24 units and counting. Boy the equipment is coming out of the wood works now. Several awaiting parts now. So far only the Ariens is at a stopping point due destroyed engine. Never ran it without oil. BS as there lots damage including hole in the side of the block.

And these just the pending jobs and not counting the ones already completed, invoiced, and delivered.
Most of the engine work is Kawasaki engines this year so far. Just got my first two Briggs for this year. The Stihl FS94 I just got informed Friday that the gasket it kit is no longer available so it looks like I got to find out which oil seals are used and use Motoseal for gaskets. Jobs 1605 and 1606 parts arrived Friday. Job 1612 will completed today after I get a grade 5 5/8-11 x 2.25 bolt. I got lucky as I manage to get the broken one out of the spindle. Job 1616 is completed to usable stage so the customer picked it up while I order non priority parts, will bill out and start a new job for it. He had to one of his two ZTRs working as he is a commercial customer and his other went down too. I only got 7 units that I haven't gotten to yet to see what parts are needed.
If I had the parts when I needed I would only be a couple weeks behind. Oh it is nice to be needed but boy it can get a little much. I never had a Spring startup like this one. Every time I turn around its raining.
It would help it the customers would give an idea of what all is wrong at times. Some just expect us to be mind readers and everything so far this year has been major projects with unreported problems.
Well it is Sunday and I taking the day off to try to find my sanity. Lots of running around today for personal business.