I'm about done with Partstree.


Lawn Addict
Apr 9, 2018
Couple off topic comments from the peanut gallery, me. Looked into a CCW, every time a cop runs your plate, there it is. Seems like public information. I'd rather carry and not advertise it, I do believe in the 2nd. But then I can't remember when I've actually carried a hidden gun. But if I felt the need I have a couple and would. And for that real ID, we got ours last fall, good thing too. In the whole state of Ohio there are 5 (yes, five) BMV offices open, totally. And those places are a nightmare in normal times.


Lawn Addict
Aug 25, 2015
Couple off topic comments from the peanut gallery, me. Looked into a CCW, every time a cop runs your plate, there it is. Seems like public information. I'd rather carry and not advertise it, I do believe in the 2nd. But then I can't remember when I've actually carried a hidden gun. But if I felt the need I have a couple and would. And for that real ID, we got ours last fall, good thing too. In the whole state of Ohio there are 5 (yes, five) BMV offices open, totally. And those places are a nightmare in normal times.

I remember the first (and only) time I carried a hidden gun. This was a long time ago, as my telling will make it obvious.

I had to meet some men, whom I knew absolutely nothing about, to collect a reward for stolen airplane. Since I thought it would be better to have a gun and not need it rather than the other way around, so I stuck a .45 Colt revolver down the back of my pants and went to the airport to meet them. Walked right through (no metal detectors or anything back then), out on the flight line and got in the plane with five (!) men. Flew with them to a nearby airport where the plane was, collected my money and they flew me back to where we met. Walked through the airport again, armed.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
It will depend upon who has access to the file.
Down here almost any one can can access drivers license information, for a fee.
In most cases the vendor submits your d/l number & name and it will confirm that it is correct and valid .
For a bit more money it will check the address that is shown is also valid.
It will not allow you to get an address from a license number or a number or address from a name, just validates the information you put in.
The post office sells a similar service mainly to freight companies .
All of these cost money so a business would not normally subscribe to more than one of them .
Down here the various departments also log every query on the system to prevent the users abusing them .

I would imagine it was somewhat the same up there .
Almost every one has a D/L but only 99% ( sorry could not resist that ) would have a firearms license so your cheapest & best bang for your buck would be to subscribe the D/L checking system


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
We poineered the plate running softwear and what you have up there is probably used under license from us.
The plate softwear we have runs 16 databases so the cop who pulls you over knows who you are, where you live if you or any one else in your family or residing at the same address has a firearm, convitone for drugs, violent crime, done time, has a warrant , suspended or cancelled license or fine outstanding & is behind on child matainance .
Down here this is done automatically in real time in both directions an can cope with a 6 lane expressway traveling at 80 mph.
The next upgrade will identify the vehicle to see if the vehicle matches the plate as since they abolished tax/ rego stickers a lot of people plate swap .
What has the cops annoyed is once the system makes a hit, the car lights up and they have to pull you over or get some one from control to cancel it.


Lawn Royalty
May 6, 2010
Couple off topic comments from the peanut gallery, me. Looked into a CCW, every time a cop runs your plate, there it is. Seems like public information. I'd rather carry and not advertise it, I do believe in the 2nd. But then I can't remember when I've actually carried a hidden gun. But if I felt the need I have a couple and would. And for that real ID, we got ours last fall, good thing too. In the whole state of Ohio there are 5 (yes, five) BMV offices open, totally. And those places are a nightmare in normal times.
In a few areas is it public information and has resulted in the names and addresses of carriers listed in the newspaper. Of course that resulted in the names, addresses, phone numbers of the people that printed it getting plasters all over the internet. Most states restrict that information to the public. limited to law enforcement and maybe a few other agencies. Also in a lot of police jurisdictions will not stop you or issue a ticket unless you are being totally stupid for legal CCW licensees. And more and more states are going constitutional carry which means there is no database since there is no license.


Lawn Pro
Sep 5, 2014
When I was a kid I really never appreciated the privilege of having a DL. So in my small home town I abused it till I had it taken away.
Got labeled a "Habitual Offender" with a 10 year suspension. Did I stop driving, not at all. In fact I was driving Tri=axle dump trucks, & tractor trailers.
And in those 10 years I never got another ticket.

In time, I finally realized I have to grow up. I paid my dues & etc. So to this day I very much appreciate having a "Safe Driver" Real ID license.
And a CCW.....

Things some kids do. Live & learn is how it's supposed to go.