I'm about done with Partstree.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Years ago had a local shop order in a wrong part. Their mistake not mine. Part they ordered was expensive and they wanted me to pay the restocking and shipping fees to send it back. They said they would not order the correct part i prepaid them to order until i paid the return fees. Family run business and the dipstick nephew with the attitude was the one who ordered the wrong part and tried to blame me. Never darkened their doorway again. Less than a year later the owner called me and wanted to know if i wanted to buy the business. A few months later they closed and filed bankruptcy. I believe internet sales did them in, like a few other shops in the area.

LOL... Betcha $5 the nephew never accepted the blame for anything.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
This has turned out to be the case of the missing parts.

As I stated earlier, the day after I made the order, FedEx tracking showed it to arrive last Monday. Monday came, and I rechecked the tracking, because it didn't show up and it stated it never left Partstree. Only shipping label was created. So the clerks supervisor finally got on the phone with me and took over the case.
She called this morning and said that she had the people at the warehouse look, and found nothing. FedEx, she said has been slow updating their tracking. (Which is BS, IMO. Because their updates are automatic when something is scanned) I'm thinking it just never got pulled or shipped.
So Partstree is going to ship another set of parts and should be here by Friday.

When these parts finally come, I'm deleting anything and everything from Partstree. Except for invoices for tax purposes and the memory of what a screwed up time I've had with Partstree.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2012
Fraud is ever to common anymore and using a different send to address has become a red flag. Be thankful that they're watching out for you. (And themselves as well).
A good way to avoid verification is to preregister both ship to addresses on the site. I stopped getting requests after doing this.


Lawn Addict
Apr 16, 2018
Fraud is ever to common anymore and using a different send to address has become a red flag. Be thankful that they're watching out for you. (And themselves as well).
A good way to avoid verification is to preregister both ship to addresses on the site. I stopped getting requests after doing this.

I'm not feeling "thankful." Having to tell the customer is gonna take longer. I should've just ordered from Amazon. I hate to say that. But the customer would've already had his tiller back, plowed and probably planted by now.


Lawn Addict
Jan 10, 2020
You better get used to telling customers it will take longer than expected. You are at the mercy of parts availability. You are probably like me and don't stock a lot of items. I only stock air filters, oil filters, fuel filters, spark plugs, fuel lines, some carb kits. Blades, belts, idlers, spindles and such i order as needed. If you think it will take 2 days tell them 4. Some folks will want their equipment back as soon as possible and if you say 2 days and it is 3 they will be pissed. Figure on 2, tell them 4 and if you get done in 3 they are happy.
I just had one that came in dead. Had to order parts to get it running. As soon as i fired it up i knew i had a bad belt idler so had to order idler. 2 more days. Don't make delivery date promises. Especially now with the corona thing. I don't give a delivery date unless i am sure i can deliver.
Today i got a call from a guy who this winter paid me $850 to do a full rebuild on a kohler cv15 on a JD 225. It threw the deck belt. I drove 5 miles to check it out. He got a stick up in the belt. I put the belt on and told him it rolled the belt so it should be replaced. He said orser it. I did not charge him to go out and put the belt on. He knows eberybody in the small town and he will bring me business. Customer service is sometimes better than how fast you get something back to someone. Under promise and over deliver. We all want to get equipment back to the customer as fast as possible but parts is parts.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Tell them a week to 10 days and get it back in 5 and you are a brilliant mechanic. fast & reliable .
Tell them 4 days and get it back in 5 and you are slow & take forever .
I always quote 1 to 2 weeks if I have the parts in stock , longer if I have to order in parts and longer still they have to come from interstate .
I keep a pile of old mowers that are too grotty to sell and will always offer loan mower if I think it will be a long time getting done.
That takes the pressure off you when things get frantic .
If their mower is really old that can often lead to a sale of the "loner "
I sell quite a few mowers like that .
Customer is using your mower, get a big quote ( honest one ) and then gets told they can keep the loaner for less than the repair .
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Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Should have used your CCW permit. Gov't issued picture ID. Had a woman freak out when i used it for ID once. OMG!
My state won't accept it as a valid ID at the drivers license facility

Most of the time I get parts from Partstree with 2-3 days of the order. I have had a couple times that took them a couple weeks. Just for comparison I have a trimmer head on backorder from July 29 through my normal distribution warehouse for that brand of equipment.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Having a CCW permit turns your 2nd Amendment right into an accepted government privilege. I have never accepted that privilege. I stand by my right. Getting a government permit to carry is like asking them for permission. Permission to do something you're supposed to have a right to in the first place. "Shall not be infringed" has no caveats.
I also have to a have a FOID or Firearm owners ID card which is required to own, possess, or to purchase ammo . Plus have the FCCL(Firearm Conceal Carry License) to carry on my person. Both issued by the State police with pictures on both, and neither one qualifies as a valid ID.