looking for a zero turn 3.27 acres


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
Tindal, by definition no activity is 'safe' however somethings are safer than others and yes I agree that opeating a tractor is much safer than operating any zero turn mower, and double yes, I have used both.

Unlike a tractor which has a more neutral distribution of weight, the zero turn is positively weight biased towards the rear, this cannot be disputed which means that by design, the tractor is safer than the zero turn and we haven't even begun the discussion of turning actions....


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
Tindal, by definition no activity is 'safe' however somethings are safer than others and yes I agree that opeating a tractor is much safer than operating any zero turn mower, and double yes, I have used both.

Unlike a tractor which has a more neutral distribution of weight, the zero turn is positively weight biased towards the rear, this cannot be disputed which means that by design, the tractor is safer than the zero turn and we haven't even begun the discussion of turning actions....

Robert , then tell me why so many people get killed on tractors?


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
The safest way is to get someone else to cut your lawn:confused2:


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
I don't have a problem with cutting with my ZT . but thats just me . I agree if thats something you are not capable of doing then stay off the thing , but that goes back full circle to common sense !!! they dont teach that in school. :thumbsup:


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
I don't have a problem with cutting with my ZT . but thats just me . I agree if thats something you are not capable of doing then stay off the thing , but that goes back full circle to common sense !!! they dont teach that in school. :thumbsup:

Tindal ... I think you have pretty well summed up this whole non issue about tractor vs ZT...

And I can see how someone May have a phobia as to the safety of a particular Type of equipment... and your right, if you can't deal with it... "stay off the thing" ... there is no reason to press your luck.

I'm with you, I have been mostly very safe & very happy on any ZT I have been on... great machines, great designs & will be the best until some one comes out with a complete levitating mower...
Happy mowing. :smile:KennyV


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
Tindal, you have an interesting thought process: perhaps there are more injuries on tractors than zero turns because there are alot more tractors in use, AND perhaps, just perhaps SOME tractors are used on F A R M S :tongue:


Active Member
Sep 29, 2011
Just a thought here , then does it make tractors safe or not safe ? or does it make them more or less safe to be used on a farm ? are you saying farmers dont know how to use tractors, or is it that tractors have a high center of gravity and are prone to roll over? :confused2:


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2011
Tindal, would you be so good as to post the links that provide the support for your claim of zt v tractor accidents?

Once again, no activity is safe by definition.

There are many many thousands of tractors in use for each zero turn, which of course would mean that there would be more accidents for tractors than zero turns AND because many hundreds of thousands of tractors are in use on farms the accident rate would reflect this also. And yes, the fact that there are serious tractor related accidents on farms does mean that the opeators were negligent OR experienced an operating situations which presented a new challenge to them, when of course no mechanical problems can be identified, after all people do make mistakes.

Rather than posting silly nonsense perhaps you will help those who are thinking about the purchase of a zero turn by commenting on what Briggs and Scag have posted regrding the design of the zero turn AND maybe you would have a few moments to comment on which design has a more neutral weight distribution, and then tell us about the axle/drive weight limits for the common zero turn machines and how this compares to the common models lawn/garden tractors.

I am certain that many homeowners would appreciate knowing just how much weight a zero turn can tow in the event that a lawn vaccum, roller, cart or other implement could be put to use so perhaps you can enlighten them. For instance my Cub GT2000 is rated as capable to tow a 950lb roller and a cart with a load of 1500 lbs, or at least the data from Cub states this, certainly enough for me to do real work in addition to mowing my lawn perfectly..... Contrast this ability to my stupid Exmark which was rated to tow a massive 300 lbs TOTAL.

The lawn/garden tractor is the safest design for the average homeowner; it will mow the turf in virtually the same amount of time and in a more relaxed environment. The tractor will provide more bang for you dollar and will outlast any zero turn.

