Pro Series - keeps throwing belts


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
If you can state the above, stating I am the problem, you either haven't read all the posts of bertsmobile to me, or you're the one who needs to get over yourself. It is BS that I am acting like I know more than every one else here. That's total nonsense. I am writing what I have discovered by searching the net for intellilgent replies on reputable sites, and I even quoted their URL's and the posted content. I expect to be treated with respect, and have not been. So, if you are going to continue to respond as you are, just IGNORE my posts and move on.

Why are you still here if you can get more info else where?
Or maybe you should open your own repair shop since you know more then the ones you asked for help.
Sep 4, 2016
Why are you still here if you can get more info else where?
Or maybe you should open your own repair shop since you know more then the ones you asked for help.

You won't give up, will you? I told you to stop responding, but you don't. FYI, I don't think I know more than the ones I ask for help. I have simply stated that I am finding conflicting answers from similar "EXPERTS" like on this site. If you can't decipher the difference, perhaps you need to learn how to read accurately.

Telling me to "open your own repair shop since you know more then the ones you asked for help," is a total crock, and simply a sarcastic, harrassing answer, and paints a picture of yourself that is negative.

If this is how you are going to continue to harass me, just disappear and concentrate on finding customers for your services. And you are given the designation of "Lawn King"? Such title should be reconsidered by this site after you conduct yourself in the atrocious manner you have.


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
Just one more thing.



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2016
You won't give up, will you? I told you to stop responding, but you don't. FYI, I don't think I know more than the ones I ask for help. I have simply stated that I am finding conflicting answers from similar "EXPERTS" like on this site. If you can't decipher the difference, perhaps you need to learn how to read accurately.

Telling me to "open your own repair shop since you know more then the ones you asked for help," is a total crock, and simply a sarcastic, harrassing answer, and paints a picture of yourself that is negative.

If this is how you are going to continue to harass me, just disappear and concentrate on finding customers for your services. And you are given the designation of "Lawn King"? Such title should be reconsidered by this site after you conduct yourself in the atrocious manner you have.
I think we all agree belts don't streach and you are the one that needs to disappear
Sep 4, 2016
I think we all agree belts don't streach and you are the one that needs to disappear

I don't need your nasty comments. And learn how to SPELL (streach, indeed).

YOU are the one who needs to disappear. So just back off and ignore my posts. You are another antagonist who won't give up.


Lawn Pro
May 23, 2011
I sure hope this forum isn't a English grammar and spelling test because I am very bad with it. As far as belts stretching or not I sure can think of better things to argue about. Just in my many years of making a living as a mechanic I have never seen one stretch. Just about the time I say belts don't stretch I will come across one that did. Of course you are measuring the outside length of these belts that are stretching. Then when you do measure them just how far are you finding them to have stretch?

Yes I do think its in very bad taste in knocking any given make mower. I have customers that have Sears mowers that run for many years without any problems. Yes some times a late model mower will have some troubles, but that doesn't make it a bad mower. The OP should have many years of trouble free service out of his Craftsman mower if he keeps it well maintained. I find that Sears have always taken care of any warranty work I ever had done by them. Don't know if Sears still dose it or not but they will give you back your purchase money if they can't fix it right


Lawn Pro
Aug 11, 2011
I sure hope this forum isn't a English grammar and spelling test because I am very bad with it. As far as belts stretching or not I sure can think of better things to argue about. Just in my many years of making a living as a mechanic I have never seen one stretch. Just about the time I say belts don't stretch I will come across one that did. Of course you are measuring the outside length of these belts that are stretching. Then when you do measure them just how far are you finding them to have stretch? Yes I do think its in very bad taste in knocking any given make mower. I have customers that have Sears mowers that run for many years without any problems. Yes some times a late model mower will have some troubles, but that doesn't make it a bad mower. The OP should have many years of trouble free service out of his Craftsman mower if he keeps it well maintained. I find that Sears have always taken care of any warranty work I ever had done by them. Don't know if Sears still dose it or not but they will give you back your purchase money if they can't fix it right

They still will give you your money back. It's one of the perks from buying from a box store.
Tractor supply gives you 30 days to return if you don't like it.


Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
Well it looks like the Mystery Hacker ALMOST got the last word ...!! ........ CraftsmanFlaws YOU need a COLD six-pack and you need to get Over a lousy belt !!! ALL this hostility..... WOW !! WE are NOT each others enemies ....... it sounds like the presidential debates !!! If the people on this site , didn't want to help you, do you think they would have tried to explain their experience and knowledge for YOUR benefit ?? As I see it, no one shoved a gun up your and made you keep arguing , YOU could have just left the site. And yes I am biased toward this site, I have gained some great friends, GREAT advice and ALWAYS a place to seek the wisdom of others, you offend ME when you criticize a member for spelling or grammatical errors.... did it ever occur to you , some folks may have missed out on a education equal to yours....BUT none the less they have the EXPERIENCE ...... YOU may know how to fly the airplane, BUT if I don't fix it YOU ain't (aren't) (LOL) going anywhere !! Lets ALL chill ,relax and laugh at the actual triviality of all these posts !!

OR .......we could all beat the DOG-CRAP out of each other behind the saloon !! Boobala .....:cool2: ..:thumbsup: ..... over a belt !!


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
What you & your fellow professionals completely ignore is that this is not a site for just tractor experts and geeks; it is intended for ALL tractor owners. But you think you can hijack this site and dictate and abuse those who post here that are just owners who have the intelligence to discover the problems of the tractors they have or have not purchased. You may consider a US$1800 tractor as "cheap junk". That is simply not true, and many people cannot afford to spend 3-5 times that amount on a tractor.

I do find it curious that with all your knowledge and your claim you do this for a living, how would you have time to constantly post her? You'd be busy working and making money.

Well just because $ 1800 is all YOU want to spend dose not mean that an $ 1800 mower is not a piece of low end consumer junk.
I have bought cheap things because it was all I could afford but in doing so I accept that it will have shortcomings , something that you seem to have troubles with.

Now any ride on mower under $ 2000 in the USA or $ 5000 in OZ is low end ,built down to a price junk. Some are better than others but basically built to just outlast the warranty period then get tossed away.
Sears offer very reasonable finance as do nearly every mower dealer so people who do not have the ready cash can buy a top end quality mower that will give them 20 years of faithful service can buy one if they want to.
My fathers first PUSH mower was bought in 1962 and my sister is still mowing her grass with it. I service it every year when I have lunch with her on boxing day.
It cost 35 guineas when new and he paid it off over 4 years as his wages were £ 6-10/ week that was near 6 weeks wages.

And you expect to get a quality ride on for less than 4 weeks wages. Obviously it is not going to happen at that price.
I did even go to the effort of checking some reviews of you mower and even on Sears own web site 20% of the reviews voted it less than average.
Consumer Report ranked way down near the bottom and I could not find it on Popular Mechanics.

I know exactly what this site is set up to do .
I have been here for several years and have walked dozens of people through the repair of their mower as I was doing on this thread where by post 7 Donesibert's problems had effectively been fixed .
Then you butted in offering no useful assistance to Donesibert , stated things that were technically incorrect and then vented your spleen about Sears.
I rebutted you incorrect technical information because this site is searchable and it is the duty of all who post on the web to ensure things that get posted on sites like this are FACTUALLY CORRECT.
A second person came in and told you that you were wrong and you went on a tirade quoting all sorts of THIRD PARTY sites as proof you were right and the technicians here were wrong.
Even now I would put money on you still not having made the effort to check a PRIMARY source of information ( Garden equipment belt makers ) but you continued to insist your were right by virtue of numbers to which I could have responded with a joke from primary school "eat sh-t 40,000,000 flys can't all be wrong " if I really intended to be nasty & insulting.
If you really want to know and I am sure you don't.
I keep all my work files on computer and the computer resides in the office.
The office is on the other side of the kitchen so I have to walk through the kitchen, grab a drink then sit down at the computer and rehydrate myself while I rest the legs and exercise the mind, placing orders, checking parts diagrams, checking specs or researching things I am not sure about.
While at the computer I check on the web sites I administrate, check the web pages I manage and check the forums I am a member of.
Being a paid technical writer in the past I had to learn to type FAST , so I can do around 75 wpm @ 90% so this response has taken all of about 2 minutes so far.
Part of typing fast is not bothering about typos or spelling. I had sub-editors who were paid to do that and change spelling / punctuation depending upon where the work was going to be published.
It is now 9:30am I started work at 6am serviced 4 pushmowers including blades on 3 , ultrasonic carb cleans on 2 , a replacement manifold on 1 and a new coil on another.
I stopped because I needed to print out the break down on a DRT 70 gear box which I pressure washed just before I cam in so it will be near dry by the time I get back downstairs.
There is a mower on the trailer waiting to be returned and when I do that I will call into a customer on the way back & fit a replacement drive belt then a few door further down pick up another JD for a new axle in the tranny which will take the rest of the day and when I need some thinking time There are parts to pick up at the Post Office and a deck to pull off a bit further down the road to remove whatever the OAP has run over again, gratis because he is 91 and on a pension.


Forum Newbie
Aug 6, 2016
Yes -- I start the mower at choke (full throttle) but I am now starting the PTO at a slightly reduced speed (2/3 throttle) to be more "gentle" in the belt engagement process. Thanks for your comment.