Boy if my drawers were only that empty I could organize better.
And yes you do need a business license, sales tax license (which comes with resale tax exemption certificate here (TN)), and insurance. Buying from some vendors is a fight though to get them to accept the tax exemption. And that Department of Revenue does what to pay the collected sale taxes on time too.
Unless you know accounting then a bookkeeper is a must. Here my accounting and auto manager takes care most the accounting so I free to spend time just entering things. That alone takes over half of my time on new jobs if there is addition of new SKUs information. I operate on cash accounting system with FIFO inventory setup. It is nice that I don't need to dig file cabinets full of papers. I only need to update prices and add new SKUs that is not in the price files.
Just recently; however, a new update to my software is forcing me to redo this year inventory down to the last screw especially when you got 15,000 individual items. Went having 46K to 750K overnight but did find out for three months. What a pain while the shop is at full throttle. Just taking it one bin at a time. I still having to accept that somehow I got 58K in parts (or at least that is what I got it down to) in that 24 x 24 garage; no wonder I got to work outside.
At least here in the US as far as I know they still got employee expense deductions on our taxes. Form 2106. Just can't use it anymore as I am the owner.
And depending where you are the local tax people will be trying tax everything you got every year. That why I run with starting and ending zero inventory every year. In Madison county, Alabama they were even trying to tax my personal hand tools at one time. I carried in the small briefcase of tools and told them to go through them. They didn't stating they didn't have time to do it on such a small amount of tools.
Sounds like some of you folks live in the twilight zone. I've been in this little town for many many years, and haven't seen any of these sue happy people.
In fact, the guy who owns the shop I'm in, yesterday that he's not been sued for stuff like or anything else.
OH I had one cat that threaten to sue because I didn't install a Craftsman belt on his mower and he was the one the provided the belt. Anyways if had installed a new belt it would have been a Husqvarna belt and not one from Sears.
He kept calling and cussing me and my brother out. Finally one day he called and cussed my mother out. That did it. I sent the county sheriff out to his home. He didn't think I had his home address. Anyway that resolved the problem.
But yes they are out there so you got to watch you P's and Q's with every customer.