Be careful ... thats too steep ... I have rolled a tractor before, trying to find its limits, not something I want to do again...
Stay lucky and watch out for unexpected soft spots & holes... :smile:KennyV
I'm using the word that Ventrac uses - There is actually a Ball type joint connecting the front and rear of the tractor.
Discover the center articulating and oscillating difference. The Ventrac tractor frame pivots and oscillates in the center giving it incredible flexibility, gentle touch on turf, and an advantage on slopes and rough terrain by keeping all four tires in contact with the ground all the time.
Center Oscillating Frame:
The front frame oscillates independently of the rear frame. This allows the Ventrac to adapt to the terrain and keeps all four drive tires in contact with the ground even on the roughest terrain.
Although, the actual word "oscillate" can mean just "variate". Didn't someone start a thread on what word to use for what? :laughing:
Looks like baker already wrote on the oscillate part, but here is the page he pulled it from.
Looks like baker already wrote on the oscillate part, but here is the page he pulled it from.
Ventrac - Advantages: Center Oscillating/Articulating Tractor
Oh and baker I am just going to close my eyes and not look at your slope indicator :biggrin:
Kenny is right that you need to be safe but you will slide to the bottom before tipping. In this case you have a flat bottom so you are safer, but it would be a different story if there was a dropoff at the bottom or a pond.
Okay...then why use articulate and oscillate if you intend 'oscillation' to mean 'variable'? Because it sounds cooler and gets you closer to a justification of Ventrac's price? :biggrin:
Just messin with you guys.