I would only direct everyone to the Scag and Briggs site to read for yourself what these manufacturers say about the zero turn design-Parkmower, Tindal, BlackBart and others refuse to comment on this and I hope that all find their silence as interesting as I.

Black Bart

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2011
Tindal, would you be so good as to post the links that provide the support for your claim of zt v tractor accidents?

Once again, no activity is safe by definition.

There are many many thousands of tractors in use for each zero turn, which of course would mean that there would be more accidents for tractors than zero turns AND because many hundreds of thousands of tractors are in use on farms the accident rate would reflect this also. And yes, the fact that there are serious tractor related accidents on farms does mean that the opeators were negligent OR experienced an operating situations which presented a new challenge to them, when of course no mechanical problems can be identified, after all people do make mistakes.

Rather than posting silly nonsense perhaps you will help those who are thinking about the purchase of a zero turn by commenting on what Briggs and Scag have posted regrding the design of the zero turn AND maybe you would have a few moments to comment on which design has a more neutral weight distribution, and then tell us about the axle/drive weight limits for the common zero turn machines and how this compares to the common models lawn/garden tractors.

I am certain that many homeowners would appreciate knowing just how much weight a zero turn can tow in the event that a lawn vaccum, roller, cart or other implement could be put to use so perhaps you can enlighten them. For instance my Cub GT2000 is rated as capable to tow a 950lb roller and a cart with a load of 1500 lbs, or at least the data from Cub states this, certainly enough for me to do real work in addition to mowing my lawn perfectly..... Contrast this ability to my stupid Exmark which was rated to tow a massive 300 lbs TOTAL.

The lawn/garden tractor is the safest design for the average homeowner; it will mow the turf in virtually the same amount of time and in a more relaxed environment. The tractor will provide more bang for you dollar and will outlast any zero turn.

I would only direct everyone to the Scag and Briggs site to read for yourself what these manufacturers say about the zero turn design-Parkmower, Tindal, BlackBart and others refuse to comment on this and I hope that all find their silence as interesting as I.

I have commented on it twice but you are not listening.
It is just like when you had the x mark and Kenny V took the time to post a very detailed explanation as to how you should make a turn but you only wanted to argue not take his advice.

I do realize that I will never get through to you your mind is made up and nothing anyone has to say matters you will just continue with the same ole Bull S*** but it does get old.


Lawn Pro
May 5, 2010
The lawn/garden tractor is the safest design for the average homeowner; it will mow the turf in virtually the same amount of time and in a more relaxed environment. The tractor will provide more bang for you dollar and will outlast any zero turn.

I would only direct everyone to the Scag and Briggs site to read for yourself what these manufacturers say about the zero turn design-Parkmower, Tindal, BlackBart and others refuse to comment on this and I hope that all find their silence as interesting as I.

First.. I'm sorry You had a bad experience with your ZT... but listen to you... your trying to head a one man campaign against ZTs...
You have now talked yourself into believing that: The lawn/garden tractor is the safest design for the average homeowner; it will mow the turf in virtually the same amount of time and in a more relaxed environment. The tractor will provide more bang for you dollar and will outlast any zero turn.
You injecting THIS into a post that has ... LOOKING for a ZERO TURN in it's TITLE...

Second.. The notations you are making about what TWO 'manufacturers say about the zero turn' is there in the same manner that you will find, Caution contains Hot liquid" on a coffee cup.... it is NOT intended to keep the average user from drinking coffee...
You are grasping at straws, trying to make ... WHAT point??? That many, many, many manufactures and consumers are following the commercial mowers and switching to ZT.... and you don't really understand why...
I have tried to rebuff your statements before... but you just keep strumming the same two cords...It is Not an accurate representation of what is really taking place all across this country... ZT's are being successfully used by those that will tell you they would never switch back... but all this has been pointed out already...
Third... at this time I'm going to consider this as my final addition to the hijacking of the OP Titled thread...
ZTs will be around for a long time AND there are MANY manufactures building quite a few different designed ZTs... :smile:KennyV