Great to hear! I have been fairly absent as well due to the grass growing like wild fire here in OH :confused2: Demo the tough cut because it is SWEET!!
A little about my weekend:
I was involved in a community cleanup project this week with
C.O.O.L. (Community Outreach Of Love)
Almost 3k volunteers :thumbsup: which was AWESOME!!
My uncle and I each had a
4231TD Ventrac and were planning on doing mostly stump grinding all day. We also took the tough cut and a few slip scoops. After doing a few stumps and moving to another location, I ran across a landscape company that was volunteering for the day and they were mowing an empty lot that had about 2-3ft of grass and was raised up so it had about a 30-35degree slope the whole way around the lot. They had a push mower on top and 3 guys using weed eaters and one guy on a 4WD belly mount green and yellow tractor :biggrin: They had been working on it most of the morning and the
other tractor could only get its front tires and deck onto the slope and the back tires would spin out and tear up the turf really bad. So I offered to mow it for them and the guy said "Well I can't even start up with my 4WD JD so I don't think you could do it." Well I kept my mouth shut and just said that I would get get my deck and be back and we could try it out. I came back while they were heading off to lunch and they said "Try and get whatever you can and we will weed eat the rest." I went up that hill without a problem, not spinning a single tire, and since I did not have duals I just went straight down, stopped at the bottom and backed up the hill rather than going sideways. I didn't see the guys faces when they returned, but there were a lot of people stopping on their way back to lunch and taking picture. It took me about 10 minutes to do it all (could have done the lot in 30 minutes while they had 5 total guys working about 3 hours and weren't finished yet. Talk about a time saver) then I went across the street and did the other lot that they could not do :laughing: That was one of the surprise moments that some of the people had that day:smile: