The John Deere Strike

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Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
The thing you are overlooking PT is YOUR taxes never amounted to enough to pay for anything that you used each & every day to make your living
The roads you drove on and the police who patrolled them, let alone any of the other benefits you have enjoyed from the privledge of being born within the confines of the USA .
If you check the full US budget and troll the numbers personel income tax is about 1/8 of the money spent.
The rest comes from company taxes , royalties. fines borrowings
Now if the borrowings are from the reserve bank then they are BS as they are just numbers generated on a computer then shuffled back & forth to become real money in the form of pay checks . Borrowings in the form of bonds that are purchased by outsiders are real and will have to be paid back in some format some time.
Right now China has 1/2 of all of the USA government debt and if they called that debt in the the dollar would drop 60% and everything you consume that was not 100% US made would go up 2 to 3 times it's price and the country would slide into a third world inflation spiral . Keep that in the back of your head when the headlines are full of "defiant US ships / aircraft pass through China's proclaimed territory" , stories to keep the flag waving fools amused .
IF you really had to pay for everything without any governemnt assistance then your life ( and mine ) would be vastly different .
Right now they are proposing a mileage tax to replace fuel excise to cover the cost of road construction & repair .
To the people who work in an office that is walking distance from home it is very fair, to you the truck driver, even 1¢/mile would be crippeling particularly when Walmart. Amazon. Lowes Etc etc etc would tellyou that they were not going to pay & you will have to adsorb the extra cost .

As for rags to riches stories, look really close at them
In most cases there was a "mentor" behind the person and the "mentor" usually pocketed a goodly sized lump of the riches .
The whole idea that what you are overcomes who you are iis total BS that gets hyped up in the media in order to sublimate the opressed masses who get nowhere because they were born into poverty .
I took a business from 0 using nothing but my $ 400 credit limit bank card to a $ 5,000,000 /pa business but even at our height I could not get a $ 1,000 loan .
Prior to that I worked as a Lisenced Commercial Agent , commonly called a Process Server delivering Warrants Summons & Sepenas .
I saw the vast amounts of money banks & finance companies threw at the children, cousins, nieces & nephews of A list families to fund schemes that were obviously a fraud from day one.
But because of who they were related to the banks ended up taking 0,01¢ in the dollar for multi million dollar frauds and not even a whisper in the media about it .

Let me just put it this way. If OUR government were to raise taxes on everything, if They could even double the taxes, THE ONLY thing that would happen would be the prices for everything would go up. AND the government would just spend the money on more BS stuff like gender studies in Pakistan.
With the increases in taxes, they could pay for gender studies in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran. They could build walls and fences for all the middle eastern countries, instead of just the one (so far)
The morons in DC buy $150 hammers, instead of $20 ones.
They've got this stupid infrastructure bill they're trying to pass that's got more pork than the US and China combined. If they were to take a drive somewhere, in ANY direction, they couldn't go 20 miles without running into road construction. Which means, our infrastructure isn't falling apart like they claim. They're just making up a reason to spend more money on BS stuff.

About the Fed:
The government knows it can't pay the fed back. The Fed knows the government can't pay them back. So why do they keep loaning them money? Because if they didn't, the government would do the constitutional thing and start creating it's own money. And the government would find some way to shut the fed down, so that their currency is no longer worth anything. Sort of like a confederate dollar. (which would actually be worth more)

So, if you have a debt that you don't actually have to pay back, then is it a debt at all? Of course it's not. And if it's not really a debt, if the Fed can just create money out of thin air (punching digits on a computer), then how much is it worth?
Answer: Like everything else, it's worth what they say it's worth and/or what people will give you or do for it. That's it. A reputation. (backed by a military that could destroy the entire world, 10 X over.
The USD is the world standard, since almost all oil is traded in USD. So we have the world by the balls, as long as the Fed and the government doesn't do anything stupid.

If the US economy crashes, so does most of the world.


Lawn Royalty
Feb 19, 2020
When did get those hammers so cheap I heard it was $500 per hammer.:LOL:
So, if you have a debt that you don't actually have to pay back, then is it a debt at all? Of course it's not. And if it's not really a debt, if the Fed can just create money out of thin air (punching digits on a computer), then how much is it worth?
Now they wouldn't pull a Donald Trump on us would they?


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
When did get those hammers so cheap I heard it was $500 per hammer.:LOL:

Now they wouldn't pull a Donald Trump on us would they?

There ain't no telling what they actually do. TBH, the White House may make their people buy their own hammers, but still write off $500 hammers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
Off the top of my head
Every paycheck I pay
Federal income tax
State income tax
Social security tax
Medicare tax
Local income tax

6% sales tax on every purchase
80 cents tax on every gallon of gas or diesel for road maintenance (+ many roads in the area are toll roads on top of the gas tax)
$2800 per year property tax.
Right to work tax
Yearly car registration on each vehicle
Yearly car inspection each vehicle (state currently gets $9 per inspection sticker)
And I'm sure there are many more.
But according to 1 here I'm not doing my fair share and they should also get everything I spent my whole life working for and saving for when I die instead of my kids ??
Why so they can just waist more than they already do !!
What an idiot
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Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
I pay off the top of my head
Federal income tax
State income tax
Local income tax
6% sales tax on every purchase
80 cents tax on every gallon of gas or diesel for road maintenance (+ many roads in the area are toll roads on top of the gas tax)
$2800 per year property tax.
Right to work tax
Social security tax
Medicare tax
Yearly car registration on each vehicle
Yearly car inspection each vehicle (state currently gets $9 per inspection sticker)
But according to 1 here I'm not doing my fair share ??
What an idiot

You get a hunting license? That's a tax. Get a fishing license? That's a tax. Get a business license, Marriage license, drivers license... All going to a government. Tax. In Texas, there's the road and bridge tax. Plus the tax on the gas at the pump.
I wish I could find the video of the guy on the rodent wheel. IIRC, money keeps coming out of his pocket as a long list of taxes scrolls on the side.
The list was EXTREMELY long.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Every cent of every tax you have ever pad in your entire life would not cover the cost of 100 yards of an interstate .
Costs never go down so every time there is a tax cut the money has to come from some where else.
In the 80's & 90's the megga rich enforced user pays on the entire country ( similar happened down here ) because they get their company to pay all of those costs one way or another which reduces the profits & thus the taxes their company pays while maintaining the money that goes into their off shore trust accounts so relative to you , once again you are being sytomped all over .
As for property tax, I assume that goe s to the local authority which we call councils down here and does things like maintains local roads, stormwater drainage & collects your grbage.
Pay some one to come & collect all your rubbish once a week for a year and see just how far that $ 2800 goes .

As for the US $ being the default currency, it is rapidly being replaced by the Yuan , China's foreign exchange currency .
Part & parcel with small nations signing up to a Chinese trade deal is using Yuan as your default currency
The Chinese set up their own oil exchange 3 years ago which is now number 2 right behind the NY futures exchange and will in time overtake it .
One of the good things about our trade deal with China is they pay us in $ aus and we can pay them in either $ aus or Yuan but the new ones are mostly Yuan in both directions.

As for the poster child self made man , Jeff Bezos, well it is acase of the victor writing the history of the war
He did not go to Princeton on a paupers scholarship and his parents were not illiterate immigrants cutting corn in the beating sun.
The day he graduated he used power & infulence to get a very highly paid job on Wall St.
Being there he rubbed sholders with the movers & shakers so t was no problems for him to finance Amazon.
Not like PT, or me who have to borrow against our houses & go begging for funding.
He then used some very expensive lawyers who earn more in a minute that you or I will in our lifetimes to exploit holes in the not fully thought out e-commerce laws so he was not considered a retailer thus not bound by any retail laws so he could and did sell lots of counterfit & stolen books. particulalry the e-books through Amazon becausehe was not considered a retailer.
If you or I had done the same thing inside a bricks & mortar building with a door on the front, we would have been arrested, sued by the copyright holders, had our stock & profits confisticated and probably been banned from running a public company when we came out of gaol , even if we used the excuse that were were just consignment agents and all of the dubious products belonged to some one else.
And from there it has expanded to be the largest outlet for counterfit & faked products on the planet .
And even when he became the richest man on the planet he still treats his employees like slaves pays under award wages and perpetulally threatens to replace them all with robots which has them terrified as most of the floor staff live barely above the poverty line .
So that is the American way is it, what all the troops died for ?
So yes when he dies I would love to see all of his stolen wealth be redistributed to the thousands of book printers , book retialers, truck drivers and other retail employess tossed onto the scrap heap by his filthy money grubbing enterprise .
At lest when Henry Ford realized his employees were not paid enough money to buy one of the cars they made, he increased all their wages and started an employee car purchase plan so they could buy a ford at cost price .
And on a percentage of total income, Bezos pays far less than you & I or even the man sweeping the streets .
And don't forget every cent in his pockets was extracted from your pocket


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
You get a hunting license? That's a tax. Get a fishing license? That's a tax. Get a business license, Marriage license, drivers license... All going to a government. Tax. In Texas, there's the road and bridge tax. Plus the tax on the gas at the pump.
I wish I could find the video of the guy on the rodent wheel. IIRC, money keeps coming out of his pocket as a long list of taxes scrolls on the side.
The list was EXTREMELY long.
And is there still game for you to hunt?
would it still be there if it was not for the rangers who of course don't work for the love of it .
Been out to sea in a boat, needed help ? who pays for the ship to shore radio & coastguard to come and drag your wet backside back to shore?
Who pays for the massive rescue efforts when your boat flounders & sinks leaving you in the ocean holding onto a broken oar ?
And of course who pays for the patrol boats that monitor the fisheries to make sure an unliscenced fleet of boats are not catching all of the fish on their way to spawn offloading them to a pirate floating factory for processing to finally be sold back to you at your cut price supermarket ?
Who pays for the inspectors who check the catches at the markets to ensure the right fish of the right size are being sold in the right numbers and then checks the quality so you don't end up with mercury posioning or something worse ?
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of waste in government spending and even more corruption but we would all be stuffed without it
I some times ply golf
When I do I have to pay a greens fee to te golf club and in my case double as I am not a member so is this a tax , or a cost , as the golf clud rents the land from the government
Why should you be allowed to fish for free ? do you own the fish , did you breed them then release them into the river or ocean ? did you check everu outfll to ensure poison was not being released into the waterway ? did you remover flood debris ?
When is a tax tax & not a fee for a service ?
Is it OK for private enterprise to charge a fee but wrong for the government to do the same ?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2014
So let me break it down in simple terms what your trying to say.
We should pay through the nose in taxes while we are here.
Once we die the government should now get everything we owned'
That way within a couple generations the government. now owns every house, every car, every business, every piece of land.
From then forth we can work where they say. (they would now own it)
Live where they say (they now own it)
Do what they say, they now own total control over you.
OH that's brilliant !!.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Don't get me wrong, there is a lot of waste in government spending and even more corruption but we would all be stuffed without it

And that's the point. Taxation is theft? You bet it is when the ones taxing me and mine, are blowing and going on BS stuff that doesn't affect 99% of the others who are paying them.
I wouldn't even mind a single payer healthcare system, IF they cut out all the BS spending, Like NASA, all the wars and occupations we're in, feeding the MIC (Military Industrial Complex),
The government gets more than enough. They just need some Conservatives in DC. Instead of the Trump, McConnell type republicans. Bill Clinton was more fiscally conservative than Trump.
That's sad. But true.

If they'd quit wasting so much of our tax dollars, most of us wouldn't mind paying. But it's like giving money to a 35 yr old kid who refuses to work or do chores around the house.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
So let me break it down in simple terms what your trying to say.
We should pay through the nose in taxes while we are here.
Once we die the government should now get everything we owned'
That way within a couple generations the government. now owns every house, every car, every business, every piece of land.
From then forth we can work where they say. (they would now own it)
Live where they say (they now own it)
Do what they say, they now own total control over you.
OH that's brilliant !!.

Is it really that much different now? I mean if you don't pay the tax, the government has the authority to take your stuff.
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