untill the next revolution.
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