Here are mine. The lawn boy was given to me by a friend when we bought our house a couple years ago. It doesn't run the best, but its light and maneuverable. the Snapper I just picked up last weekend for $40 off of craigslist. I was looking into getting a bagging kit and hi lift blade for the lawn boy and then thought maybe I'll try and find a used bagger and decided to start looking for a snapper as I've always liked them since I was a kid. Its helped me rediscover how much I loved working on mowers. I also have a rear bagger lawn boy that my dad bought new back in 84 and left me right before he passed away a year and a half ago. Its been sitting for 8 years out at my moms house and I fully intend to restore it, but having a 2 month old in the house doesn't leave me much time, or money to tackle something that major, so hopefully in a couple years. I will get pics of it as soon as I get out to my moms house sometime.