Put a new Kawasaki 22hp in my commercial zero turn - Mower shop recommended I use a semi synthetic 10W-40 with Zinc. Kawasaki manual says I can use the 10W- 30 or 40 OR the straight W30 BUT advises that fuel consumption will go up with the multigrade oils.
I am happy to put a semi synthetic multigrade in my "Kwaka" IF there a real benefit, otherwise will use the W30.
On the oil recommendations chart it says use API: SF, SG, SH, SJ or SL. That is the same thing as saying use high Zinc oil, because when you get to SM is when zinc was reduced by 47% to extend catalytic converter life in automobiles, and when air cooled engine oil was born, which is basically the same thing automotive oil use to be before they reduced the zinc.
Zinc is short for a compound ZDDP (Zinc dialkyldithiophosphate). It makes the oil more thermally conductive which allows it to better cool the engine. It also creates a slick film over surfaces to reduce wear.
Running lower zinc automotive oil is not likely to result in any problem in the short run, but over time more heat and more wear will reduce the life of the engine.
Multi-weight oil such as 10w40 is not as thick when it is cold, which allows faster circulation on startup. It is generally recommended to run multi-weight oil in engines that have overhead components to be lubricated because the lubricant can reach those components faster on startup, which reduces startup wear. Most modern air-cooled engines are now overhead valve.
About impact on fuel consumption. I think your manual was speaking about oil consumption.
The high zinc 10w40 semi-synthetic that your local shop is recommending sounds like a winner. It sounds like it may be K-Tech 10w40. All the K-Tech motor oils from 10w30 to 15w50 are rated SL meaning they are high zinc(ZDDP